Chapter 77

The capital tycoons believe that the spring of the film industry has arrived.

At exactly this time, global film and television came to the door.

The two sides hit it off.

If they are willing, they can pull Jiahang off the altar in minutes.

Now these artists, as long as the money is in place, how can they disagree.

Before, the boss was worried that Qin Zhong would disagree, who knew that things went so smoothly!

The two people showed satisfied smiles on their faces and said: “If this is the case, then let’s not disturb Mr. Qin’s rest! Tomorrow, our brothers will visit again, and hope to cooperate with Mr. Qin further!

Early the next morning.

Qin Zhong came downstairs, and her agent Bai Lili was already waiting for him downstairs.

Bai Lili drove him to the airport.

After a three-hour flight, Qin Zhong came to Xiangjiang.

As for the two people, let them wait outside the door.

As soon as I got off the airport, I met someone. This person has a dark skin, but he is very handsome.

After he saw Qin Zhong, he took off his glasses and smiled at Qin Zhong.

“It turned out to be Gu Tianle, a school donator!” Qin Zhong was very surprised.

I didn’t expect to be able to meet Gu Tianle here.

“It’s Teacher Gu Tianle. I didn’t expect you to come and pick me up personally!” Qin Zhong said.

“Qin Zhong, come here, come to me!” Gu Tianle said: “I happened to be passing by here today. All the directors called me to pick you up!”

“You never thought I was, did you?”

Gu Tianle opened the car door and said with a smile.

Gu Tianle his Mandarin is not very good, but Qin Zhong communicates with him without much pressure.

“You guys are pretty good, you have a lot to do in the future!” Gu Tianle said in admiration.

“Thank you Mr. Gu Tianle for your compliment!” Qin Zhong said with a smile, but didn’t expect the artists on Xiangjiang to be so close to the people.

Gu Tianle said: “It is natural, after the most brilliant department before Xiangjiang, 5% of the people in Xiangjiang are involved in the production of movies, either as actors, or in related industries, celebrities, celebrities. , It’s not mysterious at all. ¨!”

Qin Zhong nodded. Gu Tianle said that is not bad. In other places, the stars may be very mysterious, but in this place in Xiangjiang, the probability of encountering big stars when shopping is really too high, which leads to the crowds. Seeing the stars are very calm.

The two galloped all the way and soon arrived on the set.

“Good morning, Qin Zhong! What, are you ready?”

Director Ye Weixin got out of the shed.

The set had just been set up, and he greeted Qin Zhong with a smile on his face.

“Director, hello!”

Qin Zhong noticed that the crew seems to have not officially started filming,

But everyone is very busy. The lighting engineer is adjusting the lights, the photographer is setting up the rails, and the props are moving things.

However, many staff members stopped their work Qin Zhong to say hello.

“Wow, it turned out to be Qin Zhong!”

“Are you here to play our male number one?”

“So handsome, so handsome, can you sign me?”

“Your performance of “The Wandering Earth” is so beautiful and unforgettable!”

There are also a few beautiful women who came to ask for a photo with Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong did not expect that he would have such a high reputation in Xiangjiang. He took off his glasses and expressed his gratitude to Du Yu and the others.

Being able to work together is also fate, and Qin Zhong meets their requirements one by one.

“Ms. Qin Zhong, I really like you!” One of the girls actually cried.

“alright, alright!”

“You guys don’t want to surround Qin Zhong anymore. Qin Zhong still has work to do. You should all go back. Anyway, there is still a chance to meet tomorrow!” Ye Weixin couldn’t let these people surround Qin Zhong. Back to the wicked!

After those people left, Ye Weixin said with a smile: “I didn’t expect your reputation in Xiangjiang to be so high, now I don’t have to worry about the box office!”

To say it was an audition, in fact it was just a walk through the scene.

In fact, Ye Weixin has almost settled down so that Qin Zhong will play the male number one.

This trial play is a fight play.

Ye Weixin said: “I am absolutely relieved of your acting skills, but I am still a little worried about your martial arts work. If you can’t do it, I have prepared several martial arts for you!”

Among the Xiangjiang movies, the most indispensable thing is martial arts. In the early Xiangjiang movies, almost all action movies are in the world, so it needs fighting, coercion, explosion, riding and other difficult actions to complete. At that time, there will be some dedicated people to complete these tasks.

Those who do these jobs are called martial arts, and in the early days they were called dragon and tiger martial artists.

They generally act as stand-ins for actors.

Many action directors and actors in Xiangjiang started from martial arts, such as the well-known Hong Jinbao and his junior brother Fan Long, Yuan Biao, who were originally called the Seven Little Fortunes. Almost all do martial arts.

It is almost normal for some very difficult actions to use martial arts. Ye Weixin also took Qin Zhong’s situation into consideration, so he said that.

“`” No need! “Qin Zhong said with a smile: “I believe I should be able to!” ”

Ye Weixin laughed as soon as he said this.

Gu Tianle also admired and said: “This Qin Zhong is really extraordinary. It looks more handsome than the photos on the Internet!”

Gu Tianle had a good impression of Qin Zhong. Although he became famous at a young age, his personality was very easy-going.

But that kind of aura on him can’t be ignored.

After Qin Zhong sat down, Ye Weixin went to pour tea to Qin Zhong.

Although Qin Zhong can’t compare with those celebrity-level characters, how long has Qin Zhong made his debut?

He has already achieved such a great achievement. Another point is that Wu Mengda once said: “Qin Zhong is a box office mascot!”

Almost none of the movies he participated in was unpopular.

Once or twice, it can be said to be luck, but every time it explodes, it is not as simple as luck!

Ye Weixin feels that there must be something extraordinary about Qin Zhong’s body (take Zhao Zhao), which is why he insists on using Qin Zhong as the leading role.

So after Qin Zhong came, Ye Weixin was so concerned about Qin Zhong.

“Yes, Qin Zhong, you have watched several movies you have acted in. I think that in the new generation of actors in public, you are very good!”. Ye Weixin saw this young man very much.

“Ye Dao, you praise me so much, I’m almost proud!” Qin Zhong said jokingly.

When facing Ye Weixin, Qin Zhong was neither humble nor arrogant. He was neither anxious to express himself, nor was he superior, just like a friend, and even made jokes.

“Haha, Qin Zhong, you are very confident. I have already read these scripts and are familiar with them. I can accompany you when I have time. How about, I am a superstar, is it particularly approachable!” Gu Tianle laughed Hehe speaking.

PS: Seventh, ask for the first order… Gu Tianle asks for a wave of first order support! Flowers are walking….

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