Chapter 344

“Master Key” was filmed as usual every day. After only two weeks, the film was finished, and post-production was left.

Liu Yifei’s performance in this movie is considered acceptable to Qin Zhong.

According to Qin Zhong’s estimation, the box office would be as high as half of “Interstellar”.

Counting Liu Yifei in “Master Key”, there are only four normal actors.

A suspense movie supported by five people, coupled with the ultra-low cost, when “Master Key” was being promoted, many viewers were dissatisfied with the cost.

Depends on the cost of “Interstellar” and then the cost of “Master Key”, the two movies are simply incomparable.

Does Qin Zhong want to shoot a low-cost brain-burning movie to fool them after having the success of “Interstellar Crossing”?

The quality is hard to say.

Especially after Liu Yifei finished filming “Mulan”, she became entangled with Qin Zhong.

You must know that Disney and Wushuang are rivals. After Liu Yifei appeared in a Disney movie, he became the protagonist of Qin Zhong’s new movie.

This will inevitably make people wonder, is there any ulterior relationship between Qin Zhong and Liu Yifei?

Once Hollywood’s media loses conscience, the bottom line is not as good as China’s media.

During the promotion of “Master Key”, some unscrupulous media began to publicly speculate about the relationship between the two.

Qin Zhong and Liu Yifei are both Chinese. Although they don’t know if they are old acquaintances, they might fall in love at first sight and slowly get together.

Although Qin Zhong is already a father, he and Monica are only engaged and not married yet.

Think of Liu Yifei as a lover outside?

As long as these media can make money, they don’t care if they offend Qin Zhong because of this.

There are more and more speculations about the relationship between the two, and even the scenes of talking together in the crew are called sweet words between lovers by the media.

When Qin Zhong saw these words in the newspaper, he tore the newspaper directly.

Never guess where the bottom line of these media is. Qin Zhong is really afraid that the nonsense of these media will disturb the relationship with Monica.

Especially when Liu Yifei was in China, there was almost no scandal. If he made a trip to Hollywood and his reputation was stinky, it would be worth the loss.

“Qin Zhong, why are you so angry?”

Seeing Qin Zhong tearing up the newspaper and throwing it into the paper basket, Monica came over and asked Qin Wushuang in his arms.

Qin Zhong took Qin Wushuang, and after teasing Qin Wushuang a few words, he whispered to Monica: “It’s not the damn media, it will only add chaos to me. Liu Yifei and I are just friends, and they arranged us. It’s a lover, damn it.”

Monica laughed when she heard it: “Don’t worry, you’ve been in the entertainment industry for so long, don’t you know what the media is like? Just leave them alone, it will stop after a while.”

“Oh, of course I know, it’s just that the media are so annoying.” Qin Zhong sighed.

“You should comfort the girl Liu Yifei. She thinks she will be more angry than you when she sees these news.” Monica said.

“Of course, he didn’t have any scandals in China, and the trouble in Hollywood had a bad influence on her reputation.” Qin Zhong said.

“Then you shouldn’t be angry with those media, please comfort her more.” Monica said.

“That’s not good, isn’t it?”

Qin Zhong is still more hesitant about this matter. The relationship between him and Liu Yifei was arranged as a lover relationship by the media, which is believed to be harmful to Monica.

“What’s wrong? Go ahead, don’t I still have confidence in my charm?” Monica asked with a smile.

For a confident woman, she will naturally not be afraid of her man being snatched away by other women.

The media arrangements are just nonsense, and Monica doesn’t bother to believe it.

Qin Zhong shrugged and said to Monica: “I will call Liu Yifei to make it clear later, don’t worry.”

“That’s good.” Monica nodded.

Monica took Qin Wushuang over and took it to the yard to play.

Qin Zhong dialed Liu Yifei’s phone.

“Hey, Qin Zhong.” Liu Yifei asked after answering the phone, “Anything?”

“It’s okay, I saw the media talking nonsense today, don’t take it to heart.” Qin Zhong said.

“It doesn’t matter. I have experienced this kind of thing in China. It’s normal.” Liu Yifei smiled.

Those scandals between her and Qin Zhong seemed nothing to Liu Yifei.

If an ordinary actor and Liu Yifei make such an appearance, Liu Yifei will definitely be angry.

But this matter was caused by Qin Zhong and her, and Liu Yifei felt nothing.

Liu Yifei also feels that she is taking advantage of Qin Zhong and can be on the news with Qin Zhong.

“You think it’s okay.” Qin Zhong breathed a sigh of relief.

If Liu Yifei cries and makes trouble because of these scandals, Qin Zhong will really feel a headache.

Liu Yifei said to Qin Zhong: “When will the movie “Master Key” be released? I really look forward to the box office of this movie.”

“It looks like it will be in theaters next week.” Qin Zhong thought.

Now both “Interstellar” and “Avengers 3” are still in theaters, no company dares to release their films now.

But Qin Zhong doesn’t care about this, just let “Master Key” be released normally.

Regarding the quality of this film, Qin Zhong is still at ease.

“Next week? Then I will wait for the movie to be released before leaving.” Liu Yifei said.

She came to Hollywood also to make a movie, after all, her home is still in China.

I planned to leave after filming “Mulan”, but by coincidence, I filmed “Master Key”. Liu Yifei planned to wait for the film to be released and see the results of this film and return to China.

“Alright, it won’t take a few days.” Qin Zhong nodded.

“Then you are busy, I’m going to wash the clothes.” Liu Yifei smiled.

“Okay, keep in touch if you have anything.”

Qin Zhong hung up.

After the promotion of “Master Key”, the effect is fairly good.

The important thing is that this movie has gained a lot of heat and attracted more attention.

Three days before the release of “Master Key”, Qin Zhong was looking at company documents in his office. One of his assistants knocked on the door and said to Qin Zhong in a low voice: “Boss, I am afraid there is bad news to tell you. .”

“What’s the bad news?” Qin Zhong asked after putting down his work.

“The Disney Company wants to make their “Joker” movie.” The assistant said.

Qin Zhong raised his eyebrows: “I signed a contract with Disney. They couldn’t shoot an independent movie with the role of the clown ten years ago. Do they want to regret it?”

“I don’t know…” the assistant smiled bitterly. .

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