Chapter 368

It doesn’t matter whether Qin Zhong responded in the comment section.

What really makes them feel important is that there is a film version of this micro-film ready to be shot.

“I feel that there are a lot of plots in this micro-movie that haven’t expanded, and there really is a movie version!”

Wushuang will not shoot micro-movies rashly. Now that it has been filmed, it must have an idea.

“Looking forward to the launch of the movie version, Wushuang, come on!”

“Looking forward to +1”

“Expect +2”

Qin Zhong smiled and closed the webpage. This result has satisfied him very much.

At the same time, the movie “Afternoon” will be released.

This movie is a literary and artistic film. The results on the day of its release were not very good, but it was acceptable to Qin Zhong.

But in the following week, the ratings and box office of this movie soared, and Qin Zhong himself didn’t know what was going on.

According to Qin Zhong’s opinion, the plot and dialogue of “After the Meeting” is barely passable. It hasn’t caused much response, and it can only be said to be normal.

“Qin Zhong, I have already prepared the filming of the movie, can I come over to shoot today?”

Before Qin Zhong got up in the morning, he received a call from Li Heyi.

This guy is very anxious. He bought the script from Qin Zhong, and he must shoot it as soon as possible.

He also wants to make Yuhuashi’s films a big hit, at least to be the top ten of the year.

“I see. Go to your company? I will arrive in two hours. ¨.” Qin Zhong said.

“Okay, I’ll wait for you.” Li Heyi said.

Qin Zhong quickly got up, packed his things, and rushed to Yuhuashi Company.

Li Heyi had already prepared the crew for filming. For more than a week, Yuhuashi Company had been looking for locations for filming and the recruitment of actors.

Except for Qin Zhong playing a supporting actor, the other male roles are not well-known big stars.

But the actress surprised Qin Zhong a little. It turned out to be Yang Chaoyue.

Qin Zhong and Yang Chaoyue are old acquaintances, but after Qin Zhong went to Hollywood, they didn’t have any contact with Yang Chaoyue.

When Yang Chaoyue saw Qin Zhong this time, he stepped forward to greet Qin Zhong as before.

“Brother Qin Zhong, long time no see!”

Yang Chaoyue smiled and walked towards Qin Zhong.

“Haha, hello, I seem to be a little late.” Qin Zhong smiled.

“Hey, Qin Zhong, we’ll go to the shooting location later, wait a moment.”

Li Heyi saw Qin Zhong coming, and after talking to Qin Zhong, he went to urge the crew.

Yang Chaoyue blinked at Qin Zhong and said, “We haven’t contacted since you went to Hollywood. Do you remember my name?”

“Of course I remember, Yang Chaoyue.” Qin Zhong smiled: “Say you didn’t contact me, you can’t blame me.”

“It really can’t, but I have seen all the movies you shot after you went to Hollywood, and they all made good.” Yang Chaoyue gave Qin Zhong a thumbs up.

“It’s okay, I can barely eat it.”

Qin Zhong sat down on the sofa and said, “Sit down and talk slowly. How do you feel in China these days?”

“Just like you, I’m just like you.”

Yang Chaoyue shrugged: “You are just kidding me. I really just slurped. Others say that I have no acting skills and don’t want me to make a film. This time I can appear in this movie. It’s a company. Fight for me.”

“No? Now film companies don’t all like small fresh meat…”

As soon as Qin Zhong said what he said, he felt that he had said something wrong.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean it.” Qin Zhong apologized.

In this way, isn’t Yang Chaoyue likened to a little fresh meat without acting skills?

“` “It’s okay, that’s how it was originally. ”

Yang Chaoyue said helplessly: “In fact, you must be blamed for this kind of thing.”

“Blam me?”

Qin Zhong was made inexplicably by Yang Chaoyue’s words.

“How can you blame me? I always make movies honestly, but I rarely say bad things about Xiao Xianrou.” Qin Zhong was a little aggrieved.

“Because your acting skills are so good, China not only depends on looks, but also on acting skills, both of which are indispensable.” Yang Chaoyue said.

Because Qin Zhong has very high requirements for acting skills, the current Chinese audiences have higher requirements for actors.

Just a good-looking actor may not necessarily be the target of the film company’s attention.

After the movie is shot, the audience can’t see the acting skills in the actors (good Zhao Hao), even if it is a movie shot by a big IP, it will still be scolded.

“If you don’t have acting skills, try to improve your acting skills. What a big deal.” Qin Zhong said helplessly.

“But it’s not that easy. Now the requirements for acting skills are high. If you don’t reach your level, it’s easy to be scolded.” Yang Chaoyue said.

“That’s no way. To achieve my acting skills, you need not only talent, but also a perseverance mentality.” Qin Zhong said.

Qin Zhong is completely nonsense. Without a system, Qin Zhong’s acting skills will certainly not be as good as they are now.

But what Qin Zhong said was to fool Yang Chaoyue. Yang Chaoyue smiled bitterly: “Brother Qin Zhong, can I ask you something?”.

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