Chapter 93

But Qin Zhong has not changed at all compared to before.

Qin Zhong smiled and said, “I know you are busy, so I didn’t bother you. I’m not here for the first time anyway. I’m familiar with the road, so I won’t bother you to send a car to pick me up!”

Last time, Gu Tianle came to pick him up.

Gu Tianle knew that Qin Zhong was afraid of trouble, so he patted Qin Zhong’s shoulder hard and said, “Good boy, come with me, I will introduce a few people to you!”

“Hello, Qin Zhong, you look pretty good today!”

Liu Dehua was talking to the master of the props group. He saw Qin Zhong, put down the things in his hand, and ran over to say hello.

From Qin Zhong’s point of view, filming has not officially started yet, just some preparations have been done.

But many actors are already in place, and there are many props crews who are installing props.

Liu Dihua is a star who has been famous for a long time. He is slowly becoming popular one step at a time, which is different from the sudden popularity of small fresh meat.

Knowing that it is not easy to become famous, Andy Lau is also very serious in filming. Many things will be personally controlled.

“Hello, Brother Hua!” Qin Zhong said with a smile.

He is still looking forward to cooperating with people like Hua Ge. He can work with such seniors and learn a lot from them.

Because they have been in the crew for decades, they are very clear about the doorways inside.

At the same time, there is another advantage, which can also smoothly expand their reputation in Xiangjiang.

This is a step that Qin Zhong must take to get out of the country and to the world film scene.

Liu Dehua combed a big back, his hair was meticulous, and he was dressed in a suit and leather shoes. This fits well with his image as an elite policeman in the movie.

He looked up and down Qin Zhong and nodded in satisfaction: “Gu Zai, this guy has a good image and good acting skills. I finally know why you have to use him instead of super power!”

Gu Tsai sighed and said, “Super Power is going to play” Domineering traitor falls in love with me! “Say there are many action scenes in it!”

“Action scene?” Liu Dehuan suddenly pricked his ears.

“What action scene?”

Gu Tianle showed a meaningful smile.

“Extraordinarily large-scale action scenes! It is said that Chaowei himself also told the director that he added a few more occasionally!”

Liu Dehua said angrily: “This Liang Chaowei, how can he not call me for this kind of dedication to art!”

Hearing what the two of them said, Qin Zhong was at a loss. Why did the two of them laugh so ambiguously?

“Okay, let’s not talk about it, I will introduce our director to you. Director Liu Weiqiang!”

Qin Zhong is very familiar with this famous director Liu Weiqiang.

Almost every young and Dangerous boy in Secondary Two has seen it, directed by Liu Weiqiang.

“Hello, Mr. Qin Zhong!”

A man in a suit with glasses walked up to Qin Zhong and extended his hand enthusiastically.

“Hello, Director Liu!”

Qin Zhong responded politely.

“Qin Zhong, I have watched several of your movies. They are very good! The acting skills are remarkable.” Liu Weiqiang extended his thumb, expressing his approval of Qin Zhong.

Next to him, a fat middle-aged man who had been sitting on the sofa suddenly stood up.

“Qin Zhong, I have been writing this script for many years, but I haven’t been able to find investors!”

“When I found the investor, I couldn’t find Chen Yongren again. I met you this time and I hope you don’t let me down!”

This fat man is Zhuang Wenqiang.

He is the screenwriter of “Infernal Affairs” and, like Liu Weiqiang, is the director of this movie.

However, Liu Weiqiang is better at portraying details and controlling movements, while Zhuang Wenqiang is more responsible for the direction of the whole play.

Compared with the enthusiastic Liu Weiqiang, Zhuang Wenqiang’s attitude is much more serious.

Zhuang Wenqiang’s tone was a bit harsh, and his momentum was also very strong.

“Infernal Affairs” is the script he wrote in 1991, but the result has not been favored by others, and it has not been able to attract investment.

He looked at Qin Zhong’s materials and it was very good.

But still too young.

Chen Yongren is an undercover police officer for ten years.

But he couldn’t help being a young and Dangerous boy for ten years.

Not from Xiangjiang, it is difficult to have a deep understanding of Young and Dangerous.

They are not good people, fighting, robbing, hacking, smuggling, drug trafficking, and doing everything.

But they are also very loyal to brothers.

If it weren’t for those brothers, Chen Yongren would not be so painful, betraying the people around him and deeply blame himself.

So much so that you have to see a psychiatrist.

So he was skeptical that someone as young as Qin Zhong came to play such a complicated role as Chen Yongren.

To be honest, if it weren’t for Gu Tsai’s old friend this time, and Gu Tsai’s company gave him a lot of investment. He will not let Qin Zhong play this role.

However, although Zhuang Wenqiang’s momentum is very strong, but Qin Zhong is not timid at all.

He just smiled indifferently and said: “Director Zhuang, I don’t think I will let you down!”

Qin Zhong has already exchanged a lot of acting experience about the undercover police in the scene mode before.

And he also spent half a million fans value in the store to buy the life experience of very powerful undercover police officers from all over the world.

The longest policeman has been undercover for twenty years!

After such a long life experience has been poured into his mind, Qin Zhong feels that his performance rating in the undercover police field has reached an excellent level.

It can be said that none of the people present is more exciting than Qin Zhong’s performance.

Qin Zhong was so unpretentious, and his indifferent attitude made Zhuang Wenqiang finally interested in him.

“Very well, you weren’t surprised by me. Haha…” Zhuang Wenqiang put away his serious look and said with a smile on his face: “However, I hope you can meet my requirements, um, My requirements are very high!”

As he said, he sat on the sofa, and at the same time, his eyes were staring straight at Qin Zhong.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuang Wenqiang said: “I need you to show an image that satisfies me in a very short time!”

Unexpectedly, Zhuang Wenqiang came up to challenge just how difficult.

And Gu Tianle obviously did not expect this change.

In an instant, the whole room was silent, and everyone looked at Qin Zhong’s body.

Qin Zhong squinted his eyes slightly, then he backed up a few steps, picked up the ashtray on the table with a daunting expression, and slammed it on the ground.

“Wow!” The glass was splashing everywhere.

Qin Zhong’s overall momentum has become different.

With a trace of indifference and cynicism, there was a trace of ridicule at the corner of his mouth.

Zhuang Wenqiang’s pupils shrank suddenly.

In an instant, everyone looked at Qin Zhong as if he were a lunatic. .

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