Chapter 315

After Qin Zhong made the food in the kitchen, after eating with Monica, he washed and rested early.

Tomorrow I have to talk to that fellow Nolan about the movie.

The next day, Qin Zhong got up early and drove to the company.

Nolan will also come before noon. Qin Zhong will organize the script and figure out how to introduce the content to Nolan.

After Qin Zhong came to the company, when he opened the office door, he felt something was wrong.

The door of his room seemed to have been opened.

Not everyone can come in Qin Zhong’s office casually. Even Qin Zhong’s assistants don’t dare to enter Qin Zhong’s office rashly when Qin Zhong is away.

After all, many of Qin Zhong’s documents and scripts are kept in the office, and these are all valuable things.

But after Qin Zhong arrived, he obviously felt that the door was opened by someone. Could it be that his assistant opened the door?

Be aware that the door of Qin Zhong’s office will be locked after Qin Zhong leaves. No one except Qin Zhong has the key to the door.

Qin Zhong had a bad feeling and went in quickly.

Sure enough, after seeing what was on the desk, Qin Zhong felt cold.

There was a mess on his desk. The documents and A4 papers on the desk were thrown in a mess, and many of them fell to the ground.

Needless to say, Qin Zhong’s office was stolen.

Qin Zhong hurried to check the contents of the drawer. There were not only Qin Zhong’s scripts but also contracts with many actors.

“What about the screaming script?”

After Qin Zhong looked through the drawer, he found that none of the previously used scripts had been lost, including the scripts that had not been filmed in “Chain Saw”, and they were still in the drawer.

But there are four scripts in the “Screaming Scream” series, all of which are gone!

“Depend on!”

Qin Zhong cursed, and immediately called his assistants.

“What are you all doing? I was robbed in my office, and the script was stolen!” Qin Zhong shouted over the phone.


The script is the most important thing for a film and television company. When he heard that Qin Zhong’s script had been stolen, his assistant was shocked: “Boss, wait a minute, I’ll be there. You call the police first, and let the police quickly. Let’s deal with it, and don’t touch your office indiscriminately, so as not to damage your fingerprints.”

“Do you still use it? Come here!”

Qin Zhong threw the phone aside, even if he wanted to check the drawer again, but in order not to damage the scene, Qin Zhong had to leave the office and wait for the police to come.

In this office of Qin Zhong, surveillance could have been installed.

But when he thought that there were surveillance in the corridor and outside the door, there was no need to install another one in the office, so Qin Zhong didn’t take care of it.

However, something happened in the office today.

The law and order of Hollywood is one of the best cities in country M. The police rushed to Qin Zhong immediately after receiving the call from Qin Zhong.

After all, Qin Zhong’s company is the number one big company in the Hollywood platoon. If the thieves are not dealt with properly, it will even affect the reputation of their police station.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, were you the first to enter the office in the morning?”

In front of Qin Zhong’s office, there were more than a dozen policemen. The superintendent in charge of this matter asked Qin Zhong.

“It should be. I found that the office is like this after I came in.” Qin Zhong said helplessly.

“Well, wait a moment, fingerprints are being collected inside,” the superintendent said.

Qin Zhong was anxious at this time, but he had to wait slowly.

The policeman who collected fingerprints soon came out and shook his head at the Superintendent: “The fingerprints inside are basically all of Mr. Qin Zhong. No fingerprints of the thief were found. He should be wearing gloves when committing the crime.”

“What about the surveillance in the company?”

“The monitor was cut off at eleven o’clock last night, and it hasn’t been connected yet at this time,” the policeman said.

Qin Zhong sighed, it seemed that the thief had come prepared.

“Can I go in and take a look at the office now?” Qin Zhong asked.


Anyway, no fingerprints can be found inside, so it doesn’t matter if Qin Zhong enters.

After Qin Zhong went in and checked the drawers again, he was completely convinced that only the script of “Screaming and Screaming” was missing.

And his safe has not been opened, and the contracts with the actors in it are still there.

Qin Zhong regretted not locking the script of “Scream” in the safe.

“Who planned the stealing of the script? If ordinary people come into my office to steal, they must take money. But there is no money in my office…”

Qin Zhong thought for a long time, and felt that other film and television companies were most likely to hire someone to steal the script.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, our police department will continue to investigate this matter. Please don’t be too nervous. Your company only lost the script, right?” the superintendent asked Qin Zhong.

“Yes, but that script is also more important to me.” Qin Zhong said.

The superintendent shook his head and said: “Mr. Qin Zhong, if your company loses cash or other financial affairs, our police station will definitely do our best to help you investigate. But you can’t prove how valuable the script is, so you can only I can continue to help pay attention to this matter…”

The superintendent meant that what Qin Zhong lost was the script and could not prove the value of the script, so he could only help Qin Zhong set up a case first.

As for wanting their police station to expend great efforts to help Qin Zhong arrest people, it is a bit unrealistic, after all, their police station is also busy every day.

Qin Zhong sighed, what the Superintendent said sounds like the same thing.

“Well, I will trouble you.” Qin Zhong smiled bitterly.

Qin Zhong is not an unreasonable person. People say that. You can’t pester them to let the police investigate.

This time, Qin Zhong was planted.

“Then we will evacuate first. If you find any new clues, please feel free to contact us.” said the superintendent.

“Okay, trouble you guys.” Qin Zhong said.

The superintendent waved his hand, and the policemen who followed all left here.

At this time, only Qin Zhong and his assistants were left.

“Boss, I’m so sorry…”

These assistants are responsible for protecting Qin Zhong’s property.

But what happened today was something they didn’t think of.

Who can think about the company’s scripts being stolen?

“Forget it, I can’t blame you all.” Qin Zhong shook his head.

Those who came to steal the script came prepared. After Qin Zhong calmed down, he knew that his assistant could not be blamed.

However, Qin Zhong wanted to see what the person who stole the script could do after taking the script.

Do you really dare to shoot? To let Qin Zhong know which company dared to steal his script, Qin Zhong will definitely make them regret what they did. .

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