Chapter 318

“Hey, what do you mean? How can you behave so indifferently?”

Qin Zhong’s attitude made Nolan a little confused.

“Scream” is a Qin Zhong movie. It was copied like this by Disney and even surpassed it at the box office. Qin Zhong’s performance has nothing to do with him.

“It’s not that it doesn’t matter, but you tell the news media about this, do you think they will believe it?” Qin Zhong asked.

Nolan touched his chin and said to Qin Zhong: “Anyway, let me poke the matter out first. The media are not too big to be a big deal, and they will definitely be able to stir up fire.”

“But is this beneficial to Wushuang? What if we tell the news media about this and Disney says we slander? If we go to court, we will definitely lose without sufficient evidence. At that time, Wushuang. The reputation of the company is waiting to be stinking.” Qin Zhong said lightly.

Nolan sighed, Qin Zhong told the truth.

If this matter is spread out, it will not do any good to Wushuang.

But the current situation really made Nolan a little helpless.

“Then Qin Zhong, how do you plan to solve it? There are four parts in the “Screaming Scream” series. They only copied the first part in 08, and they will definitely continue to copy the next few parts in the future. Are they going to be suppressed by them all the time? What?” Nolan asked.

“Of course not, Disney’s good days are coming to an end.” Qin Zhong sneered.

Regarding how to deal with Disney, Qin Zhong had already figured out a countermeasure.

They just need to keep “Screaming and Scream” continuing to shoot. The same script, Disney changed a little, thought it was theirs?

That would be too naive.

“Qin Zhong, what do you want to do? Do you want to let them go all the time?” Nolan asked.

“Of course not, you just need to hurry up and shoot the second part, don’t worry about other things.” Qin Zhong waved his hand.

Now Nolan’s task is to shoot the second part of “Screaming”. As for the achievements of Disney’s plagiarized “Screaming Game”, Qin Zhong didn’t bother to care about it.

Nolan nodded. Qin Zhong’s words are all about it, and there is no need for him to let Qin Zhong explain.

Then do what Qin Zhong said first, and shoot the second part of “Screaming” first.

Soon “Scream” has been in theaters for a month, and “Scream” can also be watched on the online video site.

The same goes for Disney’s “Screaming Game.”

Those who watch the movie can naturally see that the plots of the two movies are basically the same.

It may even be adapted from the same story.

As a result, there are a lot of comments on the Internet, all speculating about these two movies, or one of them is plagiarized by the other. Either Wushuang Company negotiated with Disney and changed it with the same script and turned it into two movies.

In any case, the two movies are similar in content, and there are many speculations from the audience.

There are also many posts on the Internet, which are full of various conspiracy theories.

Those posts Qin Zhong have heard a little bit, but they just don’t care about it just by looking at them and smiling.

Many people can perceive Disney’s approach.

It’s just that Disney dare not admit it.

The second part of “Scream” has entered the final stage of filming.

The filming of “Chain Saw 4” is also almost finished.

If nothing else, just let the two movies show together.

How did Qin Zhong plan? After the two movies are released, I will talk about other things.

The Disney Company, following the example of Wushuang Company, is also working on the second filming of “Scream Game.”

As for how they filmed, Qin Zhong was not in the mood to take care of it.

Qin Zhong just wants to finish the filming of the film that needs to be made as soon as possible.

After the shooting of the second part of “Screaming”, it also began to be released.

This time, Disney chose to release “Scream Game” together with “Scream”, and I don’t know what Disney thinks.

Is it necessary to make people feel that they are shooting the same story with the script?

Qin Zhong feels that he should talk to the president of Disney.

It may be difficult for others to find the phone number of the president of Disney, but for Wushuang, it is very simple.

At this time, Qin Zhong was talking to the president of Disney.

“I am Qin Zhong.”

After the call was connected, Qin Zhong said coldly.

“Oh, I know you, what do you want me to do?”

The president of Disney asked after hearing what Qin Zhong said.

“Hehe, can’t I call you if I’m okay?” Qin Zhong asked rhetorically.

“Of course you can. After all, we are both film and television companies. We can discuss anything if we have anything. But I am very busy now. If there is nothing important, then hang up the phone first.” Disney’s president said coldly.

Qin Zhong’s attitude towards him is not very good, and his attitude towards Qin Zhong is not friendly either.

Although the two had not had many conversations before, they had a lot of hatred at all.

The interest entanglement between the two companies cannot be explained in a single sentence.

“Oh? I really have something to tell you.” Qin Zhong said.

“Then you just say it.”

“I want to ask, why is your company’s “Scream Game” so similar in content to our company’s “Scream”?” Qin Zhong asked.

Even if Disney stole Qin Zhong’s script, Qin Zhong knew about it for a long time, but it was the first time that he had told Disney about it.

After hearing what Qin Zhong said, the president of Disney appeared very angry.

Angrily said to Qin Zhong: “How do I know? You ask me, who do I ask? In fact, I always felt that you arranged spies in our company to steal our scripts, but I haven’t talked to you yet, you Call me first.”

“Ha ha.”

Qin Zhong sneered, “You are really shameless. You know how you got your script. I didn’t call you to fight with you. You wait for me and dare to steal. My company’s script is good-looking for you. I want to keep shooting this movie, right? Well, I will let you do it and see what kind of waves you can make.”

“I don’t understand what you are talking about. If you are still talking nonsense, be careful that I find a lawyer to sue you!”

Of course, the president of the Disney Company did not dare to admit that he had stolen Qin Zhong’s script on the phone. He was afraid that Qin Zhong would record the story on the phone and expose the matter.

Qin Zhong just hung up the phone no matter what he thought.

This damn guy is really hard-mouthed.

But he thought that with a slight change in the script, he would be able to shoot as usual?

There are many hidden lines in “Screaming”, and he probably doesn’t know it. .

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