Chapter 479

“Okay, go.” Reba replied simply.

“I often come to play when I have time.”

Qin Zhong smiled at Li Heyi.

“Don’t worry, I will come often, I will use you for a lot of things in the movie.”

Li Heyi and Qin Zhong are not very polite.

“Thanks for your hard work, besides making movies every day, there are so many things to trouble you.” Yang Chaoyue said to Qin Zhong.

“What’s so hard about this, it doesn’t matter.” Qin Zhong smiled.

“Then it doesn’t matter, let’s not talk about anything else, let’s make a movie now.”

Yang Chaoyue seems to care more about this movie than Qin Zhong, and I don’t know why.

Probably it has a good relationship with Qin Zhong, and I also want to make this movie a good result. When Yang Chaoyue was in the crew, he always cared about the shooting of this movie.

Qin Zhong nodded, and then filmed the movie with Yang Chaoyue.

The filming of “The Last Emperor” is in full swing, and the sound outside is also relatively strong.

The people who have the most opinions on this movie are of course the black fans of Qin Zhong.

In addition, it is the so-called tourists who also want to visit the Forbidden City.

But Qin Zhong took too long to shoot the movie, and there is no hope at all.

Fortunately at the beginning, Qin Zhong was able to shoot a movie in the Forbidden City, and to promote Chinese culture to the world. They were quite happy.

But who knew that the time would be so long, their patience was almost running out, and Qin Zhong didn’t see Qin Zhong finished filming the movie. One month was too long.

In less than two weeks, they felt that they had lost their patience.

After getting impatient, they started to turn into black powder. They felt that it would be too cheap for Qin Zhong to shoot movies in the Forbidden City for nothing.

Those media who have been paying attention to Qin Zhong have also discovered such a thing. Maybe it is not bad to make a news by relying on this thing.

These media began to interview people who had opinions on Qin Zhong, and then they assembled a piece of news.

Soon, such news appeared in major media and newspapers.

“The Forbidden City was used by Qin Zhong to shoot movies. Does this have an impact on tourists?”

“Why is Qin Zhong able to shoot movies in the Forbidden City? Does this violate the interests of the people at the bottom?”

“With one month of shooting, how much revenue will this lose to the country? Should Qin Zhong say something?”

In the news, he began to criticize Qin Zhong. In the face of such news, Qin Zhong didn’t say anything.

He just wanted to quickly finish filming the plots in the Forbidden City, and then leave the place of right and wrong.

No way, these media are so annoying. After seeing that Qin Zhong did not respond, they became even more interested and kept looking for Qin Zhong’s troubles.

Qin Zhong was given a black headache by these media, and couldn’t help it, so he held a press conference.

This reception is not for Qin Zhong to explain anything.

But to express your opinion.

Withdrawing attention from his busy schedule, Qin Zhong began to hold a press conference at the top floor of Wushuang Company.

On this day, basically the local news media came, even the more remote local media, they tried their best to rush over.

Qin Zhong rarely holds such receptions, come here to have a look, in short, there is no loss.

After they arrived, they felt that the atmosphere was a little different 0 ……..

Qin Zhong stood on the stage, and below were his assistants and the top executives of Wushuang Company.

This time Qin Zhong didn’t let the cast of “The Last Emperor” come, and he could handle this by himself.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, what do you think of the resources occupied by this movie?”

At the beginning of the reception, a reporter asked Qin Zhong.

This question is exactly what many media want to ask. It is not only tricky, but if there is a little error in Qin Zhong’s answer, let them use the question after finding the error.

Of course, Qin Zhong knew that the reporter who asked this question was not at ease, but he patiently replied: “I don’t think it is occupying resources. The location of this film was also approved by various departments. Of course, if the public is not satisfied. , I can only say sorry. I know that this movie has caused trouble to your travel during the filming period. I apologize for that.”

“The only thing I can do is to finish shooting this movie as soon as possible. I hope everyone can understand.”

Qin Zhong feels that he has said well enough, and there is at least some politeness.

But these people do not appreciate it. It can be said that these media do not appreciate it.

They just want to find Qin Zhong’s troubles, and then see if Qin Zhong can answer whether they are satisfied or not.

In short, they just want to take advantage of the topic to create difficulties for Qin Zhong, so that they can make news themselves.

Do you think that if Qin Zhong answers it like this, there will be no questions?

No, what they want is not Qin Zhong’s answer, even if Qin Zhong answers well, they will make trouble.

“Then Mr. Qin Zhong, how long do you think it will take to finish the filming?”

A reporter then asked. .

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