Chapter 385

Fiber Optic Media made it clear that it wanted to trouble Qin Zhong, and Qin Zhong didn’t need to give them face.

After scolding Cheng Jie on the phone, Qin Zhong hung up without hesitation.

If you want Qin Zhong to back the pot, don’t even think about it.

This method is of no use to Qin Zhong. Cheng Jie held his mobile phone and froze in place.

Qin Zhong’s words were too simple. Originally, when he bought the copyright of “The First Under Heaven”, the price was too expensive, and the box office made him dissatisfied. He wanted to find a reason for Qin Zhong to refund him some money.

Although a bit of a rogue, compared with their losses, it doesn’t matter if the rogue points can recover some of the losses.

They want to pit Qin Zhong, but Qin Zhong is not so good at talking. After hanging up the phone, they black out his mobile phone number, and they don’t want to contact this guy in the future.

The next day, Yang Chaoyue came to Wushuang Company. She studied the script for a whole night, with obvious dark circles on her face.

“Brother Qin Zhong, I understood the script study last night, and I know how to play the role of Xia Zhu.” Yang Chaoyue said to Qin Zhong.

“I can see that you didn’t sleep well last night.” Qin Zhong said.

“It’s okay, filming is important, and it’s okay if you don’t have a good rest.” Yang Chaoyue said with a smile.

“But it’s useless for you to make a movie so eagerly. The company is not yet fully ready to shoot.” Qin Zhong smiled bitterly.

Yang Chaoyue wants to start filming the movie as soon as possible, but it also depends on whether his company is ready.

Yesterday afternoon, Qin Zhong’s assistants had already started arrangements, but it was too early to shoot today.

Although “The Richest Man in Xihong City” does not have strict special effects requirements, it has very high requirements on the venue.

In the early stage, Qin Zhong was able to shoot plots that did not use strict venue requirements, but their venues still had to be prepared slowly.

Qin Zhong picked up the script on the table, pointed to a plot of Xia Zhu, and said to Yang Chaoyue: “Let me see if you perform this plot first.”


Yang Chaoyue immediately entered the state, this is to show his progress in front of Qin Zhong.

“Wang Duoyu! You bastard…”

Yang Chaoyue entered the state of acting. Qin Zhong sat and watched carefully. After Yang Chaoyue performed the plot, Qin Zhong smiled at Yang Chaoyue: “The shooting was not bad, and it didn’t disappoint me.”

“Let me just say it, I’m also making progress.” Yang Chaoyue smiled.

“But don’t be too happy. At this time, there are only two of us. When the filming is actually started, the entire crew is in front of you. Don’t lose your state due to tension.” Qin Zhong reminded.

The acting skills between the two of them were pretty good, but when there were more people, Qin Zhong was afraid that Yang Chaoyue would panic.

At that time, even half of his strength will not be able to be used.

“How is it possible? You have to believe me.”

Yang Chaoyue patted Qin Zhong on the shoulder: “Great director, with me here, this time the box office will definitely be a big hit!”

“Then I would like to thank you first.” Qin Zhong laughed.

“By the way, let’s sign your contract first. You left in a hurry yesterday, and I haven’t had time to discuss the salary with you.” Qin Zhong said.

“Payment? It doesn’t matter how much, even if you don’t give it, it’s okay.” Yang Chaoyue waved his hand.

She followed Qin Zhong to learn acting skills and added so much trouble to Qin Zhong. How could she ask Qin Zhong for a salary?

Qin Zhong specially took out a script and asked her to act as the heroine. Yang Chaoyue didn’t have to pay for it.

0 ········Find flowers···

“One yard goes to one yard, and your salary can’t be less. If you can perform well in this movie this time and get a high salary, your worth will increase.” Qin Zhong said.

This time Qin Zhong was also for Yang Chaoyue’s consideration, so he gave a very high remuneration price.

Ten minutes later, Yang Chaoyue looked at the contract in front of him, and his eyes were a little red.

“Brother Qin Zhong, you are so kind.”

Yang Chaoyue wiped his eyes and said.

“Haha, we are friends taking care of each other.” Qin Zhong smiled.

… …….. 0

Qin Zhong was able to help Yang Chaoyue in this way because he felt that Yang Chaoyue was pretty good.

As someone else, Qin Zhong would not be so kind.

After signing the contract, Qin Zhong and Yang Chaoyue handed a copy.

At this time, it was just after nine o’clock in the morning, and Qin Zhong still had some documents to be corrected, and there was nothing left for the rest.

“You can study the script slowly, or you can just wander around in the company.” Qin Zhong said.

“I’ll still read the script.” Yang Chaoyue thought for a while and said.

Qin Zhong is busy with things, so Yang Chaoyue certainly won’t bother.

But Yang Chaoyue couldn’t sit still in this place. After reading the script for a while, she played with her cell phone a little boringly.

Towards noon, an assistant of Qin Zhong came to the office.

“Boss, the actors are all arranged, would you like to see them?” the assistant asked.

In addition to the two leading actors and actresses, Qin Zhong and Yang Chaoyue, several supporting roles are also very important.

But Qin Zhong didn’t have to choose the actors himself. Several of his assistants had been with him for so long, and they all knew how to choose the right actors. Ding.

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