Chapter 326

Other than that, there are no other problems.

Since the development of Wushuang Company, there is basically no need to worry about the actors.

As long as Wushuang Company sends out the news of the film casting, I don’t know how many people will rush to audition.

After only three days, all the venues and actors needed in “Joker” have been prepared~completed.

At this time the film also started shooting.

In the early shooting, no special effects were used, but the requirements for the venue-a bit high.

In order to be able to rent the venue, Qin Zhong has spent a lot of money.

The rest is Qin Zhong’s acting in this movie.

At any rate, he tried the Joker in “Batman: The Dark Knight”, and Qin Zhong did not have any accidents during the shooting of this movie.

After Nolan finished filming “Scream 4”, he talked to Qin Zhong and wanted to see the filming of “Joker”.

At this time in the crew, they are shooting in a train carriage.

The clown played by Qin Zhong was being beaten. He was suppressed by the two behind him. After being punched in the face, he fell to the ground, making wild and sharp laughter.


After Stan Lee stopped, he came to Qin Zhong and helped Qin Zhong up.

Reprimanded the actor who had just beaten Qin Zhong: “It’s for you to perform, not for real beating! Qin Zhong, are you okay?”


Qin Zhong stood up and touched his face.

The young actor was quite embarrassed, and of course he knew it was acting.

But Qin Zhong’s acting skills made him too deep into the drama at the time, and he really wanted to punch Qin Zhong in the face.

Fortunately, Stan Lee just stopped calling, otherwise he couldn’t help but kick Qin Zhong forward.

“Sorry, Mr. Qin Zhong, I didn’t know what happened just now…”

The young actor quickly apologized to Qin Zhong.

“It’s okay, I can understand.” Qin Zhong smiled: “But the scene just now should have passed, right? Otherwise, I would have been punched for nothing.”

“Naturally it passed, and your acting skills are still as good as before.” Stan Lee said.

“Qin Zhong, I came to see you.”

At this time, Nolan walked in from outside.

He happened to see the scene that Qin Zhong performed just now.

I was so immersed in Qin Zhong’s acting skills that I almost forgot that I was here to explore the class.

After Stan Lee called to stop, Nolan remembered his mission here.

“Qin Zhong, your acting skills almost distracted me just now.” Nolan said with a smile.

“Hey, why are you here?”

Stan Lee had a bad feeling when he saw Nolan coming over.

This guy, isn’t he trying to grab a job with himself?

“Haha, Stan Lee, are you delaying the director of this movie? That’s good. After the province changes me, others will be unhappy. We are also acquaintances. How will the director of this movie be entrusted to me?” Nolan asked with a smile.

After Nolan came in, his face kept smiling.

Can Nolan be in a bad mood to be the director of this movie?

Stan Lee was not interested in how Nolan was feeling.

He only cared about whether he could finish the filming of “Joker” all the time.

“Nolan, what do you mean? Want to compete with me for the director of this movie?” Stan Lee frowned and asked.

“Haha, of course, I directed the movie “Batman: The Dark Knight”, and it makes sense to be the director of the movie “Joker”.” Nolan said.

“It’s reasonable for you, Nolan, are you shameless? I have been shooting for a few days, and now you say you want to rob me of my job?” Stan Lee asked aggressively.

“Hahaha, don’t be angry, let’s have something to say. Your Marvel company is said to be preparing for “Reunion 3”. In that case, you can shoot “Reunion 3” and leave it to me. “Nolan patted his chest and said.

“You dream, don’t want me to leave the crew. Qin Zhong, you hurry up and let this guy get out, don’t affect our subsequent shooting.” Stan Lee frowned.

“Qin Zhong, didn’t you say that after shooting the “Scream” series, I can participate in the filming of this movie?” Nolan asked Qin Zhong.

“Did you say that?” Stan Lee stared into Qin Zhong’s eyes.


Qin Zhong is now in a dilemma.

He was thinking, if it doesn’t work, let the two guys be directors together.

It’s a big deal to pay more, and there is no need to make it unpleasant.

But looking at the current situation, it is a bit difficult for the two of them to work together.

0 ········Find flowers···

“Why don’t you join us as the director…” Qin Zhong whispered.


Nolan and Stan Lee said in unison.

In terms of fame and strength, both of them are well-known directors in Hollywood, how can they work together on the same film.

Even if this movie is starring Qin Zhong, it won’t work.

“Nolan! Either hurry up, or I will let the security guard drive you away, which one do you choose?” Stan Lee exclaimed.

“Don’t be so temperamental, I won’t leave today, I don’t believe you can drive me away in front of Qin Zhong!” Nolan rogue said.

“Do you think I dare! Security guard, come over and drive me quickly!”

“do not!”

Qin Zhong hurriedly stopped. Everyone is a friend, so there is no need to hurt him.

… …. …….

“Then you tell me, should I make this movie or Nolan?”

Stan Lee asked Qin Zhong.

Before I made it clear, Qin Zhong had already agreed with him that the filming of this movie together, how come it became Nolan to interfere in the end?

“Let’s do this, each of you has the opportunity to participate in the filming. The first half is Stan Lee as the director, and after Blacken the clown in the second half, Nolan will be the director. Nolan has directed Batman before. I’m good at it,” Qin Zhong said.

This is the only thing that can be done right now. Qin Zhong admitted that he couldn’t happily agree to Nolan before.

Now that this is happening, Qin Zhong is really a headache.

“Okay, that’s it.” Nolan made a concession.

Listening to what Qin Zhong said, the first half is not interesting, and the second half is the most test of the director’s level.

Let him be the director of the second half.

Stan Lee was upset, but this was the best way.

On the one hand, he didn’t bother to fight with Nolan. This shameless guy, Stan Lee was afraid that if he continued to fight, he would suffer a heart attack with anger.

On the other hand, it was the second half of the movie, which really made Stan Lee feel the pressure.

He used to shoot the protagonist of justice. For the first time, he faced the villain and acted as the protagonist.

Now that Nolanken is carrying this burden, it can be considered a lot easier for Stan Lee. Ding.

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