Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 205 Foreign Zombies

A stern voice sounded over the crystal base. Song Jinxing and Ji Dongying looked at each other. Could something have happened?

Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu were outside the crystal restaurant at the moment, and they couldn't help frowning after hearing the sound from the crystal base.

The base never automatically says such content. Could it be that something happened?

Song Fengfu looked towards the entrance, but couldn't see clearly because the distance was too far.

There is only one possibility for this to happen, and that is that there are zombies. Lu Jingxuan locked his eyes and immediately ran towards the apartment.

Song Fengfu followed behind him, running towards the apartment as quickly as an arrow from a bow.

Outside the crystal base, on the white snow, zombies stood in front of the base like bamboo shoots after rain.

Seeing the scene in front of them from the city wall, everyone was shocked.

Song Fengfu looked at the scene in front of her and couldn't help but worry. No matter how strong the crystal base is, if the level is not as high as these zombies, then there is no doubt that these zombies are really likely to break into the city.

At this time, everyone noticed that while the zombie outside looked very scary, the face was very different from that of the Chinese.

A foreigner? My God, why are there foreign zombies here? Someone on the city wall yelled in horror.

Song Fengfu stared at the zombies outside. The second-level crystal base has an enchantment, but I don't know if this enchantment can withstand the attack of the zombies?

What happened? Why are so many of you gathered here? He Long rushed out of the villa when he heard the sound.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived in front of the villa, he looked down the city and found that there were zombies all over the city wall.

An expression of astonishment appeared on He Long's face in an instant.

Zombies? Where did these zombies come from? Who can tell where these zombies came from? The expression on He Long's face was very solemn.

Who knows this, and no one is here to watch every day.

One person looked at He Long and said.

He Long's face sank slightly. He also thought that there should be nothing wrong in the crystal base. Why are so many zombies surrounded outside the crystal base?

This is how the same thing?

Do they want to attack the crystal base?

But there is no defense in the base at all. If they attack them, more than 30,000 people...

He Long's heart sank, Go, go and call all the supernatural beings, and don't let these zombies enter the city.

When He Long said this, Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan came to a corner under the city wall, and saw the zombies outside completely through the transparent wall in front of them.

It stands to reason that the crystal base should isolate the atmosphere inside and outside, and zombies should not feel the presence of people. Song Fengfu said while stroking the wall.

Lu Jingxuan frowned, Could it be that the zombies can see the scene inside?

It shouldn't be possible. Zombies have no intelligence. Once their hippocampus is invaded by a virus, all their memories will be destroyed. It doesn't make sense... Forget it, let's not study why they came here, let's study it first What do they want to do?

Song Fengfu stared at a group of zombies outside, feeling as if they were waiting for something.

I think you should ask your cousin to send someone to stand guard, and then give a certain amount of food in the base as a meal. Lu Jingxuan knew that they had no guards to monitor the situation outside the base at any time.

Even the service personnel, as personnel in the base, are like robots themselves, controlled by the base, and cannot leave the base at all.

In other words, if they leave the base, they will be an uncontrolled dead person.

Song Fengfu nodded after listening to Lu Jingxuan's words, You can have this.

There are relatively more food in the space and in the supermarket, so it’s not a problem if you spend some of it as military pay, the key is...

Song Fengfu couldn't help sighing when he thought that few of He Long's subordinates were capable people.

What are you sighing for? Lu Jingxuan sighed after hearing her words and couldn't help frowning.

Your cousin's subordinates are too few capable people, let's forget about other people except your cousin who can see. Song Fengfu squinted outside, only to see a zombie lying on the wall, wide open. His eyes seemed to be looking into the wall for something.

Hey, let's not talk about my cousin, let's think about what they are going to do first. Lu Jingxuan pointed outside.

Why don't we get a live chicken to let them grab the gun? Song Fengfu actually got a live chicken out of the space when she said this.

Lu Jingxuan looked at her and smiled wryly, You got a live chicken and wanted them to grab it, but where can you throw this live chicken?

The sound of the cock clucking echoed in the wall, but fortunately, the sound could not be transmitted.

I have a solution. Song Fengfu took back the chicken, and pulled Lu Jingxuan back to the city wall.

At this time, He Long had already consciously called for soldiers, and pointed his gun at the zombies below.

Unexpectedly, Song Fengfu also saw Lin Ran, Xiaohao and others.

Marshal, the zombies outside are not moving now, are we just waiting here? Lin Ran looked at He Long in front of him. After he got the position of acting base chief, he had to think twice and decide to join the Marshal. Just to make his men have food to eat.

He Long nodded slightly, seeing that the zombies outside didn't seem to be affected by the wind and snow, and he didn't know if it was because the zombies were all foreigners, and the place where they grew up was also a particularly cold place.

Let's wait here now, let's not act rashly until the city lord has no instructions.

He Long got the soldiers ready but didn't let them shoot because he was waiting for the city lord's decision.

The city lord, the crystal city lord, the city lord who has never shown up, made He Long wonder what kind of person this city lord was.

Crystal City Lord? Marshal, what kind of person is this City Lord? Lin Ran has heard of him but has never met the Crystal City Lord, but his nephew Lu Jingxuan has.

It's just that this city owner is a man or a woman?

Lin Ran thought of the woman he saw before, and wondered where she was now?

I haven't seen it either, Jing Xuan, you have seen the city lord, tell me, is the city lord male or female? He Long turned his head and looked at Lu Jingxuan who was not far away.

Lu Jingxuan who was named turned his head, his handsome face was slightly surprised, Marshal, the city owner I saw was an old man.

Old man? Lin Ran showed a meaningful smile.

En. Lu Jingxuan was unwilling to say too much, and simply nodded.

Major Lu, are you sure the city owner you saw is an old man? Lin Ran's sharp eyes seemed to see through him.

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