Lin Mo’s villa is very big, so big that sometimes it feels a little empty.

But at this moment, Lin Mo felt that he couldn’t find a hiding place in such a huge villa!

Lin Mo stood at the door with anxiety written all over his face. Opposite him, the living room was brightly lit and there were three single sofas in the center of the living room.

Sister Reba was sitting in the middle wearing a small suit, with her legs crossed!

Cheng Xiaoxiao wears a pink sweatshirt on her upper body and hot pants on her lower body. Um, this combination is very strange. She is sitting on the left

Song Yi is wearing a dress. It’s almost November, isn’t it cold? Sitting on the right side of Sister Reba

The three people had calm expressions and smiles on their faces, but they were all staring at Lin Mo. Their eyes were very strange, very strange!

build! Luo! field!

They were obviously three beauties, but Lin Mo was extremely nervous now, and even swallowed a mouthful of saliva unconsciously.

Ordinarily, when doing this, Lin Mo was actually mentally prepared.

But come on, no matter how well prepared you are for this matter, you will still be nervous and uneasy when you encounter it. Secondly, come on, he originally wanted to speculate on the Hundred Flowers card.

Well now, what is supposed to come is finally coming!

“Isn’t it cold standing at the door?”

Sister Reba spoke, her anger was very calm, even quite gentle.

However, I’m afraid this is the calm before the storm!

“It’s quite cold, the wind is a bit strong today”

“Then come in and close the door to the room”


Lin Mo closed the door and walked towards the living room. There was a sofa opposite the three women. It was obviously prepared for him.

Lin Mo walked to the opposite side of the three women very wisely.Stand!

“sit down”


The three people looked at Lin Mo. Lin Mo didn’t dodge, he just smiled.

Three to one, the four of them just watched quietly. After a while, Cheng Xiaoxiao suddenly said with a smile:

“Hahahaha, let me tell you, my dear, I will never bow my head.”

Sister Reba said a little discouraged:

“Although I knew he was thick-skinned, I didn’t expect him to be able to hold his head high in this situation. I still underestimated him.”

Song Yi looked at Cheng Xiaoxiao and said:

“Xiaoxiao, you are really amazing, you actually know him so well”

Cheng Xiaoxiao said proudly:

“Sister Xiao Yi, I am not as good as you in acting, and I am not as good as Sister Mi in others, but when it comes to understanding him, I think I am better than you two.”



The depressing atmosphere was suddenly broken. Lin Mo saw that the situation was not as serious as he thought, so he immediately said with a smile:

“Are you hungry? I’ll feed it to you below”

“Sit back!”


Lin Mo, do your best obediently

Sister Reba looked at Lin Mo and said,”So, do you really have super powers?”

Damn it! A casual lie not only shocked Song Yi, but also deceived Sister Reba and Cheng Xiaoxiao? I’m really a genius!!!

“Well, if you can, please call it magic. Superpowers are for foreigners. I am an upright bloodline of the Dragon Kingdom!”

“speak nicely!”

“Yes, I have super powers!”

“Have you had it since you were born?”

“No, I woke up the day after tomorrow”

Sister Reba looked at Song Yi and Cheng Xiaoxiao and then whispered:”It should be true. When I met him in Hengcheng, he almost starved himself to death. If he really had super powers at that time, It shouldn’t be like that. Song Yi and Cheng Xiaoxiao both nodded.

“It’s not Sister Reba. I don’t like hearing what you say. What do you mean by being like that? I was the same at that time.”

“Shut up!”

“Good help!

“When did you discover you had superpowers?”

“It was the night I was regulated by you, and I had it when I woke up the next morning

Therefore, I deeply suspect that it was Sister Reba who helped me awaken my superpower.”

“What!!!Sister Reba, you have rules over him!”


Sister Reba’s cheeks were slightly red but she said with some pride:”That’s right, he was just a pretty boy who was chosen by me to follow the rules at the beginning.”

“Yes, but on that day, later on, Sister Reba, you know, sang Conquer and called Dad”

Cheng Xiaoxiao and Song Yi looked at Sister Reba in surprise. They didn’t expect you two to be so playful.

“you shut up!”

Sister Reba suddenly became embarrassed. Compared to the two little girls, she was certainly more relaxed. But as an eldest sister, how can I tell outsiders such things, not even sisters!

“But what he said should be true. You don’t know that he is completely different from the one I met before. If you think about it carefully, he only started to change after that day.”

“So Sister Reba, can you really give people super powers?”

“how could I know”

“Then Sister Reba, can you let women also have superpowers?”

“Actually, you three can give it a try in the evening, just in case it works.”

“Yes, yes, sister Reba, I don’t want to predict the future, I want to stay young forever, is that okay?”

“of course! Even if it doesn’t work, you won’t suffer any loss if you try anyway. Otherwise, I will give you some guidance on the side tonight, tell you what I did at that time, and help you improve your success rate?”

“Yeah. Sister RebaWho asked you to come over? Go and sit down. We haven’t finished asking yet.”

Hello Cheng Xiaoxiao, I think your skin is itchy.

Lin Mo sat down again, and Sister Reba and the other three also ended the conversation. Then Sister Reba looked at Lin Mo and said:

“So, when you chose to debut in Owlian, it was also because you saw the future?

Do you know that the occasional training session will be a big hit?”

“Um! Yes”

Cheng Xiaoxiao asked:

“Then you approached me on purpose because you had seen that we would be together?”

“Xiaoxiao, it was obviously you who made the first move at that time

“You’re talking nonsense. It was clearly you who took advantage of me in the cafeteria and even kissed me. That’s why I acted like that.”

“Xiaoxiao! You are not allowed to refute, answer honestly!”

Lin Mo said:

“This is really not true. I can see the future, but I can’t see my own future, so I don’t know who I will be with in the future.

The reason why I met you, hehe, is just because of sex! Come on, all of you are so beautiful.”

When I say this, the three girls are all sweet. Who doesn’t like others to praise them?

“Ahem, be serious!”

Sister Reba has obviously taken control of this villa. Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao, what about your persistence?

“So, when you went to find Zhou Yan, you also saw the future?”

“Yes, it’s just that in the future scene, Zhou Yan is not my manager. She brought another artist and praised him as the best actor. That’s why I cut it off.”

Song Yi said in surprise:

“Can you still change the future?”

“Well, probably!”

“You brat, you actually know so much. It’s just that some of us underestimated you!”

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