The director and assistant director walked towards the set, and the assistant director said:

“Director, so many people come to watch Lin Mo act, how much pressure does it have?”

The director looked around and said:

“Lin Mo has made so much noise in the past few days that several teachers are curious.”

“Director, do you think Lin Mo can do it? To be honest, I have a pretty good impression of Lin Mo.”

The director chuckled and said:

“One by one, you are all fascinated. Think about it, who is the character played by Lin Mo? Five bamboos! To put it bluntly, it’s just a robot with a paralyzed face. It’s hard to act well, but it’s also hard to act badly.”

The director’s words made the assistant director stunned.

Then he reacted and started laughing.

It’s true to say that a character like Wu Zhu is destined not to have any outstanding acting skills, and at the same time, there is nothing that requires acting skills, just a paralyzed face.

These teachers will be disappointed today!

“Is Lin Mo here?”

“I’ve been here for a long time. I heard that I came at about five o’clock in the morning.”

“So early?”

“Yes, as soon as I arrived, I took the martial arts instructor and showed off at the shooting location for several hours.”

“Martial arts instructor?”

“What does he want to do?”

“I heard he wants to do all the scenes himself”

The director frowned:

“Go on your own?”

“Many of today’s scenes are for Wia. He wants to do it himself?”


“Isn’t this nonsense? What if I get injured?”

The director said and walked quickly towards the set.

Lin Mo’s first scene was in the wild, on the edge of a cliff, in a bamboo forest

As soon as the director and assistant director stepped forward, they heard the martial arts director yell:



As soon as the director walked over, he saw a figure falling on the ground. It was Lin Mo

“How does Lin Mo feel?”

“Can you bear it?”

“Director, I just bent my legs. This won’t work. I need to go slower, and then I want the distance to be higher.”

“Still high?”

“high! Wu Zhu is a robot. He doesn’t know martial arts. Everything depends on energy. I want him to have a different way of expression from the martial arts of the four great masters. The director can try to be more advanced.”

“Okay, everyone, listen, pull!”

Following the director’s words, Lin Mo rose up, flying higher and higher, and in the end he was even higher than the bamboo forest.

The director was dumbfounded:

“He, what do they want to do?”

“Don’t die!!! Get Lin Mo down quickly!”

As soon as the director finished speaking, the martial arts director shouted:


Wia slowly fell, but one meter above the ground, the rope was released


Lin Mo fell to the ground without even bending his knees.

“Okay, director, when filming starts later, just use this height”


The director watched the whole process, he is the director, and he can imagine the effect of the finished film based on the behind-the-scenes footage.

As for the scene where Lin Mo landed just now, he could imagine how great the effect would be after post-processing and special effects, and how shocking it would be.

“Director, this”

“Lao Xiao, let’s talk about it. The boom should be lengthened by three meters.”

The assistant director looked at the director and the director said:

“Since Lin Mo wants to rectify things, we can’t hold him back. As long as he dares to play, I dare to shoot!”

The director actually felt excited at this moment. As a director, there is no one who doesn’t like to challenge difficult shots.

At this moment, I heard another shout from inside:

“Get ready, pull!”

Following the martial arts director’s words, Lin Mo took to the air again, but this time he was only half a person tall.

Lin Mo shifted painfully in the air, turned over and jumped, his movements were extremely sharp and smooth.

The director’s eyes lit up again, and the image of Lin Mo stabbing among many killers appeared in his mind.

“Lao Xiao, let me extend the track by fifteen meters. In addition, the number of extras playing the killers will be increased by thirteen.”


“I really didn’t expect that Lin Mo would find a breakthrough in this aspect. It’s really amazing.”

“How do you think he came up with the idea?”

“Um, I heard Wu Gang say that Lin Mo himself has martial arts skills. It is said that he and Wu Jing had a fight, and Wu Jing was defeated by him in three moves.”

The director looked at the assistant director in shock, and then said:

“How much talent does this Lin Mo still have hidden behind him? Come on, let’s go get ready. I can’t wait to start shooting now.”


At nine o’clock in the morning, the sky is clear and clear

Exterior scene, on the edge of the cliff, in the bamboo forest, hundreds of people gathered here, cameras, cranes, tracks, and wires were all ready.

Hundreds of staff around were making preparations step by step, and actors such as Cheng Mingming also gathered together.

The director sat in front of the camera and shouted with a loudspeaker:

“Actors ready!”

More than thirty people dressed in black entered the theater


Three blowers started running immediately, and the bamboo leaves on the ground were blown up

In the dust and smoke, the ice blades in the hands of more than thirty men in black glowed coldly, and a chilling and fierce atmosphere instantly filled the entire set.

More than a dozen people rushed towards the camera, and there were more than a dozen people on both sides of the bamboo forest walking back and forth.


The martial arts director shouts

Then Lin Mo’s figure suddenly appeared!


The swords collided, making a crisp sound. The next moment, blood spattered everywhere, and the man in black at the head had fallen to the ground.

The director stared closely at the camera. The staff around him had begun to move the camera. The director and the camera followed Lin Mo’s figure and slid quickly on the track.

in camera…

Lin Mo turned over, leaned back, turned sideways, volleyed, somersaulted, and leaped, carrying a backpack on his body, the sword in his hand constantly glowing with cold light, while constantly reaping life.

After walking along the track facing the camera, Lin Mo fell from the air and landed on his feet. In a close-up of the camera, his knees did not even bend at all.

This is very unreasonable!

Bamboo leaves fell, the dust and smoke slowly dissipated, the camera turned around, and there were already corpses lying behind.


Sounding arrows were used in filming to let the actors know that the arrow was coming.


The martial arts director shouts again

There is no preparation. It doesn’t require luck or moves like martial arts masters.

Lin Mo just jumped up out of thin air, even surpassing the bamboo forest

Falling down again, the person had already glided to the side of a man in black. With a wave of his long sword, Lin Mo landed on the ground.

He opened his right hand, and the basket with the child on it fell firmly into his hand, while the man in black who fired the arrow and attacked had already fallen to the ground!

At the same time, Lin Mo slowly raised his head, his eyes covered with black cloth, but his handsome facial features became the most perfect embellishment of this fight scene.


It’s so exciting!

This fight is so smooth and so enjoyable to watch!

Even if there are no special effects or post-editing, just watching it like this is very shocking.

marvelous! It’s really great!

“cut! pass!”

bang bang bang bang bang…

I don’t know who took the lead, but the moment the director shouted, everyone applauded!

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