Chapter 468

You can rest for a period of time, which is also so-called for Qin Zhong.

He is not in a hurry, anyway, the filming can be finished a year ago, don’t affect his return to Hollywood.

The most anxious one is Li Heyi. He really wants to make this film soon, so that Yuhuashi can release it at the end of the year.

Otherwise, by the end of the year, there will be no movies with their faces. Are they really going to regard the movie “Kill Bill” as their best movie this year?

If this movie is taken out, Yuhuashi Company will not be laughed at.

Even if Li Heyi knew that the quality of this movie was not good, he did not release the movie “Kill Bill”.

According to Qin Zhong, this movie should be released during the Chinese New Year. The box office during this period is very good. After the film is released, Yuhuashi can avoid losing money.

But Li Heyi didn’t know what he thought. For Qin Zhong’s suggestion, it was as if he hadn’t heard it.

Even if I started filming “Chasing the Dragon”, the movie “Kill Bill” was not released.

Qin Zhong feels that it doesn’t matter anyway. If it wants to lose money, Yuhuashi Company loses money. His Qin Zhong has nothing to do with this matter.

At the beginning of the normal vacation, Li Heyi didn’t say how long he would take a break, but the actors of the crew should not be too far away from the crew.

As long as the new venue is available, they will start shooting.

Instead of continuing to wait.

Qin Zhong’s home is not far from the crew, so just live at home.

As for the other actors, it has nothing to do with Qin Zhong where they live during their vacation.

Reba took this film seriously when it started shooting.

But Reba was a bit unsatisfied with the content in this movie.

Mainly as the heroine in this movie, she has too few scenes, and there are not many scenes in the whole movie.

Not to mention having a few words with a protagonist like Qin Zhong.

This movie, after all, depends on the contest between the male characters to start the plot.

Reba had already complained to Qin Zhong. After the filming of this movie, Qin Zhong asked Qin Zhong to prepare another script so that they could become the actors in the movie as a matter of course.

The best heroine in the movie should have a little more drama, at least not like “Chasing the Dragon”, the whole plot adds up to less than five minutes.

Qin Zhong stayed at home every day to take care of the children when he was on vacation.

Like Monica, Qin Zhong has nothing to do with Ben at home, but Monica feels that it’s good to be able to rest at home.

At the very least, Qin Zhong doesn’t have to run around in the crew, and doesn’t have to suffer.

But for Qin Zhong, resting at home without having to do anything is called suffering.

“I made an appointment with Reba to go shopping today. You will take care of the children at home.”

In the morning, Monica handed Qin Wushuang to Qin Zhong and was about to go out.

Of course, Qin Zhong is not happy anymore. As the father of the child, it is natural for Qin Zhong to take care of the child.

But he didn’t want to let Monica go out for a day. If there was something urgent, he couldn’t find where Monica was.

Monica has a very good relationship with Reba now. Monica doesn’t have any friends in China, and she watches movies and news at home every day.

Reba is also a very playful person. The inexplicable relationship between the two people has become very good, and they often go out to play together.

0 ········Find flowers···

I don’t know what’s going on. Qin Zhong is too lazy to care anyway.

“I can take care of the children, but you have to tell me when you will come back.” Qin Zhong said unwillingly.

“How do I know that I will be back before eight o’clock tonight anyway.” Monica said.

“Are you kidding? Eight o’clock in the evening? When I was shooting a movie on the crew, I didn’t come back so late.” Qin Zhong said unwillingly.

“I’m not kidding. I have nothing to do in China. Isn’t it okay to go out to play?”

…. … …….

“Yes, of course, but you also have a time limit.”

“The time limit is eight o’clock in the evening. I won’t tell you anymore. Reba is waiting for me.”

Monica looked at the phone, and it was probably a text message sent by Reba to her, directly speaking to Qin Zhong.

“Okay, you go.”

Qin Zhong sighed. It’s okay to take care of the children, but Qin Zhong will inevitably be a little upset after taking care of it for one day.

Taking care of the children at home is better than shooting a movie in the crew.

When making movies, Qin Zhong felt very relaxed, but when he was at home, Qin Zhong didn’t feel any strength at all, and he didn’t know what was going on.

“Okay, I’m leaving, take care of the child.”

Monica smiled and waved to Qin Zhong, then turned and left.

Qin Wushuang didn’t know what was going on. He thought Monica was waving to tease him and giggled.

After seeing Monica closing the door and going out, Qin Wushuang reacted and burst into tears.

“Don’t cry, don’t cry.”

Qin Zhong felt a headache when he heard Qin Wushuang’s crying, so he quickly coaxed. Ding.

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