Chapter 61

After receiving the snacks from Qin Zhong, Tong Liya immediately smiled.

Qin Zhong is helpless, really a snack.

After the two sat down, they began to watch the movie quietly.

The lights in the cinema went out.

After a while, bright lights began to appear on the screen.

The movie camera slowly unfolded.

Zhang Yi was the first to appear.

“Wow, it’s Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi seems to have lost weight and lost weight?” Some audience exclaimed.

“I heard that in order to play a lean captain, I lost 20 catties!”

“Wow, it seems that this film is really full of heart!”

At the beginning of the movie, Luo Xing was in a helicopter to catch pirates.

Later, Luo Xing successfully shot the target, but was pierced through the spinal nerves by the aid of the pirates.

As an excellent sniper, Luo Xing’s injury had a great impact on the Jiaolong Commando.

“Wow, it’s so amazing at the beginning, it’s a helicopter and a mothership, how do you perform it below!” Some audience members said uneasyly.

After all, in some movies, the beginning is the peak, and the rest are extremely plain scenes.

However, the next movie will not let them down.

The nearly two-hour movie is a climax followed by another climax.

Next, Gu Shun, played by Qin Zhong, appeared as a sniper replacing Luo Xing.

“Qin Zhong has appeared!”

“Wow, so handsome, super temperamental!”

“Still so handsome! But is the African sun quite big? It feels tanned!”

“It’s dark to have masculinity.”

As soon as Qin Zhong appeared, the voices of fans in the movie came one after another.

At the beginning, when Gu Shun hadn’t played yet, the commandos all praised Gu Shun very well.

Luo Xing and Gu Shun, the best snipers of the two commandos, are colleagues, and they are competitors who appreciate each other.

Next is the battle scene of evacuation of overseas Chinese.

“It’s so burning!”

“No peeing in the whole process!”

“This is too good! Who said the main theme movie is not good?”

“I’m here for the little brother Qin Zhong. I didn’t expect that this movie comes with a halo!”

Upon hearing these words, Qin Zhong and Tong Liya smiled at each other.

It seems that their efforts have not been in vain.

It is more important than anything to get the recognition of the audience.

At first it was a street fight where the police and the bandits faced off.

As soon as the camera turned, Gu Shun and others used the grappling hook to quickly climb upstairs.

The whole action was done in one go, very beautiful.

“Qin Zhong’s reaching out is so neat”

“It’s a full shot, one shot to the end, there is no use for a stand-in!”

“Awesome, now all the actors are fighting like this!”

Next, the battle gradually escalated.

From street fighting to the desert.

On the way to the victim’s base, the Jiaolong commando was attacked by mortars. All the armored vehicles were lost, and only one remained.

Then, all the characters in the Dragon Squad competed with the enemy.

Observers, blasters, snipers, and commanders took turns on the field.

They are very organized and show this war in a very real way.

No nonsense, no sensationalism.

The war is very cruel.

The enemy’s powerful firepower suppressed them, and they began to suffer defeat.

Some people started to get hurt, others started to sacrifice.

When the communications soldier died, many people wept.

His last action was to connect the signal.

When Tong Li was tearing the candy wrapper because the stone was about to die, but couldn’t tear it apart, she vaguely scolded an swear word.

This kind of forbearance and restraint made many of the audience cry in an instant.

One by one, they were sacrificed and injured. In the end, they completed the arduous task and returned to the warship.

In a blue sky and sea.

A warship came through the waves.

A voice came.

“Attention, I am the Chinese navy, you are about to enter the China waters, please leave immediately!”

The theme of this movie is to tell a story about taking one’s own compatriots home!

The audience present also had a sense of clan pride while watching the movie.

Be proud of the soldiers, proud of the motherland!

This is the correct way to open the main theme movie.

After walking out of the theater, the audience talked a lot.

“I came out from the set of “Monster Catch” before, and after a laugh, I realized that I had forgotten everything I watched. But after watching “Operation Red Sea”, my evaluation is just one word: Burn! Burning from beginning to end!

“Fortunately, I didn’t watch “Monster Catch”. I came to see “Operation Red Sea!”. I just focused on Qin Zhong’s movie. It must be a boutique. My brother Qin is not deceiving me!”

Everyone, for this film,

Suddenly a girl frowned.

“Operation Red Sea” is so good-looking, so there are so few films like this! This is how this theater party does it!”

Soon, Wanda’s son Wang Peicong’s Weibo, suddenly flooded with many comments.

“Ten Thousands of Blood Books, add more films to “Operation Red Sea”!”

“I heard “Operation Red Sea” is very good-looking. I went to watch it with my girlfriend, but I was told that there was none during the day! Isn’t this funny? Who can’t get along with the money? If you don’t add more movies, I will #¥%¥” .

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