The box office of Wolf Warrior 2 continues to refresh, reaching 5.4 billion, but Lin Mo has not yet received his box office share. Because the attendance rate of Wolf Warrior 2 is still very high, the theater chain chose to postpone the release. It won’t be released until at least December

As the box office of Wolf Warrior 2 continues to rise, Lin Mo, as the second male lead, also made a lot of money during this period, doing various endorsements and doing business

Finally, at the end of October, Lin Mo stopped his business

After this period of experience, Lin Mo discovered that the life of an artist is actually quite regular.

Find a way to make works, create topics, increase your popularity, then make ads and take on business to make money

Wait until you have almost made enough money, then think of ways to make works to increase your popularity, and then continue to make money, forming a cycle

Those so-called evergreens are those who can maintain their popularity after making money, so the cycle can continue. Those who cannot maintain their popularity are outdated artists who can only wait until the day they become popular again.

Looking at it this way, the work of celebrities is actually quite regular.

What Lin Mo is doing now is that he became popular with Inverse War and Wolf Warrior 2, and then made money. Now that he has almost made money, his popularity has begun to decline, and Lin Mo has joined the group.

This time he joined Qing Yunian’s group, and the role he was going to play was Wu Zhu!

I don’t know which male number is considered a supporting role?

The crew of”Qing Yu Nian” has actually started filming, but because Lin Mo has relatively few roles, and after all, he has moved up the ranks, he joined the crew a little late, and the director wouldn’t say anything. This kind of thing has become commonplace in this industry.

Lin Mo followed Zhou Yan to the crew of Qing Yu Nian

Qing Yu Nian is a proper S-level action drama. The set is called a big one. The crew is at least twice as large as that of Wolf Warriors 2. There are hundreds of people, and it looks like a crowded place.

Lin Mo brought Xiao Wang to the set. Many people looked at Lin Mo and whispered:

“That’s Lin Mo”

“Lin Mo joins the group”

“Lin Mo is here”

“Lin Mo is really hot now”

Lin Mo greeted everyone with a smile and walked inside.

The executive director came forward:

“Teacher Lin Mo, welcome to the group”

“Hello director, sorry, I’m late. I brought a coffee cart and a dining cart for everyone. If you don’t mind having lunch, you can just eat there. Unlimited coffee and drinks”

Upon hearing this, the executive director quickly smiled and said:

“Thank you, Teacher Lin Mo, for letting Teacher Lin Mo spend money.”

Regardless of whether he is really polite or fake, first of all, Lin Mo’s attitude is very satisfying, and the lunch boxes provided by the crew are really average.

After speaking, the executive director shouted loudly to the staff who were watching the excitement:”Teacher Lin Mo has brought everyone a coffee cart and a dining cart. If you need it, you can get it yourself. Thank you, Teacher Lin Mo!””

“Thank you, Teacher Lin Mo!!!”

The people around him all smiled and thanked Lin Mo.

Lin Mo bowed and returned to his seat and said:

“Sorry everyone, I joined the group late and delayed everyone’s progress. I would like to apologize to everyone. Please go get the coffee and drinks by yourself. There is no limit and you can take them away!”

“Ha ha ha ha”

“Thank you, Teacher Lin Mo!”

“Welcome Teacher Lin Mo to the group!”

First, it has nothing to do with them when Lin Mo joins the group, they all have to work.

Second, Lin Mo didn’t delay everyone’s progress at all. Making a movie doesn’t have to follow the plot. If Lin Mo didn’t come, it would be the same for other people to shoot first.

Third, for such a popular star to talk to himself with this kind of attitude, he will gain face by speaking out, not to mention having a real coffee truck and dining truck.

Just like that, the staff’s favorability towards Lin Mo skyrocketed.

The executive director looked at Lin Mo and smiled

“Director Li, let me go see the director first.”

Remember, no matter it is the executive director or the assistant director, call the director uniformly. Don’t stupidly call the executive director to take me to meet the real director. No one can say such a thing except two idiots.

The executive director looked at Lin Mo in surprise and said,”Are you leaving now? Why don’t you say a few words?”

“No more talking, there’s nothing to say”

Lin Mo responded with a smile. At this time, Xiao Wang on the side stepped forward and whispered:”Director, Brother Mo brought the coffee cart and dining cart here because he really wanted to treat everyone to a meal. It was the same on the crew of Wolf Warrior 2 before, and he didn’t bring any reporter”

After hearing Xiao Wang’s words, Lin Mo suddenly realized!

He had eaten bread from big stars before when he was a part-time actor in Hengcheng. But at that time, big stars would bring reporters with them, make long and sensational speeches, and then hand-deliver some bread and let the reporters take some photos.

The executive director probably misunderstood that he was like this too.

Sure enough, when the executive director heard Xiao Wang’s words, he glanced at Lin Mo in surprise and then said apologetically:

“Sorry, Teacher Lin Mo, I thought….I’ll take you to meet the director”

“I understand, please, director”

The executive director led the way, and then thought to himself, wasn’t this Lin Mo’s reputation created?

There are a lot of artists with good reputations in this circle, but I don’t know how many there are.

So even though Lin Mo has a good reputation in the circle, how many people really believe it?

Before coming here, Song Yi and Lin Mo explained that Qing Yunian is not a Wolf Warrior. The most important person on the crew is the director. They told him to pay attention to his attitude and never be as casual as when he was on the crew of Wolf Warrior 2.

Therefore, even if Lin Mo is so popular now, it is only the executive director who takes over the job, not the director. This is not a show of force, but a real telling of who is the boss in this group!

Don’t say you are Lin Mo, even if you are Teacher Cheng Mingming….Well, teacher and director Cheng Mingming still has to greet him respectfully.

The director was sitting in front of the camera checking the results of the shooting. He didn’t know whether he really didn’t see Lin Mo or pretended not to see him. Anyway, Lin Mo walked up to him and he didn’t even look up.

Remember, this is a show of force

“Hello director, I’m Lin Mo. I’m sorry that I’m late in joining the team.”

“Teacher Lin Mo!!Hey, welcome to the group, welcome to the group, thank you for your hard work, thank you for your hard work”

true and false!!!

“No, director, I brought you coffee. If you don’t mind it, please try it.”

The coffee given to the directing team is definitely different from the coffee truck. Even if they are the same, the coffee delivered to them by myself is different from the coffee delivered to them.

The director was very satisfied with Lin Mo’s attitude and said with a smile:”Thank you, Teacher Lin Mo, for letting you spend the money. When can Teacher Lin Mo shoot?””

Lin Mo said:

“Director, you just have to arrange it. I’m available at any time. I’ve already memorized the lines.”

The director looked at Lin Mo with a slightly surprised look, but also a bit of appreciation. Whether it was politeness or his dedicated attitude, so far, Lin Mo had done a very good job.”That’s it. Teacher Lin Mo will take a rest today. Can we start shooting tomorrow?”

“I can do it, so I’ll leave it to you, the director.”

“It should, it should, Teacher Lin Mo should rest first.

“OK Then I won’t bother the director.”

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