Chapter 383

“Okay!” Li Heyi gritted his teeth.

Fortunately, it’s not eating now, otherwise Qin Zhong feels that Li He Yiding will kill a glass of white wine to show determination.

“Then the early stage of this movie will be handed over to you, come on!” Qin Zhong said.

“Yes… But leave this to me, what are you doing?” Li Heyi asked.

“Of course I made another movie.” Qin Zhong said naturally.


“Don’t get excited, don’t get excited, I still have a script here. Would you like to read it?”

Qin Zhong smiled and took out another script from the drawer.

“How many scripts do you have? Where do your scripts come from?”

Li Heyi couldn’t help it, and pushed Qin Zhong aside, and the robber turned Qin Zhong’s drawer like a robber.

“Damn it, are you going to rob?”

Qin Zhong pushed several times before pushing Li Heyi aside.

Li Heyi looks thin and thin, but Qin Zhong pushes him away when he encounters something that excites him.

“Why is this one left?”

Li Heyi held a movie called “The Pianist” in his hand. Besides that, there was only a contract in the drawer and no script.

“Damn it, get out of the way, do you know how to be polite?”

Qin Zhong kicked Li Heyi aside cursingly.

Li Heyi got a kick on his body, but his face was full of smiles.

He has a script in his hands, and Qin Zhong also has a script in his hands.

With that said, there is nothing left of the script in front of me.

The script that Qin Zhong can get, must be a masterpiece.

Don’t care if it’s his turn to shoot, let’s take a look and feast your eyes.

For Li Heyi, the most important thing is the quality of the script.

Li Heyi sat aside and looked at the script of “The Pianist” seriously.

Qin Zhong handed the script he held to Yang Chaoyue.

“Do you like this script? I plan to shoot this movie with you after the “Sea Pianist” is finished, and let you be the heroine. ¨.” Qin Zhong said.


Yang Chaoyue’s eyes widened, and he didn’t expect such a thing at all.

In her opinion, Qin Zhong is already very satisfied to let her learn acting skills by her side.

He did not expect that Qin Zhong would prepare a script specifically for her.

“Of course it is true, this script is not bad.” Qin Zhong laughed.

The script Qin Zhong gave to Yang Chaoyue is called “The Richest Man in Xihong City”.

Qin Zhong intends to play the protagonist Wang Duoyu and Yang Chaoyue as the heroine Xia Zhu.

The movies made by Qin Zhong in the past were a bit dark and serious, but this time I want to relax.

For Qin Zhong, the plot of “The Richest Man in Xihong City” is more entertaining. There will be no pressure to film, but it will only feel interesting.

After Yang Chaoyue accepted Qin Zhong’s script, he quickly looked.

But Yang Chaoyue laughed at the plot inside within two minutes after watching it.

The laughter that came from time to time made Li Heyi who was watching the “Pianist” movie a little unbearable.

The script he was watching was very serious and even dark.

It is about the story of the war period.

But Yang Chaoyue watched completely urban comedy genre, so the performance of the two was somewhat contradictory.

“Hey, can you keep your voice down?”

Li Heyi couldn’t help but comment on Yang Chaoyue.

The office is so small, Yang Chaoyue’s laughter has already affected his attention.

“Sorry, but I can’t help it anymore, hahaha…”

Yang Chaoyue put down the script and leaned forward and backward with a smile.

Several assistants in Li Heyihe’s office felt baffled.

Does Yang Chaoyue want to do something?

“` “Come on, show me what’s so funny about this script! ”

While Yang Chaoyue was not paying attention, Li Heyi snatched the script of “The Richest Man in Xihong City” and hid aside and began to read the content inside.

But after less than three minutes, Li Heyi couldn’t help himself, and laughed constantly like a pig.

“Don’t laugh, is it so funny?” Qin Zhong gave Li Heyi a blank glance.

“Really funny, hahaha, Qin Zhong, you are such a genius!”

Li Heyi laughed wildly, and tears fell.

“It seems that you are all satisfied with this script,” Qin Zhong said.

“Satisfied, absolutely satisfied! Ahahaha!”

Li Heyi patted Qin Zhong’s shoulder and said, “Why didn’t you take out this script earlier? With this script, what else (good money) “Sea Pianist” should I grab? This script will definitely make a profit!”

“That’s natural.” Qin Zhong smiled.

The script of “The Richest Man in Xihong City”, Qin Zhong can only give it seven points in his heart.

The lack of three points is because of dissatisfaction with the flamboyant acting skills that occasionally appear in it.

So after getting the script, Qin Zhong made some changes to the content and added some popular stalks, which looks even more funny.

“Lao Li, stay calm. Don’t make bad ideas about this script. You should prepare for “The Pianist on the Sea”. I can direct the filming of “The Richest Man in Xihong City” by myself.”

Qin Zhong was afraid that Li Heyi would cause trouble to himself again, so he quickly explained to him first. .

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