Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Don’t just throw it away (seeking flowers for evaluation)


The phone in his pocket vibrated, and the outdoor anchor must have at least two phones.

Su Ling knew that there was a high probability that one million had already arrived, so she didn’t have to look at it in a hurry.

I saw Su Ling adjusted the live broadcast camera to the front, and said to everyone: “It cost more than a hundred thousand, what do you guys say about this wave?”

“Cow beep!”

“True-rich second-generation anchor!”

“Fog Grass, one hundred thousand is gone so soon?”

“Is this the big brother’s world, I’m sour.”

“It’s only one hundred thousand, one or two as if you have never seen money, a group of native dogs.”

“Hehe, you have seen money, please spend six yuan to get a card.”


Seeing everyone’s flattery on the barrage, as well as Kari’s one million extra, Su Ling felt a bit like the pinnacle of life.

“Hungry to death, let’s go eat, what do you want to eat?”

Su Ling was not nonsense, she was really hungry, it was past eight o’clock in the evening.

“I can eat anything, whatever~”

Generally, when people say that they can eat whatever they want, Su Ling is not polite and goes directly to the hot pot restaurant.

During the meal, the whole process was broadcast live. The young lady had a really good temper and took the initiative to help Su Ling adjust the oil dishes and the like.

After eating a hot pot meal for an hour, the nectar meal is not large, and Su Ling eats it by himself. The two of them did not interact much.

The kind of live broadcasts that drive and play are just scripts. Other girls take money to do things and control a certain degree to play with you. Su Ling doesn’t like that too much.

On the contrary, it is quite interesting to eat quietly, and to be able to chat even in a chat.

After the payment came out, Su Ling saw that the live mobile phone was out of power, and Su Ling was too lazy to get the power bank again, and said, “Brothers, I’m going to download it. I’m going to send her back. Let’s see you tomorrow.”

The popularity is quite high. At this time, it seems to be too early to broadcast, and it is a pity.

But for Su Ling, live streaming is just a hobby now.

“Let’s download it early, everyone can understand.”

“There must be a fierce battle today!”

“Be nice to her!”

“Promise me, Ms. Sister, your mouth is only for eating, okay?”

“What time will it start tomorrow?”

“At this time, there are still people who are concerned about the live broadcast, so please block this person.”

“Spent one hundred thousand yuan, the anchor don’t sleep tonight, otherwise the blood will be lost.”


The water friends are all teasing, Su Ling directly broadcasts it ruthlessly.

How can there be such a good thing, it must be sent home, this young lady does not seem to be a casual girl, so don’t think about that kind of unrealistic things.

“Jinling Academy of Art, right? I’ll guide you.”

After Su Ling has set up the navigation, he starts the car directly.

After the live broadcast was turned off, Naruto was obviously relieved, and said: “The script you sent me yesterday, why is it useless today?”

“Today I just want to spend money, so I took you to spend some money, which is a temporary motive.”

Su Ling also didn’t bother to find a reason to explain, I just want to spend money suddenly, can’t I?

The little sister was really stunned, and she was speechless for a while. Is this the legendary rich and self-willed?


After arriving at the school gate, Su Ling said, “Don’t drive in. Let’s go here. Take your stuff. If you can’t get it, you can ask your roommate to help.”

There are a lot of things I bought today, several boxes.

Su Ling didn’t want to send her to the dormitory anymore. Usually, she drove in from the main entrance. Without a school pass, she would have to register, which was too much trouble.

The whole person was taken aback, and he said: “Things—for me?”

“Otherwise, I will buy it for you, but not for anyone.”

“No way, no way, I can’t ask for such an expensive thing!”

Naruto shook his head like a rattle.

She always thought that Su Ling was buying something to give to her girlfriend or other people tonight, and she just accompany her to live with it.

Who knows that Su Ling really wants to give her something, it’s a bit scary to be honest.

It’s not that she doesn’t want it, but she knows better that there is no free lunch in the world.

You have to pay for something so expensive, right?

In the art academy, there are too many such things around, and you don’t want to do that.

Otherwise, with her appearance and body level, I’m afraid she won’t have to go out part-time to make money.

Su Ling didn’t want to talk nonsense, she said that she bought it, and gave it to her, anyway, it was not her own money.

I still made a million tonight, and I’ll give away this little thing. How could Shenhao still be so small.

When there was no money in the past, Su Ling was not a stingy person.

Get out of the car and open the front cover of the car, and everything inside is picked up.

“These are all things women use. I want them to be useless. If you don’t want them, just throw them away.”

After speaking, Su Ling started the engine and left happily.

There was a sluggish stubble left, watching the taillights of the car in a daze.

What is worth more than 100,000, just don’t want it?

The key thing was given, and he didn’t seem to have left any hints. What does this mean?

PS: Mengxin asks for support, five chapters are updated every day, one thousand flowers plus one update, two hundred comments plus one update, five rewards plus one update, no capping, welcome everyone to stimulate the author. *

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