Chapter 287

“I feel that Qin Zhong is right.”

“Aren’t you just a guy with no acting skills, don’t you feel wronged?”

“Haha, this idiot was beaten by the agent, so he laughed at me hahaha…”

“Those who have no acting skills have begun to perform White Lotus. Please continue your performance.”



Those fans who follow Luhan’s Weibo can’t help but gloat after seeing this news of Luhan.

Luhan still had some diehard fans, but their replies were soon overwhelmed by the replies of the black fans, leaving only the ridicule of the black fans.

Of course, Lu Han also saw the replies of these black fans, and was about to vomit blood on the spot.

He just wanted to use this Weibo to trick Qin Zhong, by the way, to get the sympathy of the netizens, and take the opportunity to let him rub the heat.

But who would have thought that netizens stood on Qin Zhong’s side one after another. Lu Han didn’t seem to get any benefits, but was constantly mocked.

Now Zi Luhan couldn’t stand it anymore, he hadn’t expected that things would develop to this extent.

“I don’t believe it anymore, they can all stand on Qin Zhong’s side!”

Lu Han himself wanted to delete those black fan comments. Once these things were done by his agent, but no matter how Lu Han deletes these comments, it feels like he can’t delete them all.

Whenever you delete the black fan comments on the hot comments, there will be new comments. Luhan really has no way to do it.

So Luhan had to change his strategy and put things in other areas.

Doesn’t it mean that everyone else is on Qin Zhong’s side?

Then make black material for Qin Zhong.

Although Luhan had not operated it before, he still knew how normal he was in the entertainment industry for so long.

Just find some media news and find a way to get the black material of Qin Zhong.

Lu Han still has some deposits on his body. At the very least, there is no pressure on Lu Han to find the money from Qin Zhong’s black material.

Soon, people kept coming to reveal Qin Zhong’s ill-informed information on Weibo.

There is everything about Qin Zhong, not only in entertainment, but also in life.

Although Qin Zhong and Monica announced their relationship, both of them were very low-key, and they didn’t want to rely on romance matters to get the heat.

But isn’t it possible that those media who want to black Qin Zhong, as long as it is news, they can always turn red into black.

They began to trouble Qin Zhong in this regard, such as how Qin Zhong threatened Monica to become his girlfriend.

And how did Qin Zhong get ambiguous with some female stars.

Created Qin Zhong into the image of a scumbag, and how Qin Zhong deducted the actors’ pay.

Even in the book “Grave Robber Notes”, the media said that Qin Zhong was obtained by plagiarism.

Anyway, as long as they can hack Qin Zhong, they will spare no effort to hack Qin Zhong.

Anyway, there is a Luhan who is willing to spend money. They only need to find out the news and publish it, and Luhan can give the money. What can’t be done?

Qin Zhong is still having a headache about “Tomb Notes”, but he did not expect that someone on the Internet has begun to hack him.

In the past two days, Lu Han was extremely happy. Not only did he spend money to find the media to hack Qin Zhong, he also spent money to find the navy.

After all, it’s a traffic star, it’s just a trivial thing to find a navy, it’s not a trouble.

Now all the negative news on the Internet is Qin Zhong’s negative news, which has had a bad influence on Qin Zhong’s casting of “Grave Notes”.

In the past two days, fewer actors came to interview.

It was mainly the negative news that Qin Zhong cut the actors’ pay, which had an impact on them.

They make movies to make money and make a name for themselves, but they don’t want to be a pauper because of Qin Zhong’s deduction of film remuneration.

Of course Qin Zhong knows how to hack him on the Internet, but Qin Zhong does not want to let things on the Internet affect his mood.

I thought that such a thing would pass sooner or later, as long as he didn’t delay his casting for “Tomb Notes”.

But the remarks on the Internet have seriously affected Qin Zhong, and Qin Zhong has to pay attention to it.

After Qin Zhong saw the comments on the Internet, he began to look for the source.

If he doesn’t believe that there is no reason, the media will hack him inexplicably.

There are always reasons for things, and Qin Zhong finally found these reasons.

After all, these black Qin Zhong media are to make money. When Qin Zhong took out more money, they did not hesitate to confess to the behind-the-scenes Lu Han 0 ……..

“You really can jump.”

Qin Zhong hung up the phone, he already knew the cause of the matter.

This kid thought that after leaving Qin Zhong, he would be honest for a while.

It may be that Luhan’