Just as Lin Mo was fussing, he suddenly heard Huang Lei shout:”Girls! Listen to me now! Whoever can help me catch Lin Mo, I’ll ask Lin Mo to treat her!””

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the hundred girls who were watching the excitement widened in an instant, and then exploded, and they all ran towards Lin Mo.

Huang Lei said with a smile:

“This kid is so naive!”

Zhang Yixing looked at Lin Mo who was still rustling not far away and couldn’t help shouting:

“Lin Mo, look back!”

Lin Mo smiled and said:

“Sorry PD Zhang! I won’t help you!!!Ha ha ha ha”

Lin Mo shouted loudly, and then turned around, his whole expression froze instantly. He saw a hundred girls running towards him, and everyone looked at him as if they were looking at delicious mutton.

“what’s the situation? What’s going on here? You, what’s wrong with you?”

Before Lin Mo could react, he was already being hugged by a girl.

Lin Mo quickly raised his hand. He didn’t dare to move at this time.

However, the next moment, he was surrounded by girls!

“Help!!!Help!!!Zhang PD!!!director!!!Help!!!”

Lin Mo shouted loudly. He really had no choice now. He couldn’t move or resist these girls. He had no other choice but to shout for help.

Moreover, these girls really worked hard, secretly kissing, sneaking, chest muscles, abdominal muscles, and more than one pair of hands!

This is durian!!!

Seeing that the situation was out of control, the director came over and finally persuaded these rampaging fans away, but Lin Mo was already covered in phlegm.

“Hahahaha, Xiao Mo, how did you feel just now? Are you still running?”

Lin Mo looked at Huang Bai with a look of sorrow and anger and said:”Brother Bo, I originally wanted to give you some money, but now I don’t have any money! And you, no one wants my money!!!”

Huang Lei said with a smile:

“Silly boy, why are you so naive? The envelope Hong Lei snatched away, do you think he will leave you the money?”

Lin Mo’s expression changed, and he immediately checked the envelope in his hand. While checking, he could avoid Huang Bai and the others, as if he was afraid that they would deliberately lie to him.

The first one is empty, the second one is empty, and the third one is still empty!

Lin Mo’s heart went cold, until the last envelope, there was nothing!

Lin Mo sat down on the ground, then lay down on the beach, his eyes were red.

“Xiao Mo, are you okay?~」?”

“Kid, are you okay?”

Lin Mo said:

“You are all bullying, I won’t let you do this. How can you play games like this? You don’t follow any rules, you lie to others, you bully others, you steal things, and you make the audience corner me.”

The more Lin Mo thought about it, the more frustrated he became. Do you know how much advantage he was taken just now?

But the worse Lin Mo was, the happier the men were. Huang Bai said:”Child, why don’t you do your homework? Where do the rules of extreme challenges come from!

After saying that, everyone left, and finally Sun Honglei came over and said:”Xiao Mo, do you think he is handsome or you?”

Lin Mo turned his head and didn’t look at him.

Sun Honglei took out a hundred yuan and said:

“This time it’s real money. Which one of us do you think is handsome?”

Lin Mo looked at Sun Honglei, then at the hundred yuan, and finally gritted his teeth and said:”You! Handsome!”

“That’s right, I’m the most handsome brother. Come on, I’ll give you this hundred yuan. Take it, don’t let them take it away.”

After saying that, Sun Honglei left happily.

Lin Mo held the hundred yuan and looked at the camera and said,”I’m so ashamed!!!”

He said and punched the beach

When this episode was broadcast, Lin Mo directly added a hot topic called”Feeling Lin Mo”, and this topic was on the hot search for three days.

It is worth mentioning that there will be a person named Sha Yi in the future, and he will also have a hot topic about feeling sorry for Sha Yi. However, he only hung up for two days and still did not break Lin Mo’s record!

“Lin Mo”

Lin Mo, who was lying on the beach, opened his eyes and saw Zhang Yixing standing in front of him with a smile, staring at him.money in hand

Lin Mo stood up immediately, then held the money in his hand and said:

“What do you want to do?”

“Hey, Lin Mo, don’t do this, it makes me look bad.”


“Lin Mo, I am your mentor! Is this how you treat your mentor?”



“I want to bully my master and destroy my ancestors!!!”

“Hahahaha, Lin Mo, don’t be like this. Let’s talk, let’s talk”

“Don’t come here! Stay away from me!!!”

Zhang Yixing looked at the camera and said with a smile:

“Hahahaha, why are the guests so nervous when they arrive on our show? Lin Mo, don’t be like this, we can get along well with each other.”

“I don’t believe anyone now, stay away from me, this is my money!”

“I don’t want your money! How about we make a deal?”

“What deal?”

“Let me ask you, did you ever fall in love when you were in school?”

“What’s the meaning?”

“You see, when buying things for girls, you must at least be in love. Otherwise, no matter how much money you have, it will be useless. At first glance, you look like the kind of person who has never been in love. I have been in love.

“How about I tell you what kind of gifts girls like, and then give me the money you have left over from buying the gifts?”

Lin Mo looked at Zhang Yixing, his eyes full of suspicion.

Not far away, Teacher Huang looked at Zhang Yixing and Lin Mo and said:

“What are Yixing and Lin Mo talking about?”

Wang Xun said:

“Yixing said that he thought Lin Mo was quite innocent, so he would try to fool him.”

Teacher Huang’s eyes almost dropped:”What the hell? Are you thinking of deceiving others?”

Wang Xun said:

“Well, Lin Mo does seem to be quite innocent.”

When this scene was broadcast, the audience laughed like crazy

How stupid did Lin Mo have to be to make the little sheep feel innocent, and even take the initiative to fool him!

The camera turned to Lin Mo. Lin Mo looked at Zhang Yixing and said,”PD, are you sure you don’t want to swindle my money? Let me tell you, I paid a heavy price for this money. If you If you even lie to me, you are no longer a human being.”

“Ouch, how could I lie to others! Did I lie to you when we were filming the show?”

“That’s not true”


“But at that time, we didn’t dare to look at you. When you stared at us, we were so frightened that we trembled.”

Zhang Yixing scratched his head and said:

“Am I that strict?”


“Let’s not talk about that. Just talk about our deal, right? I pay attention, you pay! Is it a win-win situation?”

Lin Mo thought for a moment and said:

“The premise is that you must have been in love. How many times did you talk about it when you were in school?”


“To tell the truth, people from the Dragon Kingdom do not lie to people from the Dragon Kingdom”


“Just once you taught me your experience!”

Zhang Yixing scratched his head, it seemed that he had failed in his deception.

“Well, you do have more experience than me!”

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