Lin Mo’s answer let Cheng Mingming know that it was not that Lin Mo was not thinking or that he did not know how to explain the character, but that he was framed by the character itself. He was suppressing his performance to fit the character.

Cheng Mingming shook his head and said:


“Ask the teacher for advice”

Cheng Mingming said:

“Lin Mo, you have to remember that drama comes from life, but it will be higher than life. You are right, Wu Zhu is a robot, but if he is just a robot, why doesn’t the director just find a robot to act instead of letting him play the role? Are you going to act?”

Lin Mo thought for a moment and said honestly:

“Sorry teacher, I don’t quite understand what you mean

Cheng Mingming said:

“Lin Mo, let me ask you, what is a TV series?”

thisFor a moment, Lin Mo really didn’t know how to answer this question.

Cheng Mingming said:

“In my understanding, the so-called TV series is a form of performance that entertains the public! The ultimate goal of everything we actors do is to impress the audience in different ways

You can make him sad, you can make him angry, you can make him happy, you can make him moved. As long as you impress the audience, you are successful.

In order to fit the role, you suppressed your emotions and turned yourself into a robot as much as possible. Lin Mo, you are not acting, you are participating in a documentary, do you understand?”

Lin Mo fell into deep thought. He seemed to understand what Teacher Cheng Mingming meant.

Cheng Mingming continued:

“The role of Wu Zhu is easy to perform, but also difficult to grasp. You have to express all his emotions, but the result must be incompatible with ordinary people.

When his identity was revealed at the end and the audience saw that Wu Zhu was a robot, they felt like, no wonder I always thought Wu Zhu was weird, and I couldn’t explain why, but it turned out he was a robot.

When you want to make people feel like they are suddenly enlightened, then you have succeeded.”

The dark clouds in Lin Mo’s mind seemed to disperse all of a sudden, and his eyes suddenly brightened. He finally understood what Cheng Mingming meant.

Cheng Youming saw Lin Mo’s appearance and smiled and said:”Lin Mo, remember, we actors create characters, not imitate them.

Even if you are asked to play a rock, you can also play a jumping rock. As long as the audience recognizes that you are playing a rock, you will be successful.

On the contrary, if you play a rock and you just lie there motionless, then what else do you need an actor to do? Wouldn’t it be better to just get a stone there?”

Lin Mo nodded heavily. He finally understood now. Did he completely fall into a misunderstanding? Art and reality are two different things after all.

His understanding was really off the mark. No wonder Cheng Yaoming would say that his answer was completely wrong. It really was wrong!

Cheng Mingming said:

“The role of Wu Zhu is very easy to interpret. Even if you play a paralyzed face, no one in the world will say anything. But if you really want to play this role well, it will test your ability very much.

He has closed your eyes, your expressions, and even your body movements. The only thing you can rely on is your lines.

You just need to make everyone feel that he is very different through his lines. He obviously has the same human emotions, but there is also an indescribable weirdness.

Lin Mo, this is a big test for you”

Lin Mo’s eyes lit up and he said:

“Teacher, I am not afraid of tests!”

Yesterday, he felt that this role was not challenging. Today, Cheng Mingming gave him such a challenging problem. Could Lin Mo not be excited?

Cheng Mingming said with a smile:

“That’s good, just have confidence. So if you fail today’s test paper, can you do it if you hand me a new one tomorrow?”

“certainly! I can!

“very good. Lin Mo, I’m going to teach you something new now. Are you willing to learn it?”

“I do, I very much do!”

(Cheng Mingming smiled even happier, and he said to Lin Mo:”Lin Mo, your talent is very high, whether it is performance or understanding of characters, your talent is the highest I have ever seen in my life.

I have never seen a person who doesn’t understand acting at all, but he can completely understand a role by relying on his talent.

What I teach you today is not important, it just helps you better understand a character.”

“Teacher, you said”

“Our current actors generally interpret a role from two aspects. The first is called the method school, and the other is called the experience school!

The method school is more concrete. For example, Wu Jing, in order to film the Wolf Warriors, he went to the special forces to train with him for more than a month. Then he observed what the real special forces were like, observing and immersing himself in it from all angles.

The experiential school is relatively abstract, and its representative is Liang Chaowei. I heard him say that he once locked himself in a room for two or three months in order to film a character well and didn’t go out. He just kept imagining what the character should look like.

He has completely constructed that character before he performs it, and at that moment, he is that character

This method is very painful and tests your talent. The most important thing is that you will probably be unable to get out of the play.

Lin Mo, when you play a character now, you constantly add your own understanding to the image created by the screenwriter, making the character richer and more vivid.

But after all, that’s not your role

Of course, this may be a little too harsh for you now, but I still hope you can remember, Lin Mo. In the future, I hope you can regard the role given to you by the screenwriter as the basic information of the character.

Through this kind of basic information, whether you observe or imagine, you can create a character of your own, do you understand?”

Treat the script as basic information and create a character of your own?

do not know why? When he heard that he could create his own character, Lin Mo’s heart beat very fast. It turns out that I can create a character of my own. It turns out that I can also create a character and participate in it.

Cheng Yaoming just kept looking at Lin Mo quietly. He liked the way Lin Mo thought. Nowadays, there are really too few actors who are willing to think.

“Teacher, I understand, don’t worry, I will definitely create a character of my own!”

“Teacher, thank you for teaching me this! I will do my best and I will never let you down!”

Cheng Mingming looked at Lin Mo. From this boy’s words, he could clearly feel that he had a desire to make progress.

What he wants to express is also very pure, that is, to create a character of his own as much as possible!


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