Chapter 488

“As an animator, I clearly know the backwardness of China’s animation, but Qin Zhong has given me hope that Wushuang will continue to produce such sophisticated animations in the future!”

In the comments, everyone sincerely wishes Wushuang Company can make persistent efforts.

After reading these comments, Qin Zhong also slapped his tongue for a while.

He never expected that such a thing would happen.

“I thought I was going to lose money this time, but because of the good quality of the animation, the audience went to the cinema to watch it again?”

Qin Zhong took a deep breath, and the depression of two weeks was wiped out.

And I feel that the box office of this movie is probably not as losing money as he imagined.

“It’s a good thing.” Qin Zhong secretly said.

What happened to Wushuang Company, naturally did not escape the eyes of those film companies~.

They didn’t believe that “Toy Story” would have such a change in the box office.

The first thing they thought of was that Wushuang had made a fraud at the box office.

This must be the case. Otherwise, why would you go to the cinema to watch a movie that everyone else has watched again?

Need to spend another movie ticket?

But they also felt that Wushuang Company would disdain to do such a thing.

First, they did not rely on this movie to compete with other companies.

The second is that Wushuang is not bad at the box office money.

As for why such a turnaround occurred at the box office, they are not clear.

There are people who are not clear, and of course there are people who are clear.

Of course it is Li Heyi who is clear about this matter.

Like Qin Zhong, he has the habit of watching movie reviews.

After watching the movie review of “Toy Story”, he called Qin Zhong to express his joy.

Originally a bad thing, it just developed into a good thing.

Li Heyi was a little envious of such things.

“Qin Zhong, you should thank some viewers this time, otherwise you don’t know how bad your box office will be.”

Li Heyi smiled on the phone.

“Of course I have to thank the audience. It really scared me to death. I thought this movie was going to lose money.” Qin Zhong smiled.

“Haha, I think the box office of this movie will not be worse than that of “The Last Emperor”. I’ll wait for you to have dinner.”

“Okay, be sure to treat.”

“After your incident, I have a plan.”

“Do you also want Yuhuashi to make an animated film?” Qin Zhong asked.

“Of course, whoever doesn’t make money? The animations produced by your company are at the box office. Of course, I also want Yuhuashi to produce animations.” Li Heyi laughed.

“Then come on, but don’t ask me for a script, I don’t have one,” Qin Zhong said.

“Looking at you, I didn’t ask you for a script. Although I asked you to buy a script, you still have to believe in the strength of our company.” Li Heyi said.

For animated films, Li Heyi’s idea is simple.

As long as the production is well-made, the plot can be a little bit of quality.

He didn’t want to compare with Qin Zhong, he had to make a perfect animation film.

He only needs to let Yuhuashi Company produce an animated film that can be watched, and then rely on the popularity of “Toy Story” to make money.

For other things, all depends on luck.

“Okay, take your time.” Qin Zhong said.

“Well, I also want to ask, do you have any other ideas, such as what kind of movie to shoot after this movie is released?” Li Heyi asked.

0 ········Find flowers···

Li Heyi’s question caused Qin Zhong a headache.

Qin Zhong hasn’t figured out what the next movie will be like.

But he already had a prototype in his mind.

Said to Li Heyi: “I will let Hollywood shoot some movies first. The team can already make movies independently, and I will see the situation myself.”

Qin Zhong has all Quentin’s movie scripts in his hands, and these scripts are all handed over to the Wushuang company in M ​​country to produce them.

Qin Zhong does not intend to participate by himself.

…. ….. 0

But you can’t be idle. Qin Zhong had a script last time, but it has not been taken out for filming.

I just feel that I am not suitable for this type of movie.

Or if you want to try to break through, or even want to surpass the box office of “The Last Emperor”, Qin Zhong can be considered to be willing to go.

“Do you want to make movies by yourself, and then let them shoot movies independently in Country M? Well, you can make two money for one person.”

Li Heyi’s tone was full of envy.

“I got this by my ability, and you can do it by your own ability,” Qin Zhong said.

“Come on, I’m not as capable as you. Let me tell you what is the name of the movie you shot.” Li Heyi asked.

“The new movie is called “Farewell My Concubine”!”

“”Farewell My Concubine” historical movies?” Li Heyi asked.

You can tell from the name of the movie, this must be the story of Xiang Yu and Yu Ji, and it must be that Qin Zhong is going to shoot a war or historical movie.

“Why do you think so? Maybe it’s another type of movie.” Qin Zhong laughed. Ding.

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