Chapter 349

After the movie was made by Disney, it seemed that it was planning to release it as soon as possible, and it had already begun to promote it on the Internet.

Qin Zhong was also curious about the quality of this film.

Disney even directly shoots this movie regardless of whether they have signed the contract. It is a problem not to be afraid of being sued by Qin Zhong. The most important thing is that Disney thinks the “Joker: Resurrection Eve” they filmed will surpass the “Joker” starring Qin Zhong. ?

The Disney Company is so confident, Qin Zhong really thought of seeing what they can do with this movie.

In addition, Qin Zhong’s “The Night The Comet Came” allowed major film companies to see the achievements of low-cost brain-burning movies.

Within a week, “The Night The Comet Came” basically took the second place in the annual box office.

Then they follow suit to shoot such low-cost brain-burning movies, even if they can’t make a lot of money, they don’t have to worry about losing money.

So the major film companies in Hollywood began to continuously release their company’s brain-burning movies.

“The Night Comet” took three days to complete the production, and it is no secret among the film companies.

Qin Zhong can shoot a movie in such a short time, why can’t they?

Therefore, these film companies also used the fastest time to shoot movies, and after the final release, the results were still good.

Today’s Hollywood film market does not seem to pay much attention to big productions.

A film that took one or two years to produce, when it is released, the results may not necessarily be good for a film that was filmed in three days. Who can bear it?

It’s better to pat it casually, as long as you are destined to not lose money, then use it for release.

Qin Zhong didn’t know that one of his movies had caused such a thing in Hollywood.

When “The Night That Comet Came” was in theaters, Qin Zhong was still raising children at home.

The filming is all over, and Qin Zhong has nothing to do. He plans to give himself a month off to play with the children at home.

Seeing Qin Wushuang grow up day by day, Qin Zhong’s heart is full of satisfaction.

“Qin Zhong, I want to wait until Wushuang gets older, and then continue to shoot the “Resident Evil” series.”

At home that day, Monica said to Qin Zhong who was teasing her child.

“What’s the hurry? The child is still young. If you go to make a movie, you don’t know if you have to be busy for a few months.” Qin Zhong said.

Qin Zhong is not in a hurry to shoot the “Resident Evil” series of movies.

Although there are now high calls on the Internet for Monica to re-shoot the “Resident Evil” series, they also know that Monica has children.

I was looking forward to it in my heart, but there is no other way. Monica is a new mother, so she can’t let her give up her children for the movie?

Qin Zhong filmed the “Resident Evil” series in order to gain the reputation of Wushuang Company. Now Wushuang Company is not short of reputation and money. Monica can rest as long as she wants. When will Qin Wushuang start school, then shoot again. The “Resident Evil” series are all right.

Qin Wushuang is less than half a year old now. If Monica is making a movie, she will have to be busy from morning to night, and this will definitely not work.

Even within two years, Qin Zhong does not plan to let Monica go to make a movie.

This matter can only be temporarily put down, even if Monica wants to shoot, Qin Zhong will stop it.

“But I’m really boring at home. I watched all the movies you made. When will you make a movie suitable for your son?” Monica asked.

“Children’s animation movie?”

Qin Zhong raised her eyebrows. Monica’s words made Qin Zhong feel a little reasonable.

The movies he shoots are basically suitable for adults to watch. Even “Interstellar” is so popular, because the teacher leads the students to watch it, and those children go to the cinema.

Other movies are either sci-fi or thriller, not suitable for children.

Seeing that his son is about to grow up, Qin Zhong also wants to shoot a movie suitable for children specifically for his son.

“Yeah, do you want to consider shooting a children’s movie? Hollywood does not seem to have a particularly popular children’s movie. If you can make a popular movie, you can make a fortune at the box office.” Monica laughed.

Monica came up with an idea for Qin Zhong. Qin Zhong replied: “This is a good idea. I need to think about what plot to shoot.”

Monica has said so, so the children’s movie Qin Zhong must be filmed.

However, Qin Zhong doesn’t have any good ideas. You need to check in the system’s mall to see if there is something suitable for you to shoot.

“Hold your son, I’ll go to the company.” Qin Zhong sent Qin Wushuang to Monica’s arms.

Monica took over Qin Wushuang and said to Qin Zhong, “You have to work a little bit more on the script. After all, it was filmed specifically for your son.”

“Of course, I will.”

Qin Zhong smiled.

Qin Zhong wants to see what kind of script he can produce. Besides, although there are many scripts in the system mall, they are not necessarily suitable for the current market.

There were good quality animations more than ten or twenty years ago, but Qin Zhong cannot guarantee the box office after they are taken out.

The film that Qin Zhong wants to shoot must not only be popular, but also work hard on quality.

Qin Zhong came to Wushuang’s office and sat down at the table honestly, wanting to see what kind of script he could put out in the system.

“This script is a bit outdated, no way…”

“This looks good, but the content is a bit dark…”

There are many movies that children watch in the Qin Zhong system, but most of them are denied by Qin Zhong.

After searching for a long time, Qin Zhong found a suitable one.

“The movie “Toy Story” looks good.”

Qin Zhong found a script in the system. The anime movie “Toy Story” Qin Zhong saw in his previous life, but time has passed so long that Qin Zhong can’t remember the content.

Just watch it again and say it again.

Qin Zhong played the first part of “Toy Story” in his mind. There are four films in this series. There are two protagonists in this animation film, namely, Toy Cowboy Sheriff Hu Di and Space Mounted Police Buzz Lightyear.

The plot is full of adventure, not only interesting, but also suitable for all ages.

Qin Zhong decided to shoot this movie, so he bought all the four scripts of “Toy Story”.

Get the script, just how to shoot.

This is an animation, and Qin Zhong can only hand over the shooting to Weita.

Nolan and Stan Lee are both good directors, but they are really not used in this animated series.

After finishing the script, Qin Zhong began to come to Weita Company.

“Thank you for summoning all the staff. I want to have a meeting to talk about the new movie.”

After Qin Zhong came to Weita, he said to the supervisor here. .

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