“The actors are in place!”

The director rarely picked up the trumpet

As the director shouted, Lin Mo immediately sat up straight and looked at the hall in front of him. He didn’t know whether it was intentional or not. There was no one in front of him, so he could see everything in the hall clearly.

After the director finished calling, Zhang Ruoyun, Eunuch Hou and several bodyguards all took their places.

At this moment, an unexpected thing happened, and Teacher Cheng Mingming also arrived

The director was puzzled. This scene was actually very simple. Zhang Ruoyun walked in from the outside, and the scene with Teacher Cheng Youming came next. Why did Teacher Cheng Youming come on stage now?

Is it to play for Zhang Ruoyun?

The so-called co-starring means that although it is a scene between two people, there is no shot of one of the actors in this scene, only a close-up of the other actor.

Even if there is no camera at this time, the actor can stand up and accompany the close-up actor to make expressions and respond. This is the scene.

Of course, many times it looks like one person is talking to another person, but it’s actually just his one-man show.

Of course it would be best if Cheng Mingming was willing to take part in the scene. The director didn’t hesitate and just called start.

This scene is about Fan Xian killing the enemy’s eighth-level master Cheng Jushu on Niulan Street in order to avenge his friend Teng Zijing!

This is exactly what Emperor Qing wanted

Because Qing had always wanted to save Northern Qi but had no good excuse, Fan Xian’s killing of Cheng Jushu just gave Emperor Qing an excuse to attack Northern Qi.

Emperor Qing’s meeting with Fan Xian was actually just a scene. Emperor Qing had arranged everything secretly, but Fan Xian didn’t know Emperor Qing’s plan. He thought Emperor Qing was looking for him to hold him accountable, so he staged a scene. rivalry

“preparation, action!”

Fan Xian followed Eunuch Hou into the imperial study of Emperor Qing. He looked around all the way, with a careless expression. He showed no reverence for the imperial power at all. This was in sharp contrast to Eunuch Hou who was standing beside him.

Lin Mo looked on and nodded secretly.

Fan Xian is a time traveler and comes from a place that emphasizes equality. Naturally, he doesn’t have much respect for the royal family.

“Mr. Fan, Your Majesty asked you to wait here.”


Next is a close-up shot of Zhang Ruoyun. Zhang Ruoyun’s expression in the shot is relaxed, as if he is not waiting for an emperor but a friend. As time goes by, he even shows a trace of impatience.

Lin Mo nodded again, Zhang Ruoyun’s acting skills are really good.

Ordinarily, this scene is over, and it’s time for Cheng Mingming’s scene to come next.

However, before the director had time to shout cut, teacher Cheng Guoming had already started to move. This shocked the director, but he quickly reacted and quickly pointed the camera at Cheng Guoming.

Cheng Yaoming hid behind a screen, pacing back and forth, with a slightly anxious expression on his face and a hopeful look in his eyes, but it was very vague, and he even exhaled heavily.

Lin Mo’s eyes never moved from the moment Cheng Mouming moved, and he kept watching Cheng Mouming’s performance.

He was shocked!

How can one’s acting skills be so delicate!!!

Both Wu Gang and Wu Jing have said before that his performance is very delicate. He also knows that he can control micro-expressions, so he can perform very delicately, and he is very proud of this.

but now!!!

Lin Mo could see the intense anticipation in Cheng Mourning’s eyes and the anxiety on his face, but what shocked him was that Cheng Mourning could control these emotions. The emotions Cheng Mourning showed were all suppressed. implicit

To put it in layman’s terms, Lin Mo’s nervousness was 100% nervous, while Cheng Mingming’s nervousness was 30% nervous.

How can a person control his emotions like this!

Cheng Yaoming exuded majesty, both in his eyes and expressions.

This is the most outrageous thing. In Lin Mo’s eyes, Cheng Mangming is a lofty and domineering emperor, and his nervousness is the nervousness that only an emperor should have.

Because the emperor can never fully release his emotions. An emperor who can be seen through at a glance is definitely not a qualified emperor!

Just when Lin Mo was shocked by Cheng Mouming’s acting skills, Cheng Mouming moved again

He hid behind the screen and kept moving, but his eyes kept looking through the gap to see Fan Xian standing in the center of the hall.

Lin Mo opened his mouth slightly, and he saw the wet look in Cheng Mangming’s eyes!

This time, Lin Mo was not only shocked by Cheng Mouming’s eyes, but also full of questions about Cheng Mouming’s interpretation of the role of Emperor Qing.

He had read the original novel, and he knew that Emperor Qing was actually Fan Xian’s biological father. It was not surprising that there was some affection between him and his son.

But! That’s Emperor Qing!!A character who is domineering, ruthless, brilliant, and unparalleled in scheming!

He was originally an unpopular prince, but with the help of Fan Xian’s mother Ye Qingmei, he succeeded in becoming emperor.

He admires Ye Qingmei to the core, but Ye Qingmei doesn’t love him

Even if she had Fan Xian with him, it was just because Ye Qingmei wanted to have a child and used him as a tool.

After becoming the emperor, Emperor Qing changed, especially after discovering that Ye Qingmei actually wanted to create a society where everyone is equal, he could not accept it even more……

He is the emperor, how can he be equal to the common people?

So, he acquiesced, acquiesced that the Queen Mother and the eldest princess conspired to kill Ye Qingmei, his favorite woman!

Everyone knows that there are four great masters in the world, and everyone thinks that the master of Qingguo is Hong Si’an

In fact, it was Emperor Qing!

Emperor Qing is the one with the highest martial arts skills in the original work, and his forbearance is simply terrifying!

The most frightening thing is that Emperor Qing is so smart that all the princes, including Fan Xian, including Chen Pingping and Fan Jian, including Prime Minister Lin and the eldest princess, are all played by him.

He made a plan and destroyed nearly 80% of the army left by Chen Pingping and Fan Jian to Fan Xian! He also killed two princes who were gradually losing control of him, and killed three great masters. This kind of calculation was simply unbelievable!

He is cruel-hearted. In the original novel, the eldest princess had an affair with him, but he could let the eldest princess die without hesitation!

Chen Pingping and he had known each other since Wei Mo. In the original work, he took off Chen Pingping’s clothes and tried to save her alive!

Even if it was the final decisive battle, if he hadn’t been soft-hearted for a moment, Fan Xian and Wu Zhu would not be able to kill him.

So how could such a character have any emotions? How could he be nervous about meeting Fan Xian?

Could it be that Teacher Cheng Mingming misunderstood this role???

Lin Mo was full of questions, especially after knowing the concept of character creation, he couldn’t understand how Cheng Mingming created the character of Emperor Qing.

This is unreasonable!

Li Mo was confused, but he didn’t say anything. He just wrote it down secretly, and then continued to watch.

long shoot!

Teacher Cheng Mingming is actually performing with a long lens!!!

Everyone knows that human energy is limited, so in order to present the best results, actors film scenes scene by scene, so that the actors can use their utmost energy to perform every scene well.

But long shots are different. Let’s not talk about the actor’s energy issues. It is very difficult to maintain lines, posture, expressions, and eyes. Therefore, few directors will use long shots unless necessary.

Moreover, as the saying goes, long shots also place high demands on the director.

The main promotion of”Wonderful Night at the Museum”, which was a hit at the box office at that time, was one shot. It didn’t even promote the starring role or the plot, just promoted the shot, and then it became a hit at the box office. This shows how difficult it is to take a long shot.

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