Era of Disaster

Chapter 200: 5 years

The appearance of Augustine seems to be the last thing changed. Even, Augustine didn't contact other people, but just met with Bai Yi, and after a little talk, he disappeared. m After Augustine disappeared, Alottia ran out from the other direction and looked at Bai Yi angrily.

"Uncle Bai, you are really, don't you know that there are hookworms in the lake, actually doing such a risky thing."

Alodia reproachfully said that since the last time Bai Yi refused, Alodia did not say anything, just took care of Bai Yi's daily life more carefully. Bai Yi quickly apologized, and the easy-going appearance made Alodia blame even if she wanted to blame, but she didn't know what had happened.


Without secret ambitions and parasites, everything seems to be on track. All the resources are for the deployment of tranquil herbal medicines, and finally come out with results.

t has achieved good results on several groups of people. At the beginning, the failure rate was still a bit high, but after improvement, the final success rate basically reached%. Although there may still be failures, no one can complain about anything. The research and refining of any kind of medicament is not a simple matter. Everyone understands that such a result is already very good.

In the end, the quantity of Tranquil Grass was a little inadequate. Bai Yihe and several people went down to collect some more. Although there are already toxic ingredients to restrain H. elegans, everyone is still a little afraid of launching water.

Although the research was successful, Betsy and others seemed disappointed. For them, transformation is not a problem, but whether they can find a reasonable way to make up for a perfect transformation. But now, the effect of this agent is very clear, and there is no compensation effect. Although they were disappointed, Becky did not really show it. In fact, they are still quite relieved. Anyway, this is a good thing for everyone.

For those companions who lost their self-sense completely after failure, Bai Yi did not kill them, but drove them out. Hope, they still have a day to recover.

The most important thing now is that more than 1,400 people have entered LV2, and they can fully control their emotions and intellect, and they will not be out of control. They can try to return to the human world.

After everyone entered the perverted period, Bai Yi immediately summoned more than a dozen leaders in the evolution of humanity and began to carefully discuss this issue. There is no objection to the general direction of returning to the human world, but how to act really is not a simple matter.

"Do you have any comments, you can say it directly." Bai Yi sat at the top and spoke first.

"Australia is not very far from New Zealand, only kilometers away. If it was before, it is easy to reach by boat or plane. But now, it is very difficult. First, the plane is basically excluded, I think we are here Some people may know some passenger aircraft manufacturing knowledge, but it is estimated that they are not professional engineers. And, we do not have the conditions here. Secondly, it is shipping..." After Bai Yi asked questions, Bright hesitated, and then Stand up and start talking.

These questions are actually some common sense, but some people raised it, and others listened carefully.

"It's also very difficult to ship by sea. The spread of living cells started in New Zealand. The surrounding sea area must have gathered a lot of terrifying marine evolutionary creatures. Generally speaking, there is no chance of encountering such marine creatures on the vast ocean. It’s a big deal, but it’s probably bad luck once I meet it. However, I have never seen marine evolutionary creatures, so I don’t have many intuitive impressions.” Bright said, shaking his head.

"Aquatic evolutionary creatures, haven't you seen them? There are so many in Lake Hawea. Didn't you see them when collecting quiet grass?" Truman said with a smile.

"If you only have this degree, don't worry about it, ha ha ha ha."

"Speaking of it, we are basically moving on 6 lands. The evolutionary creatures in the ocean really haven't seen it a few times. When I was in New Christchurch, I only saw one 6 shark, about 20 Mi Chang." After the topic opened, a group of people began to discuss eagerly. After the transformation, everyone seemed to be very relaxed.

"It's too small!" Bai Yi did not pretend to be majestic and demanded that everyone must be correct. He also braced his head with his left hand and said slowly.

"What is too small?" Liu Lixia asked.

"I said, the original 6 shark was too small. In addition, I advise you not to compare the aquatic evolutionary organisms in Lake Hawea with those in the ocean. Perhaps the evolutionary level of active cells is about the same, but Marine evolutionary organisms have inherent advantages. The huge shock can only be seen with your own eyes." Bai Yi said with a smile.

