Chapter 77

He Yingzhu is very nervous here, but she can’t move. She is a drunk person, how can she wake up casually.

Listening to the few words Su Ling said on the phone, you basically know who is calling, and it must be the roommate she has the best relationship with.

He Yingzhu’s acting drunk today was originally a temporary motive. How could she think about it too much? She even sent a WeChat message to say that she was not going back tonight, and it was probably fine.

Later, if a girlfriend or something really comes, He Yingzhu doesn’t know what to do, wouldn’t it be embarrassing to die.

Especially her drinking capacity, it seems that her roommates all know it.

Just now, when Su Ling said that he was drunk after drinking two cocktails, He Yingzhu almost even wanted to find a hole in it, and he was always embarrassed.

On the other side of the phone, when Su Ling was so calm, there was silence on the other side, and then he said: “Okay, wait for me, I’ll come right away!”

After Su Ling hung up the phone, she put the phone on the head of He Yingzhu’s bed, so that she had to look for the phone when she woke up.

Nowadays, the first thing people usually do after waking up is to look at their mobile phones.

“Sir, someone from here is here.”

Rise came over and brought a young woman, who seemed to be around twenty-five years old at most, with a nice face. This dress must be of the kind of staff.

“Okay, let her hurry!”

Su Ling nodded, and didn’t stop changing her clothes because He Yingzhu’s friend was coming.

Seeing He Yingzhu’s state, it is estimated that she will not be able to go back tonight. If her friend comes over and is not at ease, let her stay here for one night, anyway, the room is big enough.

Su Ling went out with Rise, and he didn’t stay right when changing clothes.

I guess it will take a while. It’s not interesting to wait here. Su Ling said, “Let’s go, take me back to my room.”

Let’s go back to the room and wait, just to have a cup of tea to rest.

Su Ling estimates that it will take a while for someone to come over. No matter how anxious you are, you can’t send it to the scene.

When she comes, she won’t be able to come in, so she has to register at the front desk.

Su Ling had already said her name to her just now, and when she came over, she gave her name and the front desk called her room.

“Okay, sir, please…”

Rise led the way, and the two got on the elevator. Su Ling’s room must be higher, because in that case, the view would be better.

He Yingzhu lives in the room like years, the young lady in the hotel is very gentle when she changes clothes, and the service is also in place.

This is subconscious high-quality service. He Yingzhu will not come just because there is no one nearby. He Yingzhu is drunk without realizing it.

But for He Yingzhu, it is still pride.

It was finally over. After the young lady in this hotel went out, He Yingzhu quickly opened the latest call. It turned out that it was his best friend who called, and he called back.

“Hey, I’m telling you, I’m already on my way, please be honest with me, don’t think about any tricks, I have brought a lot of people.” Xianxian is obviously deliberately emboldening herself.

He Yingzhu was dumbfounded, “Xianxian, it’s me, where are you guys.”

“Yingzhu, aren’t you drunk? How could you call? Did he do anything to you?”

He Yingzhu was also afraid that Su Ling would come back again, speaking faster: “Oh, I’m fine, and he didn’t do anything to me. Where are you guys?”

“We haven’t got on the bus yet, and we’ll take a taxi at the school gate.” Xian Xian said.

He Yingzhu breathed a sigh of relief, it was indeed not so fast, their school was very big.

It takes a while for you to walk from the dormitory to the door, or else services such as delivery and running errands are so popular in universities nowadays.

Student laziness is one aspect, and so is a big school.

Just listen to He Yingzhu said: “Then you go back, don’t come over, I’ll be fine, and I will go back tomorrow.”

“What the hell is Yingzhu, did he threaten you?”

He Yingzhu was a little bit painful. He said why he didn’t see you so cautiously, and explained: “He didn’t do anything to me. I pretended to be drunk. I gave him the routine.”

“I rely on, who is it that can make you so active, did you find a boyfriend behind our backs, how can you leave the organization?”

The tone on the phone was also different, from worrying to complaining.

He Yingzhu couldn’t explain it clearly, so he said: “Oh, don’t guess, I will explain to you when I go back tomorrow.”

“Whether others are taking a shower, how did you have a chance to call back?”

Xianxian said: “Then we won’t go there, I wish you two can cook the uncooked rice tonight…”

He Yingzhu hung up and lost the phone.

My heart said to be lonely, everyone else went to a more advanced room.

While He Yingzhu has a higher and higher affinity for Su Ling, he can’t help but wonder if she has a problem with her charm?

You see, women are so complicated.


Su Ling is in the room here, drinking tea and swiping her phone, and she will return to the news about Zhao Ziqiu and Su Ling. When it is busy during the day, Su Ling has no time to reply.

And when eating, Su Ling doesn’t like to chat with others.

After waiting for an hour, Su Ling was a little sleepy, but there was still no movement. Why didn’t people come?

Is it because the distance is too far? Su Ling doesn’t know the topography of the magic city, let alone where the magic city drama academy is.

Su Ling called to the front desk and asked, no one came to look for him or He Yingzhu.

So Su Ling said: “If someone is looking for me in a while, don’t make a convenient phone call, call me and let me know.”

Su Ling didn’t plan to wait anymore, but took the phone directly into the bathroom, planning to take a bath, and waited while soaking.

When she was in the bath, Su Ling was tired from playing with her mobile phone, and bored she looked at the ratings of several girls.

It’s still the same as before, that is, He Yingzhu’s favorability score reached 89 points all at once, which is a bit too fast.

The 89 point is already very high. You must know that if it reaches 90 points, it basically reaches the point of a couple.

You must know that the two met only on the first day today. He has been with You You for a few days, and you have done some work on yourself here, and it’s only more than ninety points.

Even though it has something to do with personality, Ning You is a little bit restrained, but He Yingzhu, after all, learns to perform, cheerful and generous.

The problem is… Su Ling only looked at it when I was eating, and it was only 80 points. Why did it rise by 9 points at this time, the more slowly it rises later.

It must have risen while drinking. Su Ling suddenly understood. It seems that this girl really likes to drink. Asking her to drink two glasses of wine has risen so fast!

PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers evaluation! .

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