Lin Mo smiled and said:

“Am I so good in your heart?”

“Of course. Look at how many fans you have now because of your good looks, how good you write songs, how good you are in acting, and how hard you work.

When I was on the show today, when Li Jin dug a hole for Brother Jing, Brother Jing didn’t even notice it, but you discovered it all at once and blocked the hole.

My dear, why can you always give people endless surprises? You don’t even know how proud I felt when I looked at Li Jin and your shocked eyes. He was so handsome.”

Lin Mo was a little embarrassed to be praised by Song Yi. This was the first time that he was praised so blatantly.

“Actually, it’s okay. I think I’m just average.”

“No way, do you know when I fell in love with you?”


Lin Mo said he liked this topic

“”657″”When I was on the set, I was sitting on a small stool and watching you writing a character profile with a pen under the light. Wow, you didn’t even know how handsome you were at that time. You were so charming.”

“Yeah? Haha, oops, I just write casually”

“It’s the kind of charm that is revealed casually that is the most charming. I think every girl will be heartbroken when she sees you like that.”

“It’s too much, it’s too much. Not everyone likes it. There are still some people who don’t like me.”

“How can it be? All women will like it”

“Hey, right?”

“Yes, so dear, are the people you just mentioned who don’t like filming also fascinated by you?”

“That’s not true, theyDamn it!!!”

Lin Mo’s smiling expression froze in an instant, blurted out a Chinese quintessence sentence, and then watched helplessly as Song Yi changed from being full of admiration to being as cold as ice!

Song Yi, you actually used sugar-coated bullets!!!You are too cruel!!!

“they? who is it???”

“Sister Xiaoyi, has anyone said that you are actually quite suitable to play a femme fatale?”

“Stop talking nonsense!!!Be honest! Leniency for confession!”

“What to explain?”

“Tell me who was the Xiaoxiao who was on the phone in the bathroom when you were having dinner in the hotel just now? And who is that sister Mi who you just sent a message to?”

“Um, do you think they might be my younger sister and older sister?”

“Oh~~it turns out to be my younger sister and older sister


“Then you and your sister have a final phone call, and your sister sends you a message telling you not to go recently. She hasn’t been home recently?”

“It’s Cheng Xiaoxiao and Sister Reba!”

“You, you bastard!!!”

Song Yi grabbed Lin Mo’s dick and took a bite, but there was no blood, only a few shallow teeth marks.

“Say, you want me or them! Are you planning to break up with me?”


“No? There is no message about why you deliberately let me hear you talking on the phone, and why you deliberately let me read your messages.”

“Wow!!!Sister Xiao Yi, you actually saw that I did it on purpose???”

“you!!!Is this the point???”

Lin Mo smiled and said:

“Mainly because I don’t want to lie to you. I am a person who is quite afraid of lying, especially when I am with people close to me. I often speak out of my mind.

Instead of waiting to be discovered by you, I might as well take the initiative to expose you.”

Song Yi looked at Lin Mo and said:

“You mean, Cheng Xiaoxiao and Sister Reba also know about me?”

Lin Mo nodded and said:

“You know, I told Sister Reba just now that we got together. As for Xiaoxiao, she pretends to be confused, but in fact she knows everything and is just pretending not to know.”Are they still willing to be with you?”

“Sister Reba didn’t care. She knew it was impossible to marry me anyway, so she looked away. As for Xiaoxiao, that girl is a genius in this area. Don’t look at her being silly on the show, but she is very confident that she can manipulate me.

No matter how much I spend outside, I have to go home in the end and return to her arms. So she looked away”

“Then why do you think I can tolerate it?”

“Hehe, I wasn’t confident at first, but you just guessed what happened between me and them, and you were willing to come to me, and even said those words to me to test me. I don’t think you would be so serious about abandoning me.”

“You bastard, you’ve got us, right? Do you just want us to be your underground lover for the rest of your life?”

“That’s not true. Sooner or later we will get married.

“marry? How do you want to get married? Who to marry?”

“With all of you!”

“You, do you know what you’re talking about?”

Lin Mo looked at Song Yi and said:

“Now that things have come to a point, I have to have a showdown with you….0Sister Xiaoyi, in fact, I am very likely to be a god descended to earth.ah!!!pain!!!”

Lin Mo looked at the slap mark on his chest, his face full of pain

Song Yi said with a cold face:

“Are you still in the mood to joke at this time?”

Lin Mo said:

“Sister Xiaoyi, I am really not kidding, I am really the reincarnation of a god, who descended to earth and was reborn to experience calamity. I can prove it to you!”

“Ah! Okay, how do you prove it? Fly to me?”

“Um, no!”


“Nor will”

“Midas touch?”

“Sister Xiaoyi, you are making things difficult for me.”

“Okay, then please continue your performance, Lord Immortal”

“Oh, Sister Xiaoyi, why don’t you believe it? Let me tell you, although I don’t know what you said, I still have an ability that is enough to prove my identity.”

“What ability?”

“I canPredict future!”

“Predict future?”

“Predict future!”

“Then can you predict that I will hit you with my left hand next? Or shall I hit you with my right hand?”

“Sister Xiao Yi, have you accepted the role of Qing Yu Nian Fan Ruoruo?”

Lin Mo pretended to be mysterious and said

Song Yi smiled slightly:

“Did you take the role of Wu Zhu? And it was decided directly without even attending an interview? Wow, I am also a god descended to earth, and I can predict the future.”

Lin Mo was shocked:

“What! Has Wu Zhu’s role been finalized? I do not know how?”

The roles of Lang Yi Bang and Qing Yu Nian both required auditions, but the filming of Wolf Warrior 2 was delayed. Lin Mo thought there was no chance of it, and Zhou Yan didn’t say anything during this period.

I didn’t expect it to be settled!

“asshole! You still lied to me!!!I will make you a god! I’ll let you predict the future!”

Song Yi was completely angry now. This bastard didn’t care about his efforts and still lied to her with such childish words. It was really annoying.

Lin Mo dodged left and right, and was finally hit several times by Song Yi before Song Yi stopped.

“Lin Mo, I really didn’t expect you to be such a person”

“asshole! Shameless! You know how to lie to me with such words! I hate you!”


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