Chapter 311

Thinking of this, Qin Zhong couldn’t sit still, and told his assistants about this idea and asked them to write a job notice.

Qin Zhong considered for a long time when setting up a game company and adding a game copyright department in Wushuang Company.

In the end, it was decided not to form a game company, but to add another department based on the original Wushuang company.

However, the establishment of the department still lacks talents who can make games. People Qin Zhong does not know about this, can only see what his assistants can do.

As long as the people who come to Qin Zhong have the ability to make games, there is no problem with how much Qin Zhong pays him.

When Wushuang recruited game producers, other film and television companies also got news.

At least they have been staring at the Qin Zhong company, and why Qin Zhong recruits game production talents, they probably also thought about it.

During this time, didn’t Qin Zhong want to sell the game copyright of “Resident Evil”?

Maybe it’s because I can’t sell it, and I want to find someone to make it by myself.

This may be a good thing for them.

When Qin Zhong puts all its energy on the development of the game, it will naturally fall in the film production.

You say you are a good film and television company, what do you learn to make games?

After seeing Qin Zhong’s actions, people in these companies couldn’t help but laugh at Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong is doing two things with one heart, and sooner or later he will regret his actions.

Qin Zhong’s recruitment of game producers has naturally attracted many talents in this area.

At this time, Wushuang was one of the top six companies in Hollywood, and its financial capability was no worse than those large game production companies.

When recruiting game production staff, naturally someone came to Qin Zhong’s company for an interview.

In any case, this is a good opportunity.

At least their income can be guaranteed, but Qin Zhong is known for being generous in the entertainment industry.

There are constantly talents from game production joining Qin Zhong’s company, and Qin Zhong is also very happy.

If this continues, not only the “Resident Evil” series of movies can be made into games.

“Chain Saw” can also be adapted into a game. The important thing is how those who can make games design the plot.

When Qin Zhong recruited game producers, “Saw Cry” also began to be released.

Before Bi Jiong, Qin Zhong released a trailer for Jack Nicholson. They all thought that Jack Nicholson was an important role in the movie.

But when they came to the cinema to watch the movie, it had been twenty minutes without seeing Jack Nicholson showing up.

Instead, it is the roles played by Norton and Pete, trapped in a warehouse.

By the way, there is still a dead body lying on the ground, which can be ignored.

The plot of “Chain Saw” is very compact, they are completely attracted by the plot inside, and soon forgot about Jack Nicholson.

“Oh my God, you saw off your leg!”

Seeing Lawrence, played by Pete, saw off one of his legs, which inevitably made people feel bitter.

In the development of the plot, it is no longer Lawrence who saw off his legs because of anger and impatience.

But after serious thinking, he decided to saw off one of his legs, and go to his wife and daughter after getting out of trouble.

The plot design at this point is inevitably moving.

Just after the audience thought that the movie was about to end, they turned around, and the dead body lying on the ground actually stood up.

That’s right, this is the Jack Nicholson they’ve been waiting for, the jigsaw in the movie.

From the beginning of the movie to the present, they have ignored the corpse.

At the time, it gave them the feeling that this was just a person who committed suicide with a pistol.

Never thought that the jigsaw, as the protagonist, would actually act as a dead body, lying here listening to the conversation between Pete and Norton.

When Jack Nicholson went out and said that the game was over, the audience felt like a dream.

From the beginning, they seemed to have been cheated.

Qin Zhong, a cunning guy, gave them hints in the trailer that he thought Jack Nicholson would have other roles.

But after the movie was over, they discovered that they had been trapped in their own thoughts throughout the movie.

And this is all caused by Qin Zhong.

After the first part of “Chain Saw” was played, the audience left the set reluctantly.

They feel that this movie is wonderful to say, at least it attracted them in the plot.

0 ········Find flowers···

But the final ending made them very upset. Is this a movie where the villain triumphs?

After the premiere of “Chain Saw” that day, the ratings and response on the Internet were not bad.

Even if someone is unhappy with the final ending, but I feel that Qin Zhong may shoot a sequel, so I can only say something good, lest Qin Zhong cancel the sequel plan.

In terms of performance, “Saw Cry” is certainly not as good as “Resident Evil 4”, after all, the Resident Evil series of movies have been precipitated for a long time.

But the best thing about “Chain Saw” is the reversal of the ending.

Plots that have not been used by others are good plots, and “Chain Saw” has completely achieved this.

… … …….

The small warehouse, the compact plot, and the superb acting skills of the actors have made the reputation of “Chain Saw” explode.

Not as good as “Resident Evil 4”, but still trying to catch up.

For Qin Zhong, the first part of “Chain Saw” is definitely not as good as the subsequent ones in terms of plot.

The first part is entirely to pave the way for the role of jigsaw.

In the entire series of movies, the whole villain of Jigsaw is the protagonist.

The next few films will show more humanity, and the quality will be much better than the first one.

But in any case, Qin Zhong is more satisfied with the results of “Chain Saw”.

The success of “Chain Saw” has made many film companies scramble to imitate.

“Chain Saw” is a small cost movie, yes.

They also saw the success of this movie. In addition to the better selection of actors, the plot is also good.

Other film companies can also hire actors and write scripts at this level, or they can make a fortune in the film market.

There are many film companies that have this idea. This kind of secret room type of film requires less investment and shoots quickly. Once it is shown in the cinema, it is time to make money.

Little investment is not afraid of losing money at all. You must know that the box office of “Chain Saw” is very close to “Resident Evil 4”.

If they shoot at this level, they will never make less money.

The success of “Chain Saw” has made Hollywood and other large companies like Disney feel the crisis. Ding.

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