Chapter 305

At this point, after the production of “Savage Story” is completed, it will be released in one week.

Before the movie was released, the audience who was looking forward to the movie had a lot of guesses about the content.

After waiting so long, “Barbarian Story” is finally about to be released.

There are also many company films that were released at the same time as “Savage Tale”.

If Qin Zhong produces movies in the “Resident Evil” series or Marvel series, other film companies may avoid Qin Zhong’s limelight.

But the movie Qin Zhong brought this time made Qin Zhong feel absurd.

Do they need to avoid the edge of such a movie?

Even Disney, the movie released this time, is not a big production.

The title is “Ice and Snow Princess”, an inspirational comedy about the dream of a figure skating champion.

There is no shortage of movies in Disney’s hands. Their company doesn’t know how many commercial movies they want to shoot each year.

Any script that can be enjoyed by Disney will eventually be filmed.

Ten movies can earn two, so for the Disney company, they are all earning.

This “Frozen Princess” made Disney think that it would be fine to release it together with Qin Zhong’s “Savage Story”.

Warner Pictures and Paramount, which was defeated by Qin Zhong, also let their companies release movies.

333  After all, I don’t care about Qin Zhong’s movies, so it’s enough to just take out a movie and release it.

Of course, Qin Zhong also learned the news, and his assistants are not idle.

I understood the intentions of these companies that day, but I wanted to take advantage of Qin Zhong’s failure to produce a good movie and take the opportunity to influence Qin Zhong’s box office.

“Boss, these companies are too much. When our company’s good movies were released before, they were afraid to release them at the same time as us. This time I saw “The Barbarians” is a low-cost movie, and I wanted to head-on with us. “The assistant whispered to Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong raised his eyebrows: “What did you just say?”

“I mean when our company’s previous good movies were released…”

“Stop it, you mean “Barbarian Story” is not a good movie?” Qin Zhong asked rhetorically.


After Qin Zhong said this, the assistant realized that he had said something wrong and quickly apologized to Qin Zhong.

He didn’t want to lose his job because of this sentence.

“Okay, it’s okay.”

Qin Zhong waved his hand, he didn’t bother to care about this assistant.

“Although the investment in “Savage Story” is relatively small, there is absolutely no problem in quality. You just wait and see, these film companies will definitely cry.” Qin Zhong laughed.

Soon, “Savage Story” was released in cinemas.

There are basically no major IP movies released this month, and all those appearing in theaters are commercial movies.

Qin Zhong’s “Savage Story” was not very satisfied with Qin Zhong at the box office on the day it was released.

After all, Qin Zhong’s previous movies had very popular results.

Before the release of “Savage Story”, although there was publicity, the content still puzzled the audience.

When it premiered that day, there were not many audiences who came to watch this movie exclusively.

At least compared with the movie box office of companies such as Disney, Warner, and Paramount, the box office of “Savage Story” on that day can only be regarded as moderate.

When “Savage Story” came out at the box office, those companies that saw Qin Zhong’s dislikes were all laughed out of their teeth.

Maybe you should ask Qin Zhong, how it feels to be under the influence of multiple companies at the movie box office.

But the box office of the next two days left them speechless.

The audience who watched “Savage Story” at that time blew up the movie after returning.

They just thought that maybe the content of the movie was just a fantasy of a madman, so it was called “Savage Story”.

But after they saw the content of the movie, they knew why the movie took such a name.

The plot looks absurd, but it feels consistent with common sense.

In this movie, the transformation of human nature is the highlight. In other movies, these audiences may not have seen or paid attention to the transformation of human nature.

But in this movie, the transformation of human nature is the theme and the key to this movie, which can be more noticed by the audience.

There is no too gorgeous special effects, and there is not too much language. This movie feels like a good movie!

In a week’s time, the box office of “Savage Story” has continued to increase.

The content is impeccable, and the score on the Internet is even as high as points.

And the Disney company, which laughed at this movie before, their “Snow Princess” was completely forgotten because of this “Savage Story”.

“Qin Zhong, congratulations on the success of this movie.”

Stan Lee called Qin Zhong and said hi to Qin Zhong.

Stan Lee is probably one of the people who care about Qin Zhong most in Hollywood. Qin Zhong can be successful in this movie, so he will be at ease in future innovations.

“Thank you, I just said this movie will make the audience like it.” Qin Zhong laughed.

“Hey, what kind of movies do you plan to shoot in the future, any ideas?” Stan Lee asked.

In Stan Lee’s view, it is very interesting to find out what kind of movies Qin Zhong made.

“Of course I think about it, I want to shoot a series of thrillers.” Qin Zhong said.

“Thriller?” Stan Lee said to Qin Zhong, touching his beard, “It is understandable to shoot thriller movies. Do you want to create a new series of movies?”

“Yes.” Qin Zhong said.

The movie “Resident Evil” can be said to be a sci-fi type, or it can be said to be a thriller type.

But the series of movies that Qin Zhong wants to shoot is a pure horror type.

The movie “Savage Story” allowed Qin Zhong to see an innovative market.

What Qin Zhong wants to shoot next is the “Chain Saw” series.

This movie is only an R-rated movie on the surface, but this movie also has its unique core.

Otherwise, only relying on the bloody lens inside, this series of movies will not keep shooting so many movies.

The movie that Qin Zhong wants to shoot after “The Barbarians” is the “Chain Saw” series.

“Are you free now? Come to my company, I want to discuss with you about the new movie.” Qin Zhong said.

“Of course I’m free, I’ll go now. But after discussing it, didn’t it follow your idea in the end?”

Stan Lee laughed and hung up.

Qin Zhong put down his phone, bought all the scripts of the entire series of “Chain Saw” in the system interface, and then copied the first one, and waited for Stan Lee to come. .

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