Chapter 373

At this time Qin Zhong was filming the movie version of “The Tuner”, and during the lunch break, Yang Chaoyue sat down beside Qin Zhong.

Yang Chaoyue has been here for three days, and his daily task is to see how Qin Zhong performs the plot.

Qin Zhong talked to her about acting skills when she had time.

“Is there anything you don’t understand about the change in your eyes?” Qin Zhong asked Yang Chaoyue.

“Almost all I know, and it needs to be accumulated slowly.” Yang Chaoyue said.

Qin Zhong always talks to her about acting skills every day, and Yang Chaoyue is very grateful.

But just listening to Qin Zhong said it didn’t have much effect. What is most needed is Yang Chaoyue’s ability to practice by himself.

“Okay, let me talk to you first, I want to continue working.”

Qin Zhong stood up and clapped his hands, and the crew became busy again.

Yang Chaoyue looked at Qin Zhong’s back, not knowing what he was thinking, his eyes were a bit complicated.

Qin Zhong plans to finish filming the film “Tuner” in half a month.

Therefore, the crew is very busy every day, starting from the morning to film the daytime plot, and at night to film the night plot.

It was around 11 o’clock in the evening today, and the crew was considered busy. Yang Chaoyue’s already sleepy eyelids were fighting.

“Go back and rest early. In fact, you don’t have to follow this night. If you are fine during the day, you can just come and take a look.” Qin Zhong said.

Yang Chaoyue’s learning attitude is very positive, but Qin Zhong feels a little bit unbearable in following the crew until midnight.

“It’s okay, I’m learning acting with you for free all day, and I haven’t paid the tuition, so I feel a little sad.” Yang Chaoyue lowered his head and said.

“Why are you raising the tuition?” Qin Zhong was amused by Yang Chaoyue’s words.

“The two of us are friends. I told you that there is no loss in these things, and there is no need to mention the tuition.” Qin Zhong smiled.

“Well then, invite you to dinner tomorrow night?”

“Okay, if I have time.” Qin Zhong said.

Yang Chaoyue was kind, and Qin Zhong was too embarrassed to refuse, wait until tomorrow to see the situation.

After Yang Chaoyue finished speaking, he said goodbye to Qin Zhong and left here in his car.

But Li Heyi, the kid, didn’t stop, and after filming the movie “Hold Your Breath”, he had to prepare for the release date.

After thinking about it for a long time, he didn’t find a good release date, so he passed the question to Qin Zhong.

“Brother Qin Zhong, are you going home?”

It was half past twelve in the evening, Qin Zhong was about to go to bed, and received a call from Li Heyi.

“Of course I am going home, I am about to rest soon.” Qin Zhong said helplessly.

“That’s the case, I want to ask, I want to find a suitable release date for the movie “Hold your breath”, I don’t know if you have any suggestions?” Li Heyi asked.

“Just find a time to show it anytime, what advice can you give?” Qin Zhong was speechless.

Wushuang’s movie is also released on a random date depending on the situation.

There is no good arrangement for the domestic release date.

“This is not good. You also know the box office of a movie. In fact, it has something to do with the release date.” Li Heyi said.

“Then you will release this movie during the holidays. It is estimated that the box office will be good.” Qin Zhong said.

“But the quality of the movies in the same period seems to be good. I’m afraid the box office will be lowered when they are released.” Li Heyi whispered.

“Are you worried about the quality of “Hold Your Breath”?”

“Why, I am at ease about the quality of this movie.”

“Then what are you worried about? Just find a day to release it. I’m sleepy and want to sleep.” Qin Zhong said.

“Don’t… I want to ask when will your “Tuner” be finished? Let’s release these two films together.”

Li Heyi finally showed the tail of the fox.

“`” will take about half a month to finish filming, plus post-production, it would be nice if it can be released within a month. “Qin Zhong said.

“That’s okay. There are a lot of idlers in my company. I will ask them to help your crew and try to finish the movie as soon as possible.”

“No, it’s not necessary, I just take it slowly.”

Qin Zhong has not been in contact with the Yuhuashi company much, and he may not be able to help Qin Zhong at that time.

“It’s okay. Anyway, you helped me when I was shooting my movie. This is called mutual help. Tomorrow I will take people to your crew and try to finish the film for you as soon as possible.” Li Heyi smiled.

Qin Zhong also wanted to reject two (good Zhaohao) sentences, but Li Heyi hung up after finishing speaking.

Qin Zhong was a little helpless, so he could only put his phone aside and began to rest.

On the next day, Li Heyi did exactly what he said on the phone, and brought people to the Qin Zhong crew at around eight o’clock in the morning.

I don’t know where Li Heyi got the address, and brought more than 20 people.

“Qin Zhong, here I am.”

Li Heyi walked towards Qin Zhong with a smile.

“I said you are serious? Why do you bring so many people here? The daily cost of eating and drinking for these people is not a small amount. I have no money to give it.” Qin Zhong shrugged.

Qin Zhong wanted to drive people away, but Li Heyi didn’t seem to understand. .

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