Chapter 308


Jack Nicholson was dumbfounded on the spot.

What are you doing?

Jack Nicholson came to Hollywood this time with his assistant and bodyguard.

But this morning, Qin Zhong called in a hurry, and Jack Nicholson went straight downstairs and didn’t care about other things.

He planned to contact his assistants and bodyguards again after coming to the set.

But who knows, something like this happened in front of me.

Was he kidnapped?

“What are you doing? Hurry up and let Qin Zhong come out to see me, I don’t have time to joke with you.”

Jack Nicholson touched his phone in his pocket while talking.

But this touch made Jack Nicholson’s heart cool.

His cell phone and wallet are all gone.


Jack Nicholson swears.

The things in front of him made Jack Nicholson a little lost, who had always been calm.

Even though he is now in his sixties, it is the first time he has experienced kidnapping.

What did the person in front of me say? Your enemy in Los Angeles?

Jack Nicholson did offend many people in Los Angeles. Perhaps the assistant of Qin Zhong in front of him was bought by his enemies.

Do everything possible to kidnap yourself and retaliate.

“Mr. Jack, we collected the money, and your enemy asked us to cut off your tongue.”

The assistant fetched a dagger from his waist and leaned into Jack Nicholson’s car.

Jack Nicholson pulled the car door desperately, not wanting the assistant to come in.

The masked people around also began to approach the car.

Jack Nicholson was so scared that his face paled, what happened before him was not making a movie.

Maybe these people would really cut off his tongue.

“I advise you to open the door honestly, so that you will suffer less skin and flesh.” The assistant grinned.

“No, no, no! How much is my enemy giving you? I can give you double!” Jack Nicholson shouted.

The assistant shrugged and said to Jack Nicholson: “It’s not about money, but about being honest.”

“Why do you talk so much nonsense to him? I’ll just smash the car window with one shot, and you get out of it a little bit.”

A masked man said with a pistol.

Seeing the muzzle of the black hole pointed at the car window, the opponent might shoot in the next second, and Jack Nicholson closed his eyes.

Forget it, this time I think I have poured the blood mold.

However, in the next second, Qin Zhong’s voice sounded.

“Okay, stop making trouble.”

With a bang, all the lights in the underground garage were turned on.

Qin Zhong and Yigan’s staff were sitting not far from Jack Nicholson.

Qin Zhong came over with a smile, knocked on the car window, and said to Jack Nicholson, “Don’t be afraid, just kidding you.”

“Just kidding? Well, this joke is really interesting.”

Until now, Jack Nicholson was still heart pounding with fright.

“Haha, shooting this movie requires you to enter a state, I believe you have entered a state.” Qin Zhong smiled.

“Damn it, okay, I’m in a state.”

Jack Nicholson said weakly.

After being engaged by Qin Zhong, Jack Nicholson felt that he would not have much energy today.

“Don’t be angry, my friend, I will protect your safety when I come to Hollywood.” Qin Zhong rubbed his nose.

Jack Nicholson opened the door, walked out of the car, photographed Qin Zhong’s shoulder, and said: “Next time you make such a joke, I suggest you say hello to me first. I’m an elderly person, just in case. What’s wrong with the heart…”

“Hey, this is because I did something wrong.” Qin Zhong smiled dryly: “But my assistant can take a picture of you just now. I want to treat this plot as a promotional film.”

“Promotional video?”

Jack Nicholson really wanted to give Qin Zhong a kick.

“Well, then follow yours.” Jack Nicholson said helplessly.

He really convinced Qin Zhong, and there is nothing to do.

If you think about what happened just now, there are many loopholes.

But Jack Nicholson was easily fooled.

Jack Nicholson felt that something was wrong the more he thought about it, so he asked Qin Zhong: “It makes sense for me to sleep in the car. After all, older people still tend to get sleepy after getting up in the morning. But after I came here, , Why did you get fooled easily?”

Being kidnapped by Qin Zhong’s assistant, Jack Nicholson feels bloody when he thinks about it.

Imagine the expression of the assistant just now. It was too exaggerated. It was a performance at first glance.

But Jack Nicholson just believed it.

What is the reason for this?

Jack Nicholson felt that Qin Zhong must be a ghost.

“Hue, lighting, and hints of the color of the clothes.” Qin Zhong said.

“Haha, Jack, I didn’t expect that you, the actor, would not even be able to see an assistant of Qin Zhong performing.”

Stan Lee couldn’t help but joked.

Jack Nicholson didn’t care what Stan Lee was saying. He was attracted by what Qin Zhong said just now.

Hues, lighting, and hints of clothing colors?

Jack Nicholson heard this statement for the first time.

Qin Zhong discovered one of the interesting things while researching the script.

That is the script, emphasized the intensity and color of the light several times.

Qin Zhong thought it was to allow people to see the face clearly and to set off the atmosphere.

But Qin Zhong couldn’t help but check the books on psychology. These colors can actually give people a kind of psychological hint.

Different lights give people different psychology on time.

For example, in the original version of “Chain Saw”, there were dim lights, dark green lights, and so on.

They all rely on lights to give the audience some psychological hints.

After consideration, Qin Zhong plans to play with such a psychological suggestion to conduct an experiment.

The subject of the final experiment, after deliberation, is more appropriate for Jack Nicholson.

It turns out that Qin Zhong was right, and the experiment was a success.

But Jack Nicholson was suffering. He was so frightened by Qin Zhong’s assistant. If it spreads out, I am afraid that Jack Nicholson will lose his reputation.

“You kid!”

After listening to Qin Zhong’s explanation, Jack Nicholson couldn’t help but punch Qin Zhong on the shoulder.

“Haha, don’t see, I think you are now in the shooting state. Come on, show your anger in your eyes, now we start shooting!” Qin Zhong said loudly. .

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