Lin Mo walked back to the director confidently. Yan Min smiled and said:”Lin Mo, please put the gift you prepared in your box.””

Lin Mo put it down and stood aside. Brother Xun is also there on the other side.

“Lin Mo, what gifts have you prepared?”

“I drew a picture myself

“That’s good, very attentive

“Brother Xun, yours is also very good”

“It’s no use, this first place must be yours”

“Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey”

Although it is said to be a competition for gifts, in the final analysis it is still a competition for popularity. Whoever is more popular has a greater chance of winning in the end. Sorry, Lin Mo’s current popularity cannot even be compared to Zhang Yixing

Soon everyone came back, handed over the gifts, and then stood on their own

Yan Min smiled and said:

“Next, please select the order of stations.”

Lin Mo, who was smiling, was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Yan Min and Yan Min said:

“In order to prevent fans from voting based on popularity, please shuffle the positions.

Lin Mo immediately shouted:

“So why don’t we get together? I disagree!”

Whether it’s gifts or popularity, Lin Mo is confident of taking first place, but it’s more confusing to mess up the order.

Huang Bai patted Lin Mo’s shoulder and said with a smile:

“Okay, stop struggling, Xiao Mo, this is life!

Everyone went to draw lots. Lin Mo was so sad and angry. From the director to the guests, there was no normal person in this extremely selective program group!

When Lin Mo showed his lottery number, Wang Xun jumped up and shouted loudly:

“I’m going to win! I’m going to win!”

That’s right, Lin Mo’s position is in front of Wang Xun’s gift

Lin Mo said unwillingly:

“Director, I still hope you can seriously explain the rules later, so that everyone should not vote according to the artist, but must vote according to the gift!”

Yan Min said:

“Don’t worry, Xiao Mo, our program team is by no means the kind of program team that has no rules. I will tell you well!”


“Everyone, look at the gifts!

“Don’t be like this, everyone, look at the gifts first and then vote!

“Please be sure to vote according to the gifts!

“Everyone, calm down!”

Lin Mo looked at Yan Min shouting loudly with a loudspeaker, and directly covered his face, then looked at the long queue in front of him

Ah! rule!

When the vote was about to end, Yan Min looked at Lin Mo with embarrassment in his eyes, and Huang Bai and others were covering their mouths and laughing.

“Ahem, the results are out. Wang Xun is in first place, second place is Zhang Yixing, and third place is”

“Then what? The shady director who took away my first place”

After Yan Min announced the rules, Lin Mo said directly with a provocative look on his face.

Yan Min smiled and said:

“Then, everyone knows that in our extreme challenge, winning means losing and losing means winning, so the first place will increase by ten years, the second place will increase by eight years, and the third place will increase by eight years.”

“Director, you are so handsome! You are the most wise and powerful director I have ever spoken of! Thumbs up for you!!!”

Before Yan Min finished speaking, Lin Mo shouted directly

Huang Bai looked at Lin Mo and said:

“Why is this kid so thick-skinned?

During the transition, sitting on the bus, Teacher Huang said:

“Xiaomo, how do you feel? Have you adapted to our program?”

Everyone else also looked at Lin Mo, who smiled and said:

“I was really dizzy, dizzy from the beginning. I have participated in some programs before. No matter what program it is, there are certain rhythms of the program. As long as you find that rhythm, you can integrate into it well.

But it’s so picky, I really can’t catch it”


Lin Mo’s words made everyone laugh, and Huang Bai said:

“It’s okay, Xiao Mo, you’ve done a good job. Last time when Lao Xue, Xiao An and Yue Yue came, all of them had expressions of despair at the end.”

“Ha ha ha ha”

Speaking of Lao Xue and the others, the men’s gang laughed again.

Lin Mo said:

“As long as it doesn’t cause trouble to everyone, that’s fine”

Brother Hong Lei patted Lin Mo on the shoulder and said:

“Don’t say such things, we are all very grateful to you for coming to the rescue, and you performed really well, very well.”

Lin Mo said:

“I originally thought that the PD would take care of me when I came to this show, but just now even the PD wanted to trick me! PD, don’t hide, don’t think I didn’t see it, were you trying to fool me just now?

PD you have changed!

Zhang Yixing covered his face and said:

“Ouch, I told you, I have too much time to take care of myself, how can I take care of you?”

Teacher Huang said:

“Xiao Mo, you were brought out by Yi Xing, right?”

Lin Mo nodded and said:

“Yes, I debuted as an occasional trainee, and PD was the instructor at the time.

“Oops, that’s right, our little sheep can also be a teacher.”

“Brother Bo, you don’t know, even though the PD is so well-behaved now, he was serious when he was on our show. Call us miserable when you scold us”

Zhang Yixing said quickly:

“Lin Mo, don’t talk nonsense. Whenever I scolded you, I always praised you.”

“So I would like to ask PD Zhang, how do you feel when you see your students achieving such good results?”

Huang Bai asked

Zhang Yixing looked at Lin Mo and said with a smile:

“So proud! However, from the beginning, I felt that Lin Mo would definitely succeed.

He is very hardworking, very talented, and very polite. I believe he can go further”

“Thank you PD! By the way, I had a nickname when I participated in the show, called Xiao Zhang PD!”

Zhang Yixing said with a smile:

“Hahahaha, I’ve heard of it”


Lin Mo said:

“I don’t know. When I went to record for the first time, many people said that there was another PD Zhang. Later, more and more people said this, and they called me PD Xiao Zhang!”

Zhang Yixing said:

“I know. When Lin Mo first entered the show, he bowed to everyone he saw and worked hard for everyone. Later, the director told me, look, he is exactly like you, a little PD. The title spread

As soon as he said this, Brother Bo, Brother Honglei and Teacher Huang all nodded. This circle is not big or small. Lin Mo’s reputation has been heard by several people.

Huang Bai smiled and said:

“fine. Xiao Mo, remember, etiquette in this circle is sometimes not that important. When you are not popular, no matter how many people have etiquette, no one will even take a look at it. When you are popular, you are surrounded by good people.

But sometimes, there’s no harm in being polite”

“Okay, Brother Bo, I remember.”

Brother Hong Lei said with a smile:

“Look at this noble lady’s mouth starting again. Xiao Mo wants you to be verbose here.

Are you as popular as anyone now? The box office of”Wolf Warrior” is 5 billion, which is almost surpassing yours. How dare you say that to others?

What’s your name, Xiao Mo? Teacher!

“Yes, yes, Teacher Lin Mo, I am too talkative.”

“No, no, no, brother Bo, you are scarier than the hundred girls just now. I’m afraid I’ll have a heart attack. Please don’t do this. I plan to continue working in this industry.”

“Ha ha ha ha”

Huang Bai smiled and said:

“It’s okay. For this show, you don’t have to think about the rhythm, rules, etc. Just let go and play. You can play however you want.”

Upon hearing this, Lin Mo said as if casually:

“How can that be done? You are all seniors and I am a junior.”

“Oops, there are no seniors or juniors here. Don’t worry, we are not the kind of people who care about everything.”

“If so, then I’ll be relieved!”

Just let it go and have fun, right?

OK, if you let me go, you can’t take it back when the time comes, so don’t blame me!!!

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