"Speaking of it, I heard that Bai Yi seemed to have met marine evolutionary creatures before. What kind of thing?" Another person asked Bai Yi and asked in curiosity.

"Well, that's not a pleasant experience." Bai Yi smiled bitterly.

"Let's talk about it, anyway, we may have an intuitive impression." Others were also curious.

"Okay, I said." Bai Yi raised his hand and surrendered, with no collar at all.

"Actually, at the beginning, we were always active in the North Peninsula of New Zealand. In order to come to the South Peninsula, we were prepared to spend the Cook Strait. Unfortunately, as a result, we only met dozens of nautical miles. The golden yellow sea python." At the request of everyone, Bai Yi began to talk about his original experience, which is an intuitive impression for this group of people who have never seen marine evolutionary creatures.

"Anaconda, how old is it?"

"Well, I don't know how long it is. It is estimated that it is about 100 meters long. The cross-sectional diameter of the body is almost ten meters." Bai Yi's right hand made a circle in the hall. Everyone froze for a moment, and suddenly, Truman laughed loudly.

"Hahahaha, Bai Yi, are you kidding me? If the whale is so big, I would believe it, but the sea python is so big..." Truman was still laughing at first, but soon he couldn't laugh. Because Bai Yi didn't laugh.

"What I said is true!" Bai Yi said softly.

Truman couldn't laugh anymore, he couldn't help but sink into his face, and sat down, ready to listen to Bai Yi's careful talk. Other people are similar. It seems that marine evolutionary creatures are much more terrifying than they think.

"We were riding a heavy freighter, 25,000 tons, more than 180 meters long. That sea python directly used the freighter as a prey, and wrapped it around for a few times. To be honest, we thought we were dead. . Finally survived, luck occupied a large part." Bai Yi slowly said the original process.

When he heard that Bai Yi was fighting in the mouth of the sea emperor, everyone swallowed it. If he had a little luck, would he be bitten into a meat sauce?

"As we said earlier, we may not be worse in the evolution of active cells, but in terms of size, marine evolutionary organisms have an absolute advantage, especially at sea. Many of you have just entered LV2. It is estimated that it is not very well understood. When it comes to LV2, substances can be controlled through the absolute life field. Pyros, you can control the moisture, right." Bai Yi looked at a woman.

"Eh, um!" The woman who was shouted by Bai Yi was surprised and nodded.

"Can you demonstrate it."

"Okay." Bi Luosi nodded, and then pointed his hand at the tea cup in front of her, more than ten centimeters apart, the tea in the tea cup rolled up, forming a water ball.

"Everyone has seen it and controlled the material. Do you think that the marine life entering the LV2 has the ability to control the flowing water? It doesn't need a lot. As long as we meet, it is estimated to be very bad." Bai Yi said. The people here are all smart people, so what Bai Yi said is awful is not necessary.

"In summary, we need to find suitable transportation vehicles, heavy freighters, and there can never be only one, which is too dangerous. New Zealand also has a navy, where is the fleet, do any of you know. In addition, we can’t take this risk Daring to enter At least we must first know the attitude of the human world to us, so it is necessary to go to the news booth first..." Bai Yi said slowly. Bai Yike cares a bit about Augustine's saying that the human world does not have much goodwill for evolutionary humans.

"Warship, I know some news." Someone raised his right hand and said that he knew some news.

After Bai Yi's explanation, everyone's heart was also raised, no longer the leisurely look before. Everyone began to seriously discuss how to return to the human world.


"Five years!" Bai Yi stood on the beach, looking at the wide sea, in that direction, Australia.

Behind Bai Yi is Mo Mo and Sha Phi, while further away, more than 1,400 evolved humans who all entered LV2 all looked at the direction of Australia. Many of these evolutionary humans are strange and weird, they are simply challenging the limits of human imagination, but who knows, these monsters were really pure humans before.

Everyone looked at the ocean in the distance, the big 6 that could not be seen, they finally returned to the world of ordinary human beings, how would ordinary humans treat them.

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