The filming is ready, but whether it is the actors Zhang Ruoyun, Li Chun, the director or other staff, they are all busy preparing, as if they are all waiting for someone.

After a while, I saw Lin Mo hurried over with a small horse and a drawing board in his hand, and everyone was officially ready to start shooting.

This thing is quite interesting. Lin Mo has only been here for a day and has already become the focus of the whole group.

Lin Mo still found a corner where no one was and sat down.

Zhang Ruoyun looked at Lin Mo sitting in the corner and suddenly became energetic. To be honest, he was really shocked yesterday.

He thought his acting skills were good, but after reading Lin Mo’s notes yesterday, he realized that he had so many shortcomings.

So he neither played games nor went out to play last night, and even missed his wife’s phone call. After a while, you can study your role vigorously.

He was scolded by his wife on”040″ this morning, which made him feel aggrieved just thinking about it! However, when he thought about how Lin Mo’s eyes would light up later, he felt that everything was worth it.

Li Chun was also looking at Lin Mo. Her thoughts were very simple. She simply felt that Lin Mo was a bit too exaggerated. Everyone, especially Song Yi, praised Lin Mo to the sky.

She wanted to see what inspiration Lin Mo could get from her performance and whether he could get her involved.

With everyone having their own thoughts, filming officially started

This plot is about Fan Xian agreeing to help Teng Zijing find out the truth about his family’s extermination. It turned out that the murderer was Guo Baokun, the son of an important minister!

Teng Zijing was furious and wanted to fight Guo Baokun, but Fan Xian knew that if Teng Zijing really hurt Guo Baokun, Teng Zijing would also be finished.

In order to save the life of his good brother, Fan Xian pretended to have a romantic night with the oiran manager, but actually stunned the manager and secretly went out to stop Teng Zijing. Together they beat Guo Baokun.

Immediately after Fan Xian returned to the flower boat, he discovered that Si Lili was pretending to be fainted. Only then did he know that the true identity of the oiran was actually an enemy spy.

“preparation, actors in position, action!”

As the director started shouting, Lin Mo also watched carefully. He found that no matter what kind of actor he was, there was always something worth learning for him.

Among the boats, in the room of the oiran Si Lili, wine and food were placed on the round table. Fan Xian and Si Lili were sitting opposite each other.

Zhang Ruoyun looked at Li Chun in the camera, his eyes were lost at first, then he looked at Si Lili, then his eyes dimmed, his expression was very dull, as if he was thinking about something.

Then his eyes brightened, and his expression gradually became cheerful. He reached for the wine bottle, but his hand paused slightly.

Lin Mo’s eyes lit up. Zhang Ruoyun’s performance style changed and became extremely delicate.

His eyes were distracted at first because he was hiding something in his heart, and his expression was dull because he was not here to drink wine at all, so he was not paying attention to Manager Ping at all.

Later, his eyes lit up because he remembered that he had to take over Si Lili’s cover to prevent any flaws from being exposed, so he pretended to be cheerful again.

Pausing to get the wine bottle is a hint that he has tampered with the wine, so that there will be traces of the manager’s sudden fainting.

It can be said that every look and every movement of Zhang Youyun has its own meaning.

that isThe rhythm is wrong!

Lin Mo frowned


Sure enough, when Zhang Ruoyun raised his glass, the director shouted cut

This surprised everyone, as soon as the shooting started, it was NG?

And there was nothing wrong with Zhang Ruoyun’s performance just now.

Everyone looked at the director, who frowned. He looked at Zhang Ruoyun. Zhang Ruoyun’s performance just now was very good, even extraordinary. However, as a director, he still felt that something was wrong.

But if I asked him to say it, he couldn’t tell. So, the director said:”Ruoyun, do it again!”

Zhang Ruoyun’s heart sank. Could it be that his performance wasn’t good enough? He had been thinking about this scene for most of the night. He was planning to let Lin Mo take a good look at it. Why did it fall apart just after the filming started?

Zhang Ruoyun thought for a moment, his eyes lit up, he thought of


Zhang Ruoyun once again acted as he did just now, but this time he added some contempt when looking at Si Lili

Lin Mo saw it and immediately thought that Fan Xian didn’t know that Si Lili was a spy. To Fan Xian, she was just a beautiful oiran, a tool to create an alibi for him.

No matter how beautiful she is, Fan Xian doesn’t care, because what he loves most in his heart is his chicken-leg girl

So there is nothing wrong with this slight.

However, it’s still not right

Lin Mo frowned. He thought Zhang Ruoyun’s acting was very good, but it was just wrong.


Sure enough, the director shouted NG again!

This time everyone looked at the director again. Normally at this time the director would point out what was wrong with the actor’s performance, but the director just frowned and said nothing. Zhang Ruoyun also frowned. Wasn’t his performance good enough?

“Ruoyun, do it again!”

Zhang Ruoyun still acted like that, but this time after being slighted again, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

This is actually correct. It mainly expresses that Si Lili is beautiful. No matter whether a man has his own white moonlight in his heart or not, he will always have an indispensable appreciation for beautiful women.

But, it’s still not right! What exactly is wrong?


The director NGed again, and then said:

“Ruoyun, wait a moment, let me think about it

It wasn’t just the director who was thinking about it, Lin Mo was also thinking about it. He always felt that something was not right, but he couldn’t explain it. There was just a layer of paper in his mind, but he couldn’t get through it.

At this moment, Wu Gang on the side suddenly said:”Don’t tell me, the look Zhang Ruoyun looked at Li Chun just now is quite similar to the look you looked at Song Yi when filming Wolf Warrior 2. Zhang Ruoyun’s acting skills are also quite delicate. of”

Wolf Warrior 2? Delicate?

Lin Mo suddenly figured it out. This guy was actually acting according to the movie model. No wonder the rhythm was wrong!

Lin Mo would have been unable to understand it before, but after his notes were read by Cheng Mouming yesterday, Cheng Mouming explained to him the difference between movies and TV series.

It’s just that he hasn’t seen it with his own eyes, so he didn’t think of it.

When Wu Gang reminded him like this just now, Lin Mo suddenly figured it out.

Then he thought of Zhang Ruoyun’s performance just now, and Lin Mo’s teaching experience to Cheng Mingming would be 0.8 deeper.

Generally speaking, according to the usual rhythm of filming TV dramas, Zhang Ruoyun’s shot will only last three seconds at most.

However, the photo was taken for about ten seconds just now

Think about it, you only have seven or eight seconds more for one shot. In that movie, if you have so many shots, you only get one or two hours more.

One actor takes one or two hours, and with so many actors, you need more than a hundred episodes to tell a story.

Moreover, if you act like this for half an hour of a TV series, from beginning to end, are you going to just watch you two glaring at each other for half an hour?

After Zhang Ruoyun’s demonstration, Lin Mo understood Cheng Mingming’s teachings more deeply.

Then he became curious again, Zhang Ruoyun was not like this before, why did he suddenly become like this today?

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