Chapter 457

If you say something wrong, it is estimated that someone will show you a joke.

“Wu Shuang Company actually gave up the box office championship and shot a new movie!”

“The next movie of Wushuang Company will feature Akita dogs as the protagonist. Is this a joke?”

“Wu Shuang Company thinks that it is inferior to Disney Company. It gave up the box office championship and started a new movie project!”

Many news media can only report on Wushuang’s new movie in this way.

They feel that such a statement should be legible.

After all, they can only say that, and other things will be discussed after Wushuang’s new movie comes out.

Now they just want to see how Qin Zhong and his Wushuang company will explain how they face the pressure of the media.

Perhaps Wushuang will issue a press conference tomorrow to clarify that they have given up the fight for the movie box office championship.

Qin Zhong naturally knows the news of those media, after all, he also reads the newspaper every day.

Qin Zhong laughed at the news from those media.

It was the same this time. The media dared to release news casually without knowing what was going on. It was really a joke.

“The Story of Hachiko” has been filming intensely.

Qin Zhong has to shoot the content of this movie every day, and Nolan also goes to school and is busy shooting other plots of the movie.

Both of them are very busy every day, and no one has time to talk about the media.

Finally, after a week, the filming of “The Story of Hachiko” was finished.

After the filming of the film was completed, Qin Zhong also paid all the compensation in accordance with the contract with Ji De.

Gide also worked very hard in a week. He knew that after the filming was completed, he would get all the payment in the contract.

As long as you follow Wushuang’s arrangement, you can finish the movie quickly.

More importantly, in the future, perhaps because of this movie, General Huang will become a star dog among dogs.

Such examples have really appeared before. If General Huang becomes a star, as General Huang’s dog trainer, Gide can also get a lot of benefits.

But now that the movie has not been released yet, it is too early to say anything. I can only put my hopes after the movie is released in the future and check the box office.

In this movie, Qin Zhong is tired every day. Fortunately, Monica has finished shooting “Resident Evil” and can watch the children at home.

Don’t need Qin Zhong to be busy with things at home.

When the film was being produced, Qin Zhong asked the company to promote the film.

After the filming of “The Rescued Jiang Ge” was completed, Qin Zhong did not ask the company to promote the film.

Because Qin Zhong relies on the Disney Company, free of charge.

But this movie is different. Qin Zhong wants to promote this movie to “The Rescue Jiang Ge”, so Wushuang has spent a lot of money on the promotion of this movie.

Whether it is on the news or on social forums, you can see the posters of this movie.

As long as it can bring a certain amount of box office to “The Rescued Jiang Ge”, this “The Story of Hachiko” will not be in vain.

“The Story of Hachiko” also didn’t cost much money. Whether it was the remuneration for General Huang or the labor fee for Gideon, it was a small amount in the filming of Wushuang Company.

“The Story of Hachiko” is a low-cost movie, which is explained during the promotion.

When many people see the trailer, even if they don’t read the introduction of the movie, they know that this is a movie with Akita dogs as the protagonist.

More importantly, this movie began to promote “The Rescue Jiang Ge” in the promotional film.

Now both the audience and the media know why Wushuang Company made this movie.

It is to promote “The Rescued Jiang Ge”.

When Disney was shooting this movie at Wushuang, it didn’t know why Wushuang did it.

But now they all know that Wushuang Company is going to promote “The Rescued Jiang Ge”.

But what about it, “The Lion King” has already begun to crush “The Rescued Jiang Ge” during the filming of “The Story of Hachiko”.

If Wushuang can use the time spent on filming this film to promote the film, it is still unclear who wins and loses.

But now, no one knows what to do.

Maybe they will be able to completely crush it. Until the end of the year, the box office has been pressing “The Rescued Jiang Ge”, then the box office champion will be Disney’s.

The Disney Company is thinking very well, and has even seen this year’s box office champion beckoning to their company.

The promotion of “The Story of the Faithful Dog Hachiko” only took less than five days, and then the movie began to be released.

The release of “The Tale of the Faithful Dog Hachiko” seemed very hasty, and even the minimum publicity only took a few days.

But at the time of the premiere, the box office turned out to be pretty good. .

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