In Wanda Cinema, a large group of fans surrounded the place. There were also many reporters standing in the filming area.

There was a red carpet at the door, and there were a few big words written on the background wall – Wolf Warrior 2 Premiere!

Behind is the promotional poster for Wolf Warrior 2. It is worth mentioning that Wu Jing and Lin Mo are in the C position of the poster.

At ten o’clock in the morning, a nanny car parked at the entrance of the red carpet!

The car door opened, and Wu Jing and Xie Nan appeared on the red carpet. Fans at the scene immediately cheered and the spotlights clicked.

Wu Jing and Xie Nan took photos and signed autographs, then stood at the door

Not long after, Teacher Wu Gang, Brother Qian, and Chunyu Shanshan came together.

After the three people, another car stopped

When Lin Mo, who was wearing a crisp suit, got out of the car, the cheers of the fans reached their peak, and the flashlights were blinding.

Lin Mo didn’t leave after getting out of the car. Instead, he opened the door and Song Yi, who was wearing an evening dress, got out of the back seat.

When Song Yi walked onto the red carpet with Lin Mo on her arm, the combination of handsome men and beautiful women instantly killed countless films, especially since the rumors that the two were in love because of the drama have not stopped.

Lin Mo and Song Yi also walked to the door. Today they are the hosts and are responsible for welcoming guests!

The first person to come was Teacher He

Seeing Teacher He, Lin Mo rushed over and hugged him, almost knocking him down.

“Naughty kid, don’t mess up the hairstyle I took so much trouble to do.”

Teacher He said he was disgusted, but he hugged Lin Mo and was particularly kind.

Lin Mo was really grateful. Teacher He was the host of the premiere today, and it was Teacher He who took the initiative to contact Lin Mo and asked Lin Mo if anyone would host the premiere.

Originally I had booked Xie Nan, but Teacher He said that if he didn’t mind it, he could come over and help.

To be honest, Lin Mo was really touched by this kind of warmth.

After Teacher He, Teacher Guo from Deyun Building and his son Guo Qilin came!

The next people who came were all Jing Ge’s friends, Yibo, Yu Yan, Li Cheng, and many artists whose names I couldn’t name.

Anyway, Lin Mo remembered that the premiere of Wolf Warrior 2 in the previous life was particularly deserted, and it even made the news because of it. It was very shabby!

But today is different

Behind director Guo Fan, Peng Peng and Zhang Zifeng made a shining appearance. This pair of brother and sister, who are now famous in the circle, caused a sensation together, not to mention Peng Peng and Lin Mo, a pair of good friends!

After Peng Peng and Zhang Zifeng, Zhang Yixing and Li Ronghao also came. Lin Mo quickly bowed and said hello. After all, these are the teachers who led him to debut.

Then Kunkun appeared and shocked countless people.

Aren’t Kun Kun and Lin Mo rivals?

The drama about the brothers reading the wall is still being circulated on the Internet. Why is he here?

There will be another hot spot tomorrow

After Kunkun, Cheng Xiaoxiao is here

It was embarrassing, this was also a teacher, so both Lin Mo and Kun Kun had to bow, which made Cheng Xiaoxiao extremely proud!

After Cheng Xiaoxiao, Tong Liya also came

This Lin Mo really didn’t invite him. In fact, neither did Cheng Xiaoxiao or Lin Mo.

How unthinkable he was, daring to invite Cheng Xiaoxiao to face Song Yi. To be honest, from the moment Cheng Xiaoxiao appeared, although Lin Mo was smiling, his heart was already lifted

After Tong Liya, another unexpected guest came, Zhang Tianai!

In the conscience of heaven and earth, Lin Mo and Zhang Tianai were really not familiar with each other, and he really didn’t invite Zhang Tianai. Although they both worked on the set of The Princess at the time, one was the heroine and the other was the eunuch, so there was no intersection at all.

However, he didn’t reach out to hit the smiling person. When they came, Lin Mo still had to smile and greet them to thank them for their support.

When Sister Reba appeared on the red carpet, Lin Mo really felt that the sky was going to fall.

Is today the day of my death?

What kind of Shura field is this?!!

With the entrance of Sister Reba, this premiere was also star-studded.

When everyone entered the venue, Lin Mo held Kun Kun and Peng Peng tightly and wouldn’t let go. Even if Kun Kun was about to wet his pants, Lin Mo wouldn’t let go!

He didn’t dare to let go. Once he let go, do you think he was looking for Song Yi? Or go find Cheng Xiaoxiao? Or go find Sister Reba?

No, he is seeking death!!!

Finally the premiere started, and Teacher He came on stage to host it. Lin Mo looked at Kun Kun’s back running towards the bathroom, and felt a little bit guilty in his heart.

The main creative staff must sit in the first row. When Lin Mo took his seat, he took a special look and decided that he would never sit with Song Yi today, even if he separated Brother Jing and Sister Nan. Not sitting next to Song Yi

ThenLin Mo Sparta!

Who the hell arranged the seats? Why did they arrange Sister Reba and Cheng Xiaoxiao together????

With their status, status, fame, and status, they cannot sit together, right?

Wait a minute, why is Song Yi also there????

As a heroine, if you don’t sit in the first row, why are you in the second row?


Lin Mo didn’t know what was happening, he just felt his scalp was numb!!!

He is not far from death!!!

There was no interview session at the premiere. Wu Jing and a group of creative staff expressed their gratitude to the guests and fans who came. There is no such miserable session in filming. After a few polite remarks, the movie started directly. Got it

After the movie started, everyone fell silent. Whether they were fans or reporters, they all watched carefully.

It’s not that I’m enjoying the movie, it’s mainly because there’s so much publicity for Wolf Warrior 2 online during this period.

If the effect of this movie is not as good as advertised, then tomorrow’s news will not have to worry about hot topics.

And Lin Mo, who was injured all over his body and was stressed out, had a 30-page character book and stayed up late to ponder the script. It would be more fun if you came out with a paralyzed face and glaring eyes.

So with this mood, many people watched the movie quietly. Only Lin Mo looked at the three sisters Reba sitting together from time to time.

Fortunately, fortunately, at least they didn’t fight in person! Hope this isn’t the calm before the storm!

Just when Lin Mo was uneasy, suddenly he received a message on his phone

Lin Mo glanced at Wu Jing beside him and said:

“Brother Jing, let me go backstage for a moment”

Wu Jing nodded

Lin Mo walked towards the back

The backstage was very deserted and empty. Just as Lin Mo was looking around, a hand suddenly stretched out a hand and pulled Lin Mo into the room.

The next moment, Tong Liya’s mouth blocked Lin Mo’s mouth….

Now this handsome actor Lin Mo, everything he showed made Tong Liya feel trembled in her heart.

She didn’t expect that Lin Mo would have such perseverance and achieve such great results in the entertainment industry.

She likes this man very much!


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