Chapter 337

Especially Stan Lee, if you let him know that Qin Zhong didn’t get him engaged, this old man would definitely go crazy.

“We know that you have a lot of actor friends, but it’s better to have fewer people. When you get married, no matter how much noise is made,” Monica’s mother said.

“Okay, I will try to find a few people as few as possible.” Qin Zhong responded.

Anyway, for Qin Zhong, it is enough for Stan Lee and Nolan to be there, and other actor friends may not be able to come.

This is basically the matter. The engagement day is the next Saturday, and there are only eight days left.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, even if Qin Zhong is already very low-key, the news of the engagement with Monica has spread.

Qin Zhong first told Stan Lee and Nolan, and then some senior executives from Wushuang.

The senior executives of the company have helped Qin Zhong a lot. Of course, Qin Zhong will let them attend this engagement.

But those actors who are familiar with Qin Zhong are not happy.

Qin Zhong’s engagement doesn’t even call them? Especially the actors who played superheroes from Marvel.

During the filming of “Reunion 3”, they often stayed with Qin Zhong. Qin Zhong didn’t even invite them to get engaged, which is too unkind.

These actors are not happy, and Qin Zhong can only send them invitation letters.

But after going back and forth, Qin Zhong was in great trouble, and more than fifty invitations were sent out.

I’m afraid this is more than Monica’s family’s relatives, right?

Eight days soon arrived. Qin Zhong and Monica were engaged to choose the best five-star hotel in Hollywood.

There were only fifteen people from Monica’s family, while Qin Zhong’s friends totaled fifty-six people.

Monica’s parents complained a little bit about the matter. The people over there didn’t like trouble, they just wanted to keep a low profile and left here after Qin Zhong and Monica’s engagement.

But Qin Zhong’s engagement this time directly attracted more than fifty people. Outside the hotel, there were a bunch of reporters waiting for interviews.

Qin Zhong feels a little pain in his head. He also wants to keep a low profile, but his strength doesn’t allow him.

If the actors are not allowed to come, I don’t know how many people Qin Zhong will offend, and whether he can continue to cooperate in the future is still a question.

But Monica’s relatives at her family’s family had a good temper.

The actors and friends who met Qin Zhong were busy taking photos for autographs.

You need to know the actors who can participate in Qin Zhong’s wedding, who is not the first-line or second-line star of Hollywood?

I missed the opportunity this time, and I don’t know when I will see it next time.

But this time, Qin Zhong also said to them, try to put your temper, and if you can take a photo and sign or something, try to satisfy the people from Monica’s family.

They also did what Qin Zhong said, and did not make any trouble.

There is no procedure for engagement, just simply have a meal and receive red envelopes.

Monica is also the star of the “Resident Evil” series at any rate, and her reputation is no worse than the stars who came here. As for the future bride and Qin Zhong friends, the polite link can be omitted.

After eating the banquet, this engagement is also perfectly completed.

Although there are many reporters outside, these actors are considered to have seen a lot of battles. Without panic, they covered Qin Zhong and Monica from leaving the hotel.

After the engagement is over, Qin Zhong will be busy with the movie again.

After these days of hard work, Nolan has thoroughly studied the script of “Interstellar Crossing” and analyzed the script of the actors that he found.

In short, Nolan feels that he has completely mastered the script, and is short of shooting.

In terms of budget, Qin Zhong did not set a number for Nolan.

“Interstellar” doesn’t cost much except for special effects, but some venues require a lot of money.

For example, the cornfield at the beginning of the movie can’t be done well with special effects, so you can only go to the farm, rent the venue, and shoot.

As for how much corn was lost, it should all be counted on Qin Zhong’s head.

At this time, Disney’s “Mulan” also started shooting.

Qin Zhong’s first involvement in hard science fiction films has made many film companies full of expectations.

Over the years, the number of hard science fiction movies that can be slightly satisfied with the audience is less than five fingers.

Qin Zhong’s movie, if it can create a brand new genre, it will be a celebration for the entire film and television industry. ……..

When Nolan was shooting this movie, Qin Zhong often went to help him.

At the very least, Qin Zhong can do it. More importantly, Qin Zhong is also very optimistic about this movie. In his previous life, it was a hard science fiction movie with the highest score.

Qin Zhong didn’t care about the cost of shooting, so Nolan let go.

They rented a large farm directly and purchased more than 50 acres of corn land.

According to Nolan, he can only enter the state when these cornfields can be used at will.

Otherwise, how many corn trees are damaged, how much money will be lost, which will put him under pressure.

And the undamaged corn can be taken away, maybe it can be sold to save money.

After listening to Nolan’s various analyses, Qin Zhong almost took a kitchen knife to thank him.

The filming method of “Interstellar” is the same as their previous method, which is to make the special effects of Weita Company while filming, and strive to complete the work in the fastest time.

And Marvel’s “Reunion 3” was put aside, as if according to Qin Zhong’s idea, there is no rush to let “Reunion 3” be released.

During the filming of “Interstellar”, Qin Zhong often heard news about the movie “Mulan”.

Qin Zhong even wondered if Disney had bought out the media in Country M and China. If something happened to the crew and the studio, it would make the news.

This Disney company, in order to keep the “Mulan” hot, really makes it so exciting.

Although Liu Yifei was filming “Mulan” at the Disney Company, she often contacted Qin Zhong.

Basically, they are talking about interesting things in the crew and asking Qin Zhong if any interesting things happened when shooting the movie.

Does Liu Yifei want to chase Qin Zhong? Qin Zhong feels that it may not be necessary. First of all, he already has a wife and children. With Liu Yifei’s character, naturally he would not do such a thing.

It is estimated that Liu Yifei just wants to treat Qin Zhong as an idol and friend. Qin Zhong can accept this.

“”Mulan” has only been filmed for less than two months, is it about to be finished?”

This evening, Qin Zhong was talking on the phone with Liu Yifei. After hearing the news, Qin Zhong felt a little weird. .

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