Li Jin said:

“So how did Song Yi and Lin Mo meet?”

Lin Mo smiled and said:

“I’m actually quite embarrassed about this.”

When he said this, everyone became more interested.

“When I first debuted, I met Xiao Yi by chance at the airport. Then we happened to be on the same flight, and our seats happened to be next to each other….”

“What then?”

“Hahahaha, then I fell asleep and leaned on Sister Xiaoyi’s shoulder”


Is this a way to stir up scandals?

Just when the audience thought that Lin Mo and Song Yi were going to hype up the scandal, they heard Lin Mo say:

“As a result, when I woke up, I discovered that I had stained Sister Xiaoyi’s clothes by drooling while sleeping.”

After saying that, Lin Mo covered his face

The audience was stunned at first, and then burst into laughter. This was so embarrassing.

Li Jin said:

“Did you know each other at that time?”

“I don’t know each other, it’s the first time we meet”

“When we first met, you drooled all over her?”


“How did Song Yi feel at that time?”

Song Yi smiled and said:

“It was very embarrassing, and it was the new clothes I just bought, and it was the first time I wore them!”

“Hahahaha, what happened next?”

“Later, he insisted on adding my contact information and he must give me the clothes. I didn’t ask for the transfer, but one day, I received a new piece of clothing from him, and that’s how we got to know each other.”

“Then you are quite destined.”

Li Jin gave a little guidance. Lin Mo would have had to explain a few words before. After all, the price of hyping up scandals with him is not cheap.

But now, everyone belongs to themselves. If you don’t help Song Yi, who else will you help?

So Lin Mo and Song Yi both smiled and said nothing.

“I have another picture here”

Li Jin held up another picture, which showed Lin Mo with his upper body bare but covered in bruises.

“Is this caused by Lin Mo’s filming?”


“No substitute?”

Wu Jing said:

“Lin Mo didn’t use a stand-in throughout the entire scene.”

Li Jin looked at Lin Mo and said:

“Does Lin Mo dislike substitutes?”

Lin Mo didn’t dare to say this nonsense. Although he was praising him, if he admitted it, those who used substitutes would scold him to death.

You can’t do such offending things.

Lin Mo said:

“It’s not rejection. There is actually no conflict between an actor and a stuntman. A stuntman is also a profession, and he also needs to make money to support his family.

Actors do have some actions that are not as good looking as a stand-in, so sometimes they have no choice but to use a stand-in.

As for myself, I can do these action scenes myself, so I don’t use a stunt double. After all, the audience pays to see you act, not to see the stuntman applaud again

Li Jin said:

“After suffering so many injuries, you still insist on filming, which is already amazing”

Lin Mo said lightly:

“These injuries were just superficial injuries, which looked scary to everyone. The one who was really seriously injured was Brother Jing. He has more action scenes and gets minor injuries almost every day

So compared to Brother Jing, this is really nothing to me. I just want to say that it is precisely because of such excellent teachers as Brother Jing, Brother Angkor and Brother Shan that we, the younger generation, can forge ahead and keep moving forward.”

The audience was moved by Lin Mo’s words and applauded one after another.

Li Jin said with a smile:

“What Lin Mo said is really good. I believe that with such good teachers as Wu Jing and Wu Ge, and such dedicated and hard-working juniors like Lin Mo and Song Yi, Wolf Warrior 2 will definitely deliver a satisfactory answer.

So in the end, I still hope that everyone will go to the cinema on October 1 and support Wolf Warrior 2

Thank you all for watching today’s Very Close. I’m Li Jin. See you next time!”

After the recording of the program ended, Lin Mo signed autographs and took photos with the audience, and then said goodbye to Li Jin

Although Li Jin dug holes several times during the interview, Lin Mo and the others also understood that the program needed to be popular, and this was her job. And she is quite dedicated. At least she helped promote Wolf Warrior 2 a few times, which is already very good.

It’s just that Lin Mo really doesn’t have a good impression of this host.

He had watched a variety show of hers in his previous life, and he didn’t like her condescending attitude toward amateurs, so he just said hello and left. Lin Mo also asked Zhou Yan to decline Li Jin’s request to leave his contact information. Although I can understand it, it doesn’t mean that I approve of you!

The group left the program group and returned to the hotel. After eating and drinking, Lin Mo said to Zhou Yan:

“Sister Yan, please go back first. Sister May, please go back too. Just ask Xiaoyu to follow.”

Wu Jing, Wu Gang and Song Yi were all stunned when these words came out.

Zhou Yan sighed helplessly and said to Wu Jing:”Teacher Wu Jing, our Mo Mo will be left to you. I really don’t know what kind of ecstasy you gave him!””

Wu Jing looked at Lin Mo and then at Zhou Yan and said,”Sister Yan, what do you mean?”

Wu Jing knew Zhou Yan. When Zhou Yan’s house was in turmoil, Wu Jing had already made his debut.

Zhou Yan said:

“This guy has been working day and night to arrange his own schedule during this period, and specially set aside a few days to accompany you to promote Wolf Warrior 2. Look at his eyes, they are almost bloodshot.

Tell me, did you give him some ecstasy? Otherwise, why would he be so nice to you? Even my agent can’t control it anymore”

Zhou Yan and Wu Jing knew each other when they were in Hong Kong Island, so they talked more casually.

Wu Jing listened to Zhou Yan’s words and turned to look at Lin Mo. Lin Mo said with a smile:”Anyway, I am also the biggest player in our group right now. If I run more, it will be more useful than all of you combined. But let’s talk first. Come on, I have to rely on you to arrange my food, clothing, housing and transportation these days, otherwise I will leave”

Wu Jing didn’t say anything, she just hugged Lin Mo and patted him twice on the back.

He really didn’t know what to say. Lin Mo had done too much for him in this movie.

Now that Ni Zhan is so popular, Lin Mo can still take some time out for himself to promote. He really has nothing to say about this friendship.

“Sister Yan, don’t worry, I will take good care of Xiao Mo”

“Okay, let’s just say it. I’ll go first.”

Wu Jing has a makeup artist, so May can go back. If that’s the case, the reason why artists bring their own makeup artists is because they are afraid that other makeup artists will tamper with your face. After all, artists rely on their faces to make a living. Lin Mo I definitely don’t worry about this now. Whether it’s Wu Jing or Song Yi, they will definitely not harm Lin Mo, so Lin Mo asked May to go back.

Well, my studio is really short on manpower, and everyone has to wear multiple hats.

Lin Mo also said that now that he was making money, he asked Zhou Yan to recruit more people, but Zhou Yan said that he wanted elites and not waste, so he didn’t care.

After sending Zhou Yan and May away, Lin Mo took Wu Jing’s car and drove towards the next promotional venue.

Promotion means constantly running around, constantly accepting interviews, and constantly appearing on programs.

The hotel for the night was also arranged by Wu Jing. When Xiao Wang went to book the hotel, he was told by Wu Jing’s agent that Lin Mo’s next arrangements would be all taken by Wu Jing’s team.

Lin Mo didn’t refuse.

Of course, the reason why he stayed to promote was not only because his relationship with Wu Jing was getting better and he valued Wolf Warrior 2, but also because of a very important person, Song Yi!

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