Lin Mo quickly turned around and ran away, shouting as he ran:

“Can anyone explain this rule to me? I do not understand!”

Wang Xun shouted:

“If you understand the difference, just run away!”

Brother Bo shouted:

“Do you want to understand what that thing does? Extreme challenges don’t require rules!”

Huang Lei said with a smile:

“Hahahaha, don’t worry, you’ll understand after playing around!”

Lin Mo looked at the camera with a question mark on his face:”Is this show so casual? You don’t even know how to win, so what’s the use of running fast!”

Just saying this, Lin Mo quickly ran to the front.

Later, the program team specially added a fancy word:”Then don’t run away.””

When this segment was broadcast, the barrage was filled with hahahahahahahahaha, only newcomers care about the rules.”

“Jichao either doesn’t understand the rules or doesn’t follow them, so what’s the use of these rules?

I think Lin Mo might be on the Extreme Three Idiots side because he doesn’t understand the rules.

“Hahahaha, Mo Mo is really suitable for a variety show, it’s so funny!”

Lin Mo was the first to run to the slide and put on the clothes prepared by the program team. At this time, everyone else also ran over. Lin Mo asked while putting on his clothes:”Brother Yixing, what on earth are we grabbing?””

“ah? I do not know either”

“Then why are you all in such a hurry?”

“I saw you all running so fast, so I just ran too”

“Brother Bo, can you tell me what we are fighting for?”

“Who said it was robbed? There’s no need to grab anything, just take your time. Isn’t today’s theme about walking along the road of life? No need to be in such a hurry”

“Brother Bo, what you said makes sense, but can you let go of my arm first!”

“You kid, why are you in such a hurry? Brother Bo said this to help you slow down, but Huang Bai pulled Lin Mo behind him, and then squeezed in front of Lin Mo.

“Why is this? I always feel that we don’t need to fight so hard. Can’t everyone come in peace?”

Then he picked up Brother Bo and pushed Teacher Huang behind him. Lin Mo was the first to enter the slide!

The people in the program group were almost laughing like crazy. These people were shouting for peace, but each one of them was more ruthless than the other!

Lin Mo got on the slide and slid down directly;”Oh!!! It feels so good.”Um???”

Before finishing his sentence, Lin Mo stopped directly in the middle of the slide:

“What’s happening here? Isn’t this a slide? Why is it still stuck? No wonder my mother said it took three days for me to be born. It turned out to be stuck in the middle.”

Lin Mo was talking to himself when he suddenly heard a voice from behind:”Lin Mo, why did you stop!!!”

Lin Mo turned around and saw Brother Bo sliding down, and was shocked:”Wait a minute! Brother Bo!! Brother Bo!”!!”


The two people bumped into each other and then slid down together

“You kid, you didn’t put soapy water on your clothes, did you?”

“ah? Is there still that thing?”

“I told you to slow down, slow down, what are you trying to grab?”

“Brother Bo, now is not the time to talk about this!!!”

Brother Bo saw Lin Mo’s eyes and turned around. Brother Hong Lei, Teacher Huang, Brother Xun, and Zhang Yixing all came down one after another.

“I go!!!Wait a minute, this kidI go!!!”

Six people huddled together, shouting and baring their teeth.


fall into water

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“one by one

Lin Mo came out of the water and shouted:

“Brothers, I still feel something is wrong! We are here to experience slow life today, right?Brother Yixing, don’t run!”

“Lin Mo! Lin Mo, let me go!!!I am your mentor!!!You let me go!!!”

“PD Zhang, listen to me, we need to calm down. I think this is An Xiong’s trick to make us quarrel with each other. We should get along peacefully. Teacher Huang, what do you think?”

“You damn kid, why are you so energetic? Let me go! Let me go!!!”

“Leilei, Leilei, you and Lin Mo have a good talk, this kid is a bit silly. You tell him, I’m going to help you find out which yogurt is the least. Can I keep it for you?”

Brother Honglei slapped Teacher Huang’s hand while holding on to Huang Bai tightly.

Brother Bo shouted:

“Can you be more civilized? What’s there to grab? Hong Lei, let me go! Wang Xun is almost at his destination”

The five of us were holding on to each other, and I was holding on to you, talking about the truth one after another, but no one wanted to let go, and they just walked forward step by step.

The staff on the shore laughed so hard that Yan Min even lost three hairs from laughing!

Finally, everyone moved to the side of the yogurt, and there were six bottles of yogurt directly on the table, as many as there were!

“PD Zhang, Teacher Huang, I am a loyal fan of Ji Tiao. Listen to me, Ji Tiao always wins when you lose, and lose when you win, so it doesn’t necessarily mean that the one who pretends less is the best, gulu gulu gulu!”

Before Lin Mo could finish a sentence, Huang Lei and Zhang Yixing jointly pushed him into the water!

“This kid, he talks so nicely, why is he so indifferent?.

When Lin Mo got out of the water, he saw that everyone had already drank, and the one who had the most left was the one left to him.

Lin Mo didn’t care about anything else, he ran over emotionally and sucked the straw hard!

Six grown men lined up to drink yogurt. What a spectacular scene!

“Okay, one star is finished, first place!”

“Second place, Lin Mo!”

“Hahahaha, let me just say, lose is win, win is lose! Mine looks like the most, but it’s actually the least! Teacher Huang, Brother Honglei, what did I say?Grrrrrrrrrr!”

Before Lin Mo could finish a sentence, two palms suddenly appeared on his chest, and before he could react, he was pushed into the water by Teacher Huang!

“This kid is so awesome! Let him get in the water and cool down!”

“Ha ha ha ha”

“How to increase the age next? Everyone will get different bows and arrows according to their ranking, and then shoot arrows on this rotating nameplate. Whoever you hit will increase your age. How many rings you hit will increase your age!”

Lin Mo heard this and asked again:

“Director, I still don’t understand, is it better to increase the age or not increase the age?”

Huang Bai smiled and said:

“Find out for yourself!”

“You can’t do this, I’m a guest! You have to be nice to the guests”

“We are so friendly, we didn’t lie to you! If you feel that we are not good enough to you, how about I ask Hong Lei to talk to you alone?”

Lin Mo turned his head and glanced at the smiling Sun Honglei, suddenly trembled and said: 2.9″No, no need.””

Then he turned to look at He Zhang Yixing and said:

“PD Zhang, you won’t help me either?”

Zhang Yixing said with a smile:

“Hahahaha, I’m sorry Lin Mo, I can’t protect myself in this show”

Lin Mo was speechless, looking at the bow and arrow in his hand and said:”Forget it, I’ll just close my eyes and shoot randomly. It’s an extreme challenge, everything matters!

“Hahahaha, kid, you finally understand the purpose of our program”

After a round of random shooting, the final result is that Teacher Huang is 20 years old, Brother Bo is 20 years old, Brother Xun is 21 years old, Zhang Yixing is 21 years old, Lin Mo is 21 years old, and Brother Honglei is 25 years old!

Lin Mo’s eyes lit up when he heard this, he came close to Teacher Huang and Brother Bo and said with a smile:

“Teacher Huang, Brother Bo, nowGrrrrrrrrrr!”

“That naughty kid is so courageous, he actually wants us to call him brother!”

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