Chapter 460

Qin Zhong’s worries are probably superfluous, because Disney has no way to make “The Lion King” overtake the box office.

The Disney Company put out another 10 million yuan for publicity, but it was just a dying struggle.

Can it really rely on this tens of millions of funds to make the box office overtake it?

The box office momentum of “The Tale of the Faithful Dog Hachiko” is getting higher and higher, and it has gradually surpassed “The Lion King” in three days.

The Disney Company is depressed, why their box office is so easily surpassed.

There was obviously something wrong, but they couldn’t give a reason.

This can only be attributed to Wushuang Company because the two films were promoted together.

Although other companies also want their films to win the box office championship in 2008, there is obviously no hope.

Over time, the two films of Wushuang Company have won the championship and runner-up positions.

And “The Lion King” can only be ranked third among these movies.

The Disney Company is helpless, but they have nothing to do.

Although Qin Zhong no longer cares about the results of these movies, the final results still make Disney crazy.

“The Story of Hachiko” has led many viewers to visit the place where the real event happened, and made that place a famous tourist destination.

None of this can be attributed to Qin Zhong, at least Qin Zhong doesn’t feel anything.

As for the Akita in this movie, General Huang has successfully become a star dog.

After the film was finished, it even had a lot of small companies to make appointments with Jiddell and became a hot star.

In the past, no one watched this type of movie well.

But when the filming of “The Story of Hachiko” was completed, it also showed them the commercial value of this kind of film, which at least allowed them to make money with a small investment.

As the dog trainer of General Huang, Ji De also became famous for a while.

Now, whether it is Ji De or the studio where Ji De is located, I am very grateful to Qin Zhong.

It is estimated that it will not be long before they will be able to rely on General Huang to make a lot of money.

The New Year’s Day is getting closer and closer, Qin Zhong is busy now, and occasionally feels boring.

Because of these two films, the company has become Hollywood’s second largest company at the end of the year.

That’s right, Wushuang has now become the second largest company in Hollywood, and the number one is still Disney.

This title is not given in vain, it is all due to this year’s box office.

Because of its good performance this year, and also because of the results of the two films at the end of the year, Wushuang successfully surpassed the above-mentioned film companies and became the second place in Hollywood.

Qin Zhong didn’t feel proud because of such a ranking, and there were no waves in his heart.

After all, Qin Zhong’s goal is to be the number one company in Hollywood, but not to commit himself to being Hollywood second.

But by the end of the year, everyone will have the habit of missing their hometown, and Qin Zhong is no exception.

Although Qin Zhong has no family in China, he grew up in China anyway. At the end of the year, he will still miss China.

Hollywood has many friends from Qin Zhong, yes, but friends are friends after all. Some things are still incomparable.

In the end, Qin Zhong decided to go back to China at the end of this year.

At home, Qin Zhong told Monica of his thoughts.

“I want to go back to China at the end of this year,” Qin Zhong said.

“How long have we been in Hollywood? Do you want to go back?”

Monica obviously doesn’t want to accept such a thing, she actually prefers Hollywood’s life a little more.

She doesn’t have any friends in China, so she can only bring children at home every day.

All the life entertainment is just watching TV and news, and I feel boring all day long.

Hollywood was her favorite place, and she didn’t feel any boredom.

But going back to China is different. She has nothing to do, she is the most helpless.

But Qin Zhong didn’t know how to tell her, so he could only sighed and said, “Although there are many friends in Hollywood, they are not my hometown after all. I plan to go to China for the New Year with you and come back after the new year.”

“Then have you arranged everything for the company?” Monica asked.

“Of course, there is basically no problem.” Qin Zhong said: “When I go back to China, I don’t want to work on movies anymore. I have made enough movies this year. I want to take a break.”

Qin Zhong said that this point is high, and Monica has nothing to say, because Qin Zhong has to give Qin Zhong a little bit of face.

Isn’t it just going back to China for the New Year? Then go back and follow Qin Zhong’s meaning first.

And Qin Zhong has said that I don’t want to make a movie during the time I go back to China, so basically Qin Zhong will rest at home.

Counting it up like this, it’s just a change of place to live with Qin Zhong, which is not a big problem.

“Then do what you want, when do you plan to go back?” Monica asked. .

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