Era of Disaster

Chapter 232: The most essential principle

Although the institute was discovered, this place is obviously not suitable for Bai Yi and their stay. m. Bai Yike intends to find a more perfect research institute to sort out and study the knowledge of energy conversion in detail, otherwise the map obtained by this transaction is just a pile of waste paper.

Bai Yi has not forgotten what he said at night, his personal strength will override the rights granted by social groups. This is indeed the case now. Although personal strength has not yet reached the point of ignoring all social rules, it has begun to have a strong deterrent force.

Even the task of looking for King R, Bai Yi is ready to put it for a while. Because maybe King R was already dead, maybe even if he found this guy, he wouldn't be able to study the medicine to restore the human form... Looking for King R is just one of Bai Yi's expectations.

After leaving here, Bai Yi decided to choose a place.


Above Hastings, on the edge of the Naruro River, in the middle of two lakes, there is a medium-sized institute, where Bai Yi and their destination. Bai Yi was prepared to stay in this place for a period of time. As for how long, it was really unclear.

Although they rushed directly, Bai Yi and they still failed to get there within a day.

Beside the campfire, there is a flat ground with a radius of several tens of meters. Any small bugs approaching can be easily and clearly noticed. After everyone fell asleep, suddenly Sharpei's ears moved, and others opened their eyes. This is a habit of surviving on Devil's Island. The slight movement outside must be clearly noticed. However, no one moved, and wanted to see who it was, and actually regarded them as prey. At this time, Shapi suddenly slapped his paw fiercely towards the ground.

With a bang, the ground shook directly, then collapsed towards the bottom. It can be seen that there is a fat rat in the pothole that escapes fast. Shapi didn't expect that the mouse had ran away, and could not help ejecting immediately, trying to wipe out the other party completely.

Bai Yi did not stop him, and let Shapi rush out.

A harsh squeak and a shriek growled quickly in the distance, but it only lasted for more than ten seconds, and there was no movement. Bai Yi wondered slightly, the battle ended so quickly?

But soon, Bai Yi saw Sha Lei walked back with a group of mice. Bai Yi and others looked at the huge mouse in animal skin and felt very familiar.

"Squeaky?" Bai Yi remembered a group of mice he met a long time ago.

"Squeak, Bai Yi." Wu squatted, very excited, shouting Bai Yi's name in a weird tone. In the team, the teammates who saw Wu Zhi for the first time were very surprised. This is a mouse. Does Bai Yi know the mouse? There are a lot of mice they meet, but basically they don't communicate much. After all, the habits brought in the ordinary world are not good animals.

After communicating with Wuzhi, Bai Yi and they realized that Wuzhi was finally mixed with LV2, but the people at the time were basically dead and clean. Some time ago, Wu Zhi and they met a demon-like snake-like creature again, and the whole group of mice died even seven or eight, and they are now escaping their lives.

"Run away and dare to hit our minds on us." Bai Yi patted his squeaky head.

"Squeak!" Wu Che quickly apologized, and finally Bai Yi forgave this guy. It can be seen that Wu Zhi and these seven or eight men were chased miserably. Anyway, it used to be familiar, so Bai Yi let Wu Zhi stay for a night. However, Bai Yi does not plan to bring Wu Chi with them. After all, their races are different, and judging from their behavior of attacking their own teams, it is estimated that there is no such thing as cannibalism.

"I will eat less people in the future." On the next morning, at the time of separation, Bai Yi said.

"Squeak~ Humans attack first..." Wu Chi said that humans attack their ethnic groups first. Because mice are omnivorous creatures, they are multiplying fast, and now they have basically become the most creatures on Devil Island. And now the mice are relatively large, like little fat pigs, so they become the targets of many carnivores.

"That's it, take care!" Bai Yi didn't impose any restrictions on Wu Zhi, he waved his hand and took his team away.

Wu Chi took a few remaining men and stood on the hillside, watching Bai Yi leave. Wu Zhi's intelligence level is not low, knowing that he cannot follow Bai Yi's. Humans' hatred of mice is basically emanating from the bones. It is already very good to have a group of people who treat them so equally.


After such an episode happened on the road, Bai Yi finally came to Institute No. 17 above Hastings, on the edge of the Naruro River. After this institute stopped, Bai Yi and they immediately began to study the atlas. But the first thing is to learn basic energy conversion knowledge. But this time, no one can escape, all have to learn.

