Chapter 462

A good revenge film, which was adapted into a spoof film, Qin Zhong couldn’t bear to look directly at it.

Does Li Heyi still have any hope for this movie?

“Qin Zhong, do you really want to give up this movie?”

Li Heyi knew that once the movie was released, there would be no salvation.

“Kill Bill” has two films, the first one became a bad film, so how do you shoot the sequel?

“Don’t think about other things. This movie has been broken by you, so let’s release it quickly.”

Qin Zhong persuaded with all his heart.

If Li Heyi still has hope for this movie, he is only self-comforting.

This movie is destined to not have any good box office. At most, it will make a fortune at the end of the year so that Yuhuashi will not lose money.

Others, Qin Zhong can’t guarantee it.

After all, Qin Zhong is also the first time to help someone adapt a good movie into a spoof.

Do you still want a good box office harvest for this kind of movie? Just kidding.

Li Heyi was very unwilling, because he knew that with Qin Zhong, there might be some hope for this movie.

But even if Qin Zhong came back, he didn’t say there was any hope for this movie.

Li Heyi was not reconciled. The script of this movie was bought by Qin Zhong at a high price, but it was completely adapted in his hands.

What kind of results have Qin Zhong’s movies have this year? Li Heyi is clear in his heart, but what about Yuhuashi?

Their company’s movies can’t be compared with Wushuang’s movies at all.

This year, it is said that the two films of Wushuang Company can completely win the championship and runner-up of this year. Li Heyi’s heart is very greedy.

But is there any way? Their company is incomparable with Wushuang.

If this goes on, it is a waste of their time.

“Qin Zhong, you can help me figure out a solution.”

Li Heyi kept begging Qin Zhong.

“What do you want? If you still want the script, I can make an exception and sell you another one. Forget it, just give you one. I don’t want to see you lose money.” Qin Zhong said.

Originally, the movie “Kill Bill” could be one of the hottest movies of the year, not to mention the big box office sales, if Li Heyi made it well.

But this movie was broken by Li Heyi, and Qin Zhong felt a little distressed.

If Qin Zhong came to shoot this movie, how could it not be arranged like this.

And the movie in the Qin Zhong system, if you shoot one movie, there will be one less movie.

It’s normal for Qin Zhong to feel distressed for such a good movie as “Kill Bill”.

But Li Heyi was not happy anymore, and he didn’t want to take Qin Zhong’s script for nothing.

As the boss of a film company, he naturally knows how important a film script is to a company.

“Qin Zhong, I’m not embarrassing you, so let’s just let this movie be released. It doesn’t matter if I make a profit or not. I don’t want you to give me a script for free. It’s not easy for everyone.” Li Heyi cleared his throat and said.


Hearing what Li Heyi said, Qin Zhong couldn’t believe it.

When these words came out of Li Heyi’s mouth, Qin Zhong felt that he had heard it wrong.

This guy is so kind, just don’t want Qin Zhong’s script?

You must know that the price of Qin Zhong’s script is not low. It is directly given to Li Heyi, but it can save Li Heyi a lot of money.

“Of course I don’t want your script, there is nothing to be surprised.” Li Heyi said vaguely.

“Go ahead, what do you think?” Qin Zhong asked.

“I have no idea. Do you remember the script you gave me last time? The first and second parts of “Chasing the Dragon”.” Li Heyi said.

“Do you want me to shoot?” Qin Zhong asked.

“Hey, don’t say it so straightforward. It’s not like letting you shoot. I just want you to be the leading actor to increase my popularity.” Li Heyi said.

“Does this differ from letting me shoot?”

Qin Zhong couldn’t figure it out.

“No difference, no difference, just say you can accept it?” Li Heyi asked.

“can not!”

Qin Zhong refused without saying anything.

After he came to China, he never thought about making movies.

Whether in his own company or in the Yuhuashi company, he didn’t want to participate in the filming of the film.

There are only two months left before the Chinese New Year. Qin Zhong still wants to take a good rest.

If this is to produce a movie at the end of the year, I don’t know how hasty it will be. Who knows what Li Heyi will think.

As soon as Li Heyi heard that Qin Zhong did not answer, he immediately began to complain.

It is not easy to say that this year, how much money the company has lost, even exaggerated that the company is about to close down.

Qin Zhong’s complaints about him are like every time I hear them, Li Heyi, I don’t know your character in our relationship?

If you complain, I will lose.

Qin Zhong just gritted his teeth. No matter what Li Heyi said, Qin Zhong said nothing, no answer, no shoot! .

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