Chapter 454

Either “The Freed Jiang Ge” surpassed “The Lion King” by one point, or “The Lion King” surpassed “The Freed Jiang Ge” by one point.

The previous box office champion “Interstellar” was ruthlessly squeezed by the two films and became the third largest box office.

Other film companies are also vigorously promoting their films, but when the box office and the two film companies fighting with gods are compared, it seems insignificant and incomparable at all.

Faced with the flat box office of the two movies, Qin Zhong hasn’t started to worry, the Disney company can’t sit still.


Because “The Rescued Jiang Ge” does not have any IP restrictions and no high publicity costs.

But “The Lion King” is not the same, it is a super IP of Disney, which means that if you use one, you will lose one.

Apart from “The Lion King”, how many other IPs can Disney use?

The publicity costs are even more important. The publicity costs of this movie add up to a sky-high price.

But “The Rescued Jiang Ge” didn’t spend a penny. It just advertised a little bit of a decisive battle with the movie “The Lion King”, and it immediately caught the enthusiasm.

This makes the Disney Company very unbalanced, as if a well-known chef is so famous, suddenly a wild chef who does not know where he sprang out, wants to compete with this famous chef.

Then the wild chef gained the same heat as the well-known chef, and the food they made was similar in taste.

Disney thinks that they are the famous chef, and Wushuang’s “The Rescued Jiang Ge” is a wild cook who runs out of nowhere.

The Disney Company thought about making fakes at the box office and quickly surpassed this damn movie.

But they didn’t dare. The fact that Paramount had made fakes at the movie box office sounded the alarm for these movie companies.

Either make a good movie, or don’t make it. You will be punished sooner or later if you falsify the box office.

Disney does not want to lose their past reputation for this movie.

If Qin Zhong catches the handle, maybe he will be more passive in doing things in the future.

So what can they do at this time?

Seeing that the box office of the two movies is almost the same, it is estimated that it will not be able to stop after the Chinese New Year.

More importantly, if the box office champion is won by “The Rescued Jiang Ge”, Disney is equivalent to being slapped in the face.

They can’t do anything about the current situation, and they are even a little bit distressed.

But Qin Zhong’s thinking was different from that of Disney. Nolan didn’t let Qin Zhong down. “The Rescued Jiang Ge” really relied on quality to compete with “The Lion King.”

Such results have satisfied Qin Zhong very much, but for this year’s box office champion, Qin Zhong is still very concerned.

Even if Wushuang doesn’t get it, Disney doesn’t even want to get it.

If you want to ask why, you can only say that Qin Zhong is not pleasing to the eyes of Disney.

But this year’s box office champion is none other than one of these two movies.

Other film companies want to win the box office championship, they are joking.

“Qin Zhong, I feel that this is not the way to go, are we going to add fire?”

Nolan asked seriously.

“What kind of fire?”

“how could I know……”

Nolan just said casually, who knows that Qin Zhong is really serious.

“I just feel that this is not the way to go, what if the box office champion is robbed?” Nolan whispered 0 ……..

“What are we worried about? The most anxious thing now is Disney.” Qin Zhong said.

“But I’m just curious, are you so confident?” Nolan asked.

“Otherwise, what can be done?”

“Otherwise, you can take out another movie and focus on promoting “The Rescue Jiang Ge” when it is released. Maybe it can make this movie’s box office go ahead.” Nolan thought for a while and said.

Nolan had no idea. He wanted to come up with a new movie to help “Rescued Jiang Ge” gain some popularity.

But Qin Zhong can only take out “Resident Evil 4”. Can it help “Rescued Jiang Ge” gain popularity?

Don’t be kidding, according to the current scene, “Resident Evil 4” is a cannon fodder once it comes out.

“Why don’t you shoot another low-cost movie?” Nolan asked.

“Maybe it can.”

Qin Zhong calculated the time. If the film was made to make “The Rescued Jiang Ge” win this year’s box office champion, it would really work.

A low-cost movie, as the name suggests, can be shot in a short time.

After the filming, it is okay to focus on publicizing “The Rescued Jiang Ge”.

In Qin Zhong’s system, there is no shortage of such movies.

“It is uncertain how small the cost is, but the quality is good enough.”

Qin Zhong selects the script he wants in the system mall.

“”The story of dog Hatchi”?”

Qin Zhong found the script in the system, and when he saw the name of the movie, Qin Zhong remembered it.

I saw this movie in Qin Zhong’s previous life, but when I was shooting the movie, I just couldn’t remember this movie. .

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