Chapter 476

When he got the one-month filming rights, Qin Zhong wanted to come up with some money.

After all, it has delayed the tourism industry. Qin Zhong’s heart is a little deliberate not to go, so he should assume that he rented the venue.

However, China completely rejected Qin Zhong’s kindness. Now Qin Zhong has not produced a movie, which is highly acclaimed.

The same is true for this movie. It is a movie that can be used to promote the Forbidden City. Why not let Qin Zhong shoot it?

For China, even if one month’s tourism industry is lost, it is not a big deal.

Compared with shooting a movie that can help China promote, this month is also worth it.

For Qin Zhong, it will take a long time to finish the film.

But all the plots are not only filmed in the Forbidden City.

Let alone a month, the plot in the Forbidden City can be filmed in half a month.

Qin Zhong told the Chinese side of the matter. As long as he finished shooting the scene of the Forbidden City, the Forbidden City can be opened for tourism as before.

It doesn’t take a real month, Qin Zhong will speed up the shooting.

Of course, China is very happy, and they are happy to comment on such things.

At the same time, this matter is also on the news.

For people in China, the Forbidden City is a very serious place.

The place where the emperor lived, even if it was turned into a tourist site, is worthy of respect.

And Qin Zhong wanted to shoot a movie in this place, and China gave China a month, so how much face would it take?

Other costume films, although they would choose to shoot in the Forbidden City, did not make such a big move in the Forbidden City.

After shooting in the Forbidden City, all of them were shot in the studio.

Qin Zhong directly borrowed the venue of the Forbidden City for filming. This is the first case.

There is no need for Qin Zhong to promote the film for such news. The news began to promote Qin Zhong.

The amount of publicity that Qin Zhong needs to get has completely helped Qin Zhong achieve it.

At home and abroad, such news is spreading.

Originally, when Qin Zhong was promoting this movie, no one believed that Qin Zhong could really make this movie filmed in the Forbidden City.

The promotion is very good, but the shooting location is not up to standard, so they can only watch Qin Zhong’s jokes.

But in the end, Qin Zhong not only met the propaganda standards, but also shot the film on the ground in the Forbidden City. There was a month to shoot. Such an achievement undoubtedly slapped those people in the face.

They were also very surprised by the decision made by China. After all, it was the first case to be able to shoot a movie in the Forbidden City of China.

As a result, foreign media began to scramble to report this matter.

For China, they always feel very mysterious, and historical movies are more serious.

Can Qin Zhong turn this type of movie into this year’s hot movie?

They can only wait and see.

Qin Zhong and Monica returned to China again, and this time they came back to China for the filming of the movie.

Before the filming started, Qin Zhong told Monica that she could stay in Hollywood if she didn’t want to come to China.

After all, it takes only a few months to finish the filming, and it is enough to meet once in a while.

But Monica was not happy, she didn’t want to stay in Hollywood by herself, even if Hollywood had her friends.

More importantly, Qin Wushuang’s reason is that his son is so young. If it takes too long for Qin Zhong to return the children to separation, maybe the children don’t know Qin Zhong anymore.

Thinking of this, they can only come back to China with Qin Zhong and wait for the film to finish.

Monica is very helpless, but Qin Zhong is more excited.

Because I can shoot a movie in the Forbidden City, and it’s still a month.

This movie is also very strict in choosing actors.

Originally, according to the assistant’s intention, this movie was not intended for Yang Chaoyue to appear.

Because Qin Zhong’s assistant is very strict when selecting female roles.

Almost no so-called actors with unqualified acting skills will appear, and Yang Chaoyue has also been screened out.

But Qin Zhong promised Yang Chaoyue last time that he would find her to create a movie if he wanted to make a movie.

This time even if the assistant did not include her on the list of actors, Qin Zhong called her.

Any unqualified acting skills are nothing for Qin Zhong.

As long as he is patiently trained, I believe Yang Chaoyue will make her acting skills meet the standards of this movie.

Qin Zhong contacted Yang Chaoyue and told her that she would arrange a role for her in this movie.

Yang Chaoyue was very happy after knowing it, because she also knew what lineup was used in this movie.

Even if she is playing a maid inside, a few minutes of appearance will be of great help to Yang Chaoyue’s future development.

Qin Zhong is very optimistic about this movie, and asked his assistant to regard this movie as the most important movie this year.

Originally, Yang Chaoyue couldn’t appear in this movie, but Qin Zhong found Yang Chaoyue, and his assistants couldn’t help it. .

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