Chapter 296

In the end, Qin Zhong gritted his teeth and called Qin Lin of Tomorrow Publishing House.

“Hello, is that Mr. Qin Zhong?”

Qin Lin looked very surprised after receiving Qin Zhong’s call.

Since the publication of “Tomb Raiders Notes”, their publishing house has rarely contacted Qin Zhong~ except for the issue of manuscript fees.

And the person who contacted Qin Zhong was not Qin Lin.

This time Qin Zhong called him, not knowing what he had to say.

“Editor-in-chief Qin Lin, I am back in China and want to publish a novel.” Qin Zhong said.

“Is that so? Let’s do what we said before and give you 40% of the royalties.” Qin Lin said.

In the two books “A Song of Ice and Fire” and “Tomb Raiders Notes”, their publishing houses did not make less money.

Since Qin Zhong wants to publish a new book, continue to cooperate with their publishing house tomorrow, they still give Qin Zhong 40% royalties.

“It’s easy to talk about royalties, but there seem to be fewer books of my type,” Qin Zhong said.

“What type? Is it still suspenseful?”

When Qin Zhong said this, Qin Lin became interested.

When he saw “Tomb Raiders Notes”, Qin Lin thought it was a bad street theme.

But when I really read it, I discovered the wonderfulness of this book.

Qin Zhong just said that his book is a genre with few subjects, I don’t know what it will look like.

Maybe they can sell well.

“Xianxia type book, do you know?” Qin Zhong asked.

“Xian Xia? This is a particularly unpopular type, and it’s not even as good as some martial arts type works.” Qin Lin said.

The audience of Xianxia novels in this world is indeed the same as Qin Lin said.

There is no audience for this theme, which is not known when it was developed.

You call it a martial arts, it is a bit more advanced than martial arts.

To say that it belongs to fantasy, it seems to be a bit worse than fantasy.

Therefore, the current fairy-xia novels are not popular at all.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, do you want to write works of the Xianxia type?” Qin Lin asked in surprise.

Qin Zhong’s decision really surprised Qin Lin.

This type, even if it is adapted, is very difficult.

Even if Qin Zhong has his special effects production company, if you want to shoot TV series or movies, it will cost a lot of money to produce special effects.

If it’s not so popular, wouldn’t it be a loss?

“Mr. Qin Zhong, although I don’t understand the movie market, I also think that if you want to adapt a fairy-style novel, it will be a little difficult,” Qin Lin persuaded.

“I don’t think so. The reason why the audience of those Xianxia’s works is small is because there are no outstanding works, and I am very satisfied with my own works.” Qin Zhong said.

“Then how many words Mr. Qin Zhong has written, can you show me first…” Qin Lin couldn’t help asking.

On the one hand, it is because Qin Lin is curious, and on the other hand, he wants to see what makes Qin Zhong so confident in his works.

“Well, I haven’t written yet…” Qin Zhong said embarrassedly.


Qin Lin feels embarrassed. Since Qin Zhong hasn’t written it yet, how can I know if the quality is good?

Qin Zhong didn’t write it, but at this time, Qin Zhong already had the original work of this book in his hands, just type it out on the computer slowly.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, are you kidding me?”

Having said so much, Qin Lin felt that Qin Zhong was teasing him.

“Why would I be joking with you? I’m serious, but it will take some time to write it all at once,” Qin Zhong said.

“How many words should I write?”

“One and a half million characters.” Qin Zhong said.

“That’s all a long story. It will take about half a year to finish writing all of them?” Qin Lin had a headache.

Even if Qin Zhong is writing while their publisher is publishing, it will take at least half a year to complete the publication.

It seems a bit strenuous.

“If Mr. Qin Zhong has time, he can indeed write slowly.” Qin Lin said.

“No, my time is very tight, I will finish writing as soon as possible.” Qin Zhong said.

Anyway, he already has the original novel in his hands, he just needs to follow the above content and continue to code words.

“Then Mr. Qin Zhong, what do you mean?”

“You must write it out before you talk about it, and then you can shoot TV dramas after the heat comes up. There is no need to let this book be written and then filmed.” Qin Zhong said.

After thinking about it, Qin Lin said to Qin Zhong: “In fact, it doesn’t take so much trouble. Mr. Qin Zhong should know about the novel website? You can update it on the Internet first. Regardless of your achievements on the website, our publishing house Will be published for you.”

0 ········Find flowers···

Qin Lin’s words are quite interesting, and Qin Zhong also feels that it will be fine to serialize on the novel website for a period of time.

“That’s OK, it’s just that I don’t usually read online novel websites. Do you have any websites you can recommend?” Qin Zhong asked.

Qin Lin thought for a while and said: “There is a Lvzhu Novel Network, which has a cooperative relationship with our publishing house, and has a certain share in our publishing house. Well, let me contact the editor-in-chief of this website. Update on the website, I will recommend you a place.”

Lvzhu Novel. Although it is not the largest website in China, it can also be ranked in the top five.

… .. …….

What Qin Lin said was to help Qin Zhong walk through the back door.

When encountering such a thing, Qin Zhong can only thank him.

“Wait a moment, I’ll tell the editor-in-chief of your website, let him contact you.” Qin Lin said.


Qin Zhong hangs up the phone and codewords on the computer first.

At Qin Zhong’s typing speed, he finished writing more than 10,000 words in just an hour.

At this time, Qin Zhong’s cell phone rang.

“Hello, is that Mr. Qin Zhong?”

There was a younger voice on the phone.

“I am Qin Zhong, hello.” Qin Zhong said.

“Hello, I’m the editor-in-chief of Lvzhu Novel. You just call me a small picture.” Xiaotu said.

This is of course not his real name, just a nickname on the Internet.

Qin Zhong has also heard that many authors and editors like to call each other by nicknames.

So I didn’t see anything outside, and said to the small picture: “Hello, did the editor-in-chief Qin Lin ask you to contact me?”

“Yes, editor-in-chief Qin Lin and I are very good friends. Although I knew that your book will be published in Tomorrow Publishing House before, I didn’t expect that I would have the opportunity to meet you.” Xiaotu said excitedly.

Qin Zhong is a first-line star at home and abroad, and he has seen Qin Zhong’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” and “Tomb Raiders Notes”.

In the eyes of Xiaotu, Qin Zhong is an idol-level person. In the conversation with Qin Zhong, Xiaotu is completely a fan. Ding.

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