Chapter 413

“Brother Qin Zhong, I’m a little scared.”

Yang Chaoyue leaned against Qin Zhong.

“What are you afraid of? So many people are around.” Qin Zhong smiled and calmed down.

“Cut, pretend.”

Reba is a little bit uncomfortable with Yang Chaoyue’s style. Isn’t it just getting dark? As for being so scared?

“Brother Qin Zhong, shall we go out after reading here?” Yang Chaoyue asked Qin Zhong.

“Of course, I came in just to look at the structure inside.” Qin Zhong said.

This so-called Lanruo Temple, Qin Zhong still doesn’t know what kind of atmosphere it is. When shooting a movie, the decoration inside may have to be changed.

Qin Zhong must plan ahead.

Yang Chaoyue wandered around with Qin Zhong in some fear, while Qin Zhong focused all of his attention on the building.

All the things that made him feel dissatisfied were brought up to Li Heyi, so that the crew could make changes as soon as possible.

“Okay, let’s get here 400 miles.”

Qin Zhong and the others came out of the temple. Qin Zhong said to Li Heyi: “This is quite satisfactory. You can improve the place I just told you as soon as possible.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be as soon as possible.” Li Heyi nodded and said, “Then when can you shoot?”

“Whatever, as long as you can prepare, I don’t care.” Qin Zhong said.

Originally, Qin Zhong wanted to wait until “The Pianist on the Sea” was released before talking about the filming of “A Chinese Ghost Story”.

But they are so anxious, Qin Zhong will follow their will, anyway, Qin Zhong has no loss.

“Okay, then I will perfect the inside as soon as possible tomorrow.” Li Heyi nodded.

“Then I will go home first, and contact me when I’m ready,” Qin Zhong said.

“Well, you go back first.” Li Heyi replied.

Li Heyi still needs to deal with his affairs here, so naturally he won’t go back with Qin Zhong.

When Qin Zhong left, Yang Chaoyue and Reba still followed.

“I have to go to the company to pack up things. When you get to the company, get off the car and go home.” Qin Zhong said.

“Brother Qin Zhong, I want to invite you to dinner.” Yang Chaoyue said.

“Eating? Let’s forget it, the last time we ate together, what kind of disturbances were made.” Qin Zhong shook his head.

The last time I was having dinner with Yang Chaoyue, it was discovered that the scandal broke out. Qin Zhong didn’t dare this time.

“It’s okay, I will take Reba this time. The three of us, what can others say when they see it? This time I mainly want to thank brother Qin Zhong for giving us the opportunity to star in a movie.” Yang Chaoyue said.

“Yes, I also want to thank Mr. Qin Zhong for giving me this opportunity.” Reba said.

Seeing how the two talked, Qin Zhong was a little confused.

Didn’t these two have a little bit of trouble, so they quarreled so hard? How can we talk together this time.

“Brother Qin Zhong, is that okay?” Yang Chaoyue said a little coquettishly.

“Of course, what do you want to eat?” Qin Zhong asked.

“It’s cold now, let’s eat hot pot.” Reba suggested.

“Okay, just eat hot pot.”

Fearing that Yang Chaoyue would take him to Western food again, Qin Zhong quickly agreed to Reba’s proposal to eat hot pot.

Back at the company, Qin Zhong cleaned up his things in the office, and went to the nearest hot pot city with Reba and Yang Chaoyue.

It’s cold now, and there are so many people in Hot Pot City at night.

Qin Zhong and the three of them stayed in caps and masks, and came here to choose a room.

Although the waiter was curious why the three of them were all wrapped up so tightly, he was relieved when he thought that it was winter.

In winter, they are afraid of the cold, so they wrap themselves tightly, which is justified.

Yang Chaoyue and Reba got busy when the vegetables and meat slices arrived.

It can be seen that the two of them are definitely real foodies.

When eating together, the two of them did not forget to pick Qin Zhong with food at any time, and they seemed to care about Qin Zhong very much.

“Brother Qin Zhong, don’t always eat vegetables. They are not nutritious. Come and eat more meat.”

When Yang Chaoyue saw Reba picked Qin Zhong with chopsticks and vegetables, he quickly put a few pieces of meat in Qin Zhong’s bowl.

“I know how to pick up vegetables, you don’t need to help me.” Qin Zhong shook his head and smiled.

“I’m concerned about you, otherwise, if you see someone coming, shall I pick up food for him?” Yang Chaoyue asked.

Yang Chaoyue’s words left Qin Zhong speechless and did not know how to answer.

But not answering is sometimes the best answer. Qin Zhong doesn’t say a word and eats hot pot seriously.

For Qin Zhong, leaving after dinner is the most important thing.

“Brother Qin Zhong, I want to ask, did we have a kiss scene when we were shooting that movie?”

Yang Chaoyue seemed to be showing a fox tail and asked Qin Zhong quietly.


Qin Zhong spouted a mouthful of food and stared at Yang Chaoyue with wide eyes.

Yang Chaoyue seemed a little embarrassed, and said to Qin Zhong: “I watched the kiss scenes written in the script. Should we follow the script as well?”

Yang Chaoyue’s research on the script is closer to the scene with Qin Zhong.

And there is a kiss scene between the two on the script. .

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