Chapter 313

Monica’s pregnancy had no effect on Qin Zhong.

On the contrary, if the media say anything nonsense, Qin Zhong will definitely not let them go.

“Well, you should take a good rest now, and I will find a nanny for you tomorrow.” Qin Zhong said.

Monica is pregnant for the first time. If there is an accident caused by carelessness in life, this is something Qin Zhong doesn’t want to see.

Monica didn’t say anything, smiled and went back to the room to rest.

After this matter was told to Qin Zhong, Qin Zhong’s attitude made Monica feel particularly satisfied.

Qin Zhong now wants money and money, and looks good, but in terms of relationships, Qin Zhong has always been very serious. Such a good man is definitely hard to find a second person in the world.

On the second day, Qin Zhong contacted one of the best nanny companies in Hollywood and hired eight nanny for Monica to take care of her daily life.

In terms of number of people, Qin Zhong doesn’t feel much, as long as Monica can live a good life, this is nothing.

The news of Monica’s pregnancy was soon known by other media.

There is no impermeable wall in the world. Qin Zhong found eight babysitters in the babysitter company. She is a fool and can guess that something is wrong with Monica.

This incident immediately became the big news in Hollywood. After all, for them, Qin Zhong is one of the most beautiful characters in Hollywood.

Even if Qin Zhong’s daily life is relatively careful, these news companies still want to find some lace news about Qin Zhong.

Now that Qin Zhong’s girlfriend Monica is pregnant, these news companies have begun to hype.

After all, Qin Zhong and Monica are neither engaged nor married, and seeing Qin Zhong look like this, she wants Monica to give birth to the child.

For news companies, as long as the news that can make money for them is good news, no matter the seriousness of the matter.

In the newspapers and on the Internet, there are news about Monica and Qin Zhong.

But Qin Zhong doesn’t care about this matter at all. As long as they don’t arrange Monica indiscriminately, then for Qin Zhong, the news is useless.

In this way, the news of Qin Zhong and Monica did not cause any trouble.

And those friends of Qin Zhong sent blessings after learning about it.

They know Qin Zhong’s character, and there are countless female stars who want to hook up with Qin Zhong.

But Qin Zhong doesn’t care about them at all.

Since Qin Zhong debuted, there hasn’t been any scandal at all.

The relationship between Monica and Qin Zhong is not a scandal, and the two are obviously in love.

Monica is now recuperating at home every day, completely becoming a Mrs. Kuo, and eight babysitters waiting for her.

Qin Zhong continued to shoot the movie as usual.

Qin Zhong wanted to shoot this series of Chainsaw Horror in one breath.

When the filming of “Chain Saw” is finished, Qin Zhong still has a new type of film to be shot.

When “Savage Story” opened up this innovative market, there were too many scripts in the Qin Zhong system.

“Chain Saw 3” has already started the filming plan, but this time Qin Zhong did not participate in the filming of the film.

I can safely leave it to Stan Lee to shoot. Qin Zhong is in his office at this time.

At the table, there is a stack of new scripts.


This movie is the same series of movies as “Chain Saw”, but in this movie, the plot reversal is no worse than “Chain Saw”.

In terms of the plot, Qin Zhong feels that “Scream of Fright” is more brain-burning than “Fright of Chainsaw”.

“Just let Stan Lee shoot “Saw Scream”. I want to shoot “Scream Scream”.” Qin Zhong said, touching his chin.

At this time, Qin Zhong has nothing else to do. Stan Lee is interested in the film series “Chain Saw”, so let him film it.

Qin Zhong has nothing else to do, and doesn’t want to be idle.

The movies filmed by Marvel have nothing to do with Qin Zhong for the time being.

To see the progress of Marvel, it will take a long time to shoot “Spider-Man 3”.

The TV series “Game of Thrones” has only been filmed for two seasons, and the third season is not in a hurry.

As long as Qin Zhong’s income from this TV series is not much and it takes a lot of time, the money earned in the end is not as good as the box office of a movie.

“Game of Thrones” can be put aside for now.

“I can play a character in “Scream and Scream”, and it doesn’t matter if I get a box lunch, but for the subsequent sequels, I may not have time to guide, I can only find another capable director.”

Qin Zhong muttered while looking at the script in front of him.

There are eight scripts in “Chain Saw”, and eight can be filmed.

“Scream” has four scripts and can be filmed in four, but if the results are very good, Qin Zhong can completely innovate the next few according to his own understanding.

With Qin Zhong’s current strength, it is entirely possible to write new scripts.

But when looking for directors, Qin Zhong still likes directors who are capable.

After thinking about it for a long time, Qin Zhong thought of someone.

Nolan, this guy, don’t know what he’s up to now.

Since the filming of “Inception”, Qin Zhong has not been in contact with Nolan much.

Nor did he see his movie being released.

According to Qin Zhong’s idea, the films in the “Screaming Scream” series are very suitable for Nolan’s style.

The director of this film, Qin Zhong wants Nolan to serve.

Qin Zhong still had Nolan’s cell phone number, so he called Nolan.

“Hello, Qin Zhong?”

After Nolan received Qin Zhong’s call, her tone was a little excited: “I guess you must have something to do with me, do you want me to be a director or something?”

“Yes, your sixth sense is very accurate.” Qin Zhong smiled.

“Haha, I watched the “Chain Saw” you shot. The first and second parts are very good-looking. Are you still shooting a sequel right now?” Nolan asked.

“Yes, just started shooting.” Qin Zhong said.

“Oh, you definitely want me to be the director of this series. After all, the guy Stan Lee, maybe going to work on Marvel.” Nolan said.

“I think you have misunderstood. Stan Lee has time to shoot the “Chain Saw” series of movies. I asked you that there is a new series of movies that needs to be directed. Are you free?” Qin Zhong asked.

“If you are free, you are free. What kind of new movie series do you plan to shoot? Is it the same type as “Chain Saw”?” Nolan asked.

“Well, it’s almost the same, where are you now? It’s best to come to my company as soon as possible to read the script.” Qin Zhong said. .

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