At the entrance of the cinema, Lin Mo hugged Kun Kun and did not let go, but his eyes carefully looked at Cheng Xiaoxiao and Sister Reba who were talking to Song Yi on the other side.

“Kun, you must take care of yourself”

“Brother, you have said this sentence twelve times”

It doesn’t look like they’re about to fight. They’re not swearing in a low voice.

“Kun, you are really getting more and more handsome”

“Brother, I’ve said this eight times”

Move, move, Xiaoxiao, I didn’t expect you to be the first to move, you are still young, why can’t you keep calm?

Wait, hug?

Why are you still hugging me?

Could it be that he was taking advantage of the hug to take advantage of the situation?

The thoughts are quite vicious

“Kun, why are you becoming more and more sissy?”

“Brother, I have said this three hundred and sixty-three times, plus what I explained to you on the phone. I said this is the position given to me by the company, and there is nothing I can do about it. I don’t want to be like this, dressed like this. so”

Sister Reba also hugged her,”Sister Xiaoyi, you are really amazing. You can deal with two people by yourself and still smile. You are so fierce!”

“Kun, I miss you so much”

“real? This is the first time I heard you say, brother, do you really miss me?”


“I have heard this sentence countless times. Brother, can you let go? You have been holding me for more than ten minutes.”

“Brother Peng Peng was scared away by you”

what’s the situation? Why are you still looking at me? Don’t look at me, don’t look at me. Even if you beat me to death, I won’t get over.

“We haven’t seen each other for such a long time, why don’t we give you a hug?”

“No, brother, there are many people taking pictures. I’m afraid there will be rumors about us two tomorrow. The most important thing is, I want to go to the toilet”

“Kun, why do you always want to go to the toilet? Do you have bad kidneys?”

gone? Leaving now? That’s right, after all, they can’t really fight in front of the camera, but they must have played tricks on each other just now, and I don’t know if the injuries were serious.”Brother, please don’t talk nonsense. My kidneys are in great condition. Let me tell you that I am now”

“Okay, let’s go. Don’t send me so many messages if you have nothing to do in the future. Does it bother you? If you’re bored, go find a girlfriend to play with.”

“Brother, I still have something to say”

“Aren’t you in a hurry to go to the toilet? Go now, bye”

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he pushed Kun Kun away.

Kunkun scratched his head, why is Brother Li becoming more and more confused? As expected of my brother! It’s really unfathomable!

Lin Mo said goodbye to Kun Kun and hugged Tong Liya:”Don’t forget our agreement.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll let you know when the movie starts filming”

“No, I mean, don’t forget to wear t-shirts the next time we meet.”

“roll!!!Gone, a big hit at the box office”

After sending Tong Liya away, Lin Mo turned around and hugged Teacher He.

“Teacher He, thank you”

“Ouch, why are you being polite to me?”

“Teacher He, if you treat others with such sincerity, you may not think that others will appreciate your kindness.”

“Hahahaha, but do good deeds and don’t ask about your future.”

Alas, you can still say this today. Let’s see if you can still say it in two years.

“Teacher He, no matter what time, I will always be your best brother”

“Hahahaha, okay, I’m leaving, there’s still a show tonight. I wish you a big hit at the box office. Mr. He would never have imagined that when he would be hurt the most in the future, it would be this younger brother who would warm him and give him the greatest support.

After seeing off Teacher He, Lin Mo was about to walk towards Song Yi to inquire about the situation, but was suddenly blocked by someone.

“Lin Mo, long time no see. I wish you a great box office success!”

Looking at Zhang Tianai in front of him, Lin Mo was slightly surprised.

In fact, he had filmed a scene with Zhang Tianai, yes, when he was playing the eunuch, but he was replaced after only two scenes, and then he was replaced by Peng Peng.

Anyway, he is very grateful that Zhang Tianai can come today.

“Sister Ai, thank you for coming”

Lin Mo and Zhang Tianai hugged each other

“I won’t disturb you today. We will keep in touch from now on. Let’s add a contact information.”

“Um, okay, keep in touch”

After the two people added their contact information to each other, Zhang Tianai left

“Do you also see your future in her? Is she also your marriage partner?”

As soon as Lin Mo turned around, he heard Song Yi’s teasing.

Lin Mo said quickly:

“I swear, she really wasn’t invited by me, and I really don’t know her well.”

Song Yi smiled and said:

“Then you should be careful, this Zhang Tianai is very good at creating hype.”

When Lin Mo heard this, he remembered that Zhang Tianai, who had just debuted, was constantly making mistakes.

First, she hyped up the scandal with the male lead of the Crown Princess, but then she stopped being popular and kicked her out immediately. The male lead continued to hype her and her team refused to clarify.

The same goes for filming. When you make a movie, you must hype it up. Even whoever is popular must hype it up.

And her age is also a mystery. Anyway, she is always eighteen years old.

Later, they also robbed Zhao Liying of her advertising resources. She had already taken her makeup photos, but her face turned out to be hers.

In short, Zhang Tianai was really hyped up in the early days of his debut. Later, he participated in more shows and his popularity was fixed, so he became quieter.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo suddenly said:

“Damn it, she wasn’t just using me to hype her up, was she?”

“This is not good to say”

“Forget it, whatever. By the way, Sister Xiaoyi, are you okay?”

“What’s wrong with me?”

“Did you guys do something evil to each other just now?”

“Haha, want to know?”


“I won’t tell you!”

After saying that, Song Yi walked towards the cinema.

Lin Mo stood there scratching his head, why is this so weird?

After the premiere, all the guests left. Everyone knew that at this time, the main creative staff were anxiously waiting for the box office news, and no one had time to entertain them.

If the movie is really successful, they will be indispensable at the celebration party.

The cinema has specially prepared a large lounge for Wu Jing. Not only is it a lounge, but a hotel has also been booked. It is said that everyone can go and have a rest. After all, the road show will continue tomorrow.

However, no one left at this time!

Wu Jing and his wife, Brother Qian, Chunyu Shanshan, Wu Gang, Song Yi and her managers, Lin Mo and Sister Yan, are all here!

Everyone is waiting for the first-hand box office information

The quality of a movie can basically be seen from the box office on the first day.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that the statistics can be calculated immediately. After all the filming is completed, the summary of the data will also take time, so it will not be available until at least the early morning.

But no one left. Of course, in fact, it was more because Wu Jing was under too much pressure. He had bet almost all his wealth on this movie. Now it was time to decide whether to live or die. It’s impossible to say that he’s not nervous.

Whether it’s abalone, lobster or northwest wind, it all depends on this trick!

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