Because if you don’t learn, you can’t understand, you can’t do it, you can’t do the active transformation of heterogeneous energy in your body.

No one can help this. Unless the really simple, step-by-step method is really summarized in the future, the threshold for learning this thing is very high. This is a pain for Woolf and his group. Frankly speaking, it seems that no one is a real scholar or researcher. Now suddenly let them learn such complicated knowledge, it is almost dead. In order to become stronger and stronger, you can't learn without it.

Among all people, only Bai Yi and Vera learned the fastest. Bai Yi because of the foundation he had laid in the New City of Christ. During that period of concentration, he learned a lot of biological knowledge. Now that he is bypassing the category, he has to take a quick step. And Vera's knowledge is very rich in itself, so it is quickly mastered. As for other people, the level of knowledge does not seem to be very high. If you want to understand those things, you must first learn the basics.

"No, I don't understand it at all." Woolf came to the remodeled restaurant and sat on the big chair that belonged to him, feeling that his head had grown bigger.

"You're not alone in finding it difficult to learn." Ulysses looked up, twisted his neck, and said.

"I have to learn cooking and pharmacology with Sister Becky and Sister Nancy, more than you have learned." Bemira brought a plate of food to the two and placed them in front of them, full of complaints Said.

"I said, this is the basic skill that Bai Yi said." Ulysses took a bite of food and suddenly felt more energetic.

"Well, Bai Yi said, the level of the small fireball." Woolf felt crying without tears.

Little fireball level!

Woolf and Ulysses glanced at each other, and were hit. There is never such a requirement in a novel movie. Learning a small fireball level requires learning such complicated knowledge.

"Uncle Bai said that this is because we are in the most primitive exploration stage, so we need to understand the energy conversion method from the most essential direction, and then come under the control of the Lord in this way in the body. The conversion of heterogeneous energy, but It’s more complicated than nuclear fusion. If we can’t understand it, it is impossible to make independent adjustments and changes in this process.” Alotiya walked in and heard the complaints of the two.

"There will be a simple way in the future." Bai Yi also walked in, approaching lunch time, and everyone basically came to the restaurant.

"Easy way?" Several fools in the team suddenly opened their eyes.

"Yes, the simple way is to summarize these theories into systematic laws, and then form a simple thing in a coordinated manner." Bai Yi explained.

"Unable to understand, what about an example?"

"Let’s take a wind bomb as an example. It’s at the same level as a small fireball. What we are learning is the most essential principle. How does the energy of the wind bomb come from, in what order does it transform the energy, and what structure does the air arrange The resulting wind bomb is relatively powerful." Bai Yi said, a white rotating wind bomb appeared at the tip of his finger, and the transparent air continuously rolled, making a whistling sound.

"As long as we have mastered the most essential principles, then we can modify it, not just small wind bombs, high wind bombs, and even tornadoes." The wind bombs on Bai Yi's hands gradually changed.

"Simply put it." Woolf raised his hand.

Bai Yiwen said that the wind flick in his hand suddenly dispersed, and then looked at Woolf with a funny expression.

"Do you know the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division?" Bai Yi asked.

"I know." Woolf was not so stupid.

"What we are learning is similar to the method of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It is the most essential principle. As long as you know the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, then no matter how many digits, as long as these four calculation methods are used The calculation can be calculated. The simple rule of the so-called overall summary is as if I told you 12×5-3÷2=9.5. You don’t need to know why there are so many, just remember this question And the answer is fine. After that, you only need to write this question, even if you are mentally handicapped, even if you don’t even know 1234, no one will say that what you wrote is wrong."

"This is the so-called step-by-step work. You don't need to understand it. You just need to imitate and copy it according to that process." Bai Yi said with a smile.

"However, I hope you all start learning from the most essential principles, because only summing up by yourself is the most suitable for you. The most important thing is..." Bai Yi paused.

"There is no step-by-step method for you to learn now." Bai Yi spread his hands.

"The result still has to be learned." Woolf and Ulises collapsed on the table all at once. Well, there is one more now, and Mo Mo is lying on the other side of the table, similar to Woolf. For a few guys who don't like to study, this is tossing them to death.

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