Chapter 340

“Interstellar” was just like that. Almost all academic forums in country M were not discussing their formulas, but were discussing the movie “Interstellar”.

Not many people have watched the movie “Interstellar”. After all, in terms of publicity, Qin Zhong is not as laborious as Disney to promote it.

In addition, for many years, there have been no good-looking hardcore science fiction films.

When “Interstellar” was released, many people thought it was a commercial film under the guise of hard science fiction.

But when they watched this movie, they found that it was definitely not the same thing.

The content of the movie even exceeded their understanding.

“If you think “Interstellar” is just an ordinary interstellar film, then you are very wrong. The style of this film is rigorous, and it even uses professional knowledge in science. Even when I watched this film At that time, I didn’t dare to blink my eyes, for fear that I would not be able to read this movie if I missed it for a second!”

“Agree, I also went to see this movie today, it is definitely Wushuang’s best science fiction movie this year.”

“How does it compare to the movie “Joker”?”

Someone can’t help but ask questions on the forum.

“The style of the movie “Joker” is dark, but it’s not bad. But the movie “Interstellar” relies on science to explain family affection. Would you like to see it?”

357 “Use science to explain family affection? Just kidding. Feelings are feelings, and science is science. How can science explain family affection?”

The most commented on “Interstellar” on the Internet is to use science to explain family affection.

But people who haven’t watched this movie will never believe this statement.

As a result, there were fierce quarrels on the Internet, and even academic wars over this movie.

“Believe it or not, there is a kind of watching this movie tomorrow, and I didn’t lie to you, you idiots!”

“I haven’t even seen a movie, so I’m ashamed to say this? Wait until you see the movie.”

“I’ll wait for you to come back after watching the movie. Don’t talk nonsense before watching the movie!”

People who watched the movie “Interstellar” will naturally not admit defeat, and let those who have not watched the movie go to see the movie tomorrow.

“Okay, I will go to watch this movie tomorrow and see what you can say!”

Those who have never watched the movie “Interstellar” were so angry that they vowed to watch the movie “Interstellar”.

Then tell them that using science to explain family affection does not exist at all!

Qin Zhong didn’t expect that his “Interstellar Crossing” would trigger such a war on academic forums.

However, the score of “Interstellar” on the Internet is still good, with a high score that day.

You know, “Interstellar” is not as good as “Mulan” publicity, and there is no super IP base.

The score that can be scored depends entirely on the quality of the film.

Qin Zhong is very satisfied with such results. After all, if this continues, the film’s performance should gradually become higher.

In the previous life, the performance of this film was not bad.

It can be said to be ranked first in science fiction movies.

Qin Zhong sometimes feels that using “Interstellar Crossing” to fight against the movie “Mulan” is simply wrong.

The box office of the premiere was so-so, but it was supported by praise. I believe that the results in the next few days will not be bad.

But on the second day, in front of the major cinemas in Country M, an incredible scene was staged.

Teachers from many universities, high schools, and even junior high schools brought a group of students to watch the movie “Interstellar”!

Even this matter was approved by the principals of various schools.

Faced with such a major event, various media and reporters are rushing to interview the teacher who took the students to watch the movie.

“Hello, I am a reporter from Hollywood Times Weekly. Are you a teacher?”

This reporter is asking nonsense.

“Of course, what can you do?” the teacher with the brown frame asked.

“I want to ask, did you bring your students to watch this movie?” the reporter asked.

“Of course, the movie “Interstellar” is very good. If my students watch this movie, they will have a higher interest in science, why not watch it? And I plan to watch the movie with the children, When we go back to school, we will discuss the plot together.” The teacher was a little excited in his tone.

He didn’t watch the movie on the day of its premiere. In the evening, he saw many teachers discussing the movie on the education forum.

So with curiosity, he also joined the discussion of this movie.

At the beginning, he just thought the content of this movie was very interesting. It might be a heroic movie with the theme of interstellar war. After all, Hollywood film and television companies now like to play this movie.

Make any theme, if there is no superhero, it’s like going to the toilet without toilet paper.

But watching their discussion, the teacher realized what the content of the movie was.

Is it completely beyond his imagination, using science to explain family affection?

There are also various wormholes, the future, and elements that travel through time and space.

This teacher was also a movie lover when he was young, but as he got older, he gradually lost interest in the so-called hero movies.

There is a saying that people who like to watch superhero movies are otaku who will never grow up.

He doesn’t like watching those superhero movies, it doesn’t feel interesting at all.

When he saw the discussion of the movie “Interstellar”, the teacher realized that he was completely wrong.

This movie is completely praised by the quality of hard science fiction. There are a lot of dry goods in it, without the slightest superheroism.

Moreover, the distribution company of this movie is the same as the “Joker” he liked before, and it is a movie of Wushuang Company.

Then this movie is more suitable for watching.

Especially in this educational forum, some teachers suggested that they can take their students to watch this movie.

The current students are all engaged in blind superhero worship, such as Batman, Spiderman, Captain M.

If they don’t bring the students to watch, I believe that in five or six years, their students will not watch such hard-core science fiction movies. This will be a loss for the students.

So today, the teacher suggested to the principal that he wanted to take the students in his class to observe “Interstellar” at the cinema.

I thought that the principal would not be able to pass it, but I didn’t expect that when the suggestion was just put forward, the principal who had always been serious actually agreed happily.

This simply exceeded the teacher’s expectations. .

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