Chapter 409

“Qin Zhong, shouldn’t it be the movie you want to shoot, is it “The Pianist”, right?” Li Heyi asked.

“Yes, I just want to shoot this one.” Qin Zhong replied.

“I’ve seen the script. If you want to make this movie, you won’t be able to finish it in at least half a year, do you know?”

“I know, I’m not in a hurry.”

“But I’m worried!” Li Heyi frowned: “We are friends, how can I watch you waste all your time in a movie.”

“Where is the waste? Come on, this movie is being shot slowly, no one wants to intervene.” Qin Zhong said.

Li Heyi scratched his head anxiously, thinking for a long time, suddenly patted his head, and smiled at Qin Zhong: “I almost forgot, don’t you still have a company in Hollywood? The movie “The Pianist” is a waste of time, you Just let Hollywood’s company do it.”

“Also.” Qin Zhong said.

“Haha, I’m still smart, so that we can work together to shoot the next movie.” Li and Yi haha ​​~ laughed.

“I want to be beautiful, I am not interested in co-authoring with you, so be it!”

Qin Zhong waved his hand, as if saying goodbye to Li Heyi.

“Hey, what are you doing, Qin Zhong, are we friends?”

When Li Heyi saw Qin Zhong’s attitude, his heart was cold.

“It’s a friend, but I don’t want to cooperate in the movie. Don’t ask me why. Also, I gave you the script of “Chasing the Dragon” last time. Haven’t you not filmed it yet? After “The Pianist on the Sea” is released, you will Go and shoot “Chasing the Dragon” by yourself.” Qin Zhong said.

“How can I do it!”

Li Heyi knows that once a movie has a relationship with Qin Zhong, it will definitely sell at the box office.

But Qin Zhong doesn’t plan to cooperate with him anymore in this situation, and Li Heyi will suffer a great loss.

“Why not? If you are okay, please leave as soon as possible, and take Reba away by the way,” Qin Zhong said.

“No, why did it get on me?”

Reba feels that misfortune has come from the sky. Qin Zhong and Li Heyi are discussing cooperation. How to turn their heads? Qin Zhong is about to let Li Heyi take her away?

Yang Chaoyue chuckled to the side and said, “Maybe Brother Qin Zhong is too annoying to see you. If you are okay, leave as soon as possible.”

“Yang Chaoyue!”

Reba tickled Yang Chaoyue’s teeth and shouted to her: “You are going to leave!”

“I’m not going to leave, you have the ability to call the security guard, see if they listen to you.” Yang Chaoyue snorted coldly.

“You shameless!”

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel again, Qin Zhong was already used to it, so he just put on the earphones as if everything happened.

“Qin Zhong, please think about it again. I want to stay as a killer for the movie “Chasing the Dragon” and shoot it when the company is in an emergency. You might as well take out other scripts and look at them. Let’s shoot yours. I’m here to invest. Let’s get five to five points at the box office, right, three to seven points at the head office?” Li Heyi persuaded.

“It doesn’t matter.”

Qin Zhong was mainly reminded by Li Heyi that he knew that this could be done by Hollywood.

The filming of “The Pianist” is still troublesome, mainly because Qin Zhong doesn’t want to leave China for too long because of this movie.

“I will hand over “The Pianist” to the Hollywood team to shoot, but I haven’t figured out what new film to shoot,” Qin Zhong said.

“Then think slowly, don’t worry, why don’t we go out and wait for you first?” Li Heyi asked.

“Yes, right, you all go out, don’t affect my idea of ​​the script.”

0 ········Find flowers···

Qin Zhong said quickly.

Qin Zhong said so, they had to leave Qin Zhong’s office.

As for where to go, Qin Zhong doesn’t bother to manage.

Qin Zhong needs to conceive a new script. They all know that when a person is creating, it is annoying to be disturbed.

After Li Heyi and the others went out, Qin Zhong opened the system store and selected the script.

“It’s too difficult for me…”

Qin Zhong looked at the script in the mall and felt a headache.

There are too few good movies in China in the true sense.

… ……… …….

This time Qin Zhong chose the script and obviously felt that his head was getting bigger.

An hour later, Qin Zhong picked out a few movies in the system mall that he watched fairly well.

The first film that Qin Zhong plans to shoot is “A Chinese Ghost Story”, which was a rare period classic movie in the previous life.

There are many remakes, but none of them surpasses the one starring my brother.

Even after Qin Zhong got the script, he felt a lot of pressure. Don’t ruin the movie by then.

There are also several scripts on Qin Zhong’s desk.

It’s fine to shoot one by one. Let’s start with “A Chinese Ghost Story”.

After selecting the script, Qin Zhong called the company in Hollywood.

Tell the management over there that you will send a script to them and ask them to find the director to shoot.

After Nolan and Stan Lee came to China at Qin Zhong, they seldom contacted if there was no urgent matter, but it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter which director would be used to shoot this movie.

Afterwards, Qin Zhong copied the script of “A Chinese Ghost Story” on the movie, and it was almost dark after all the work was done. Ding.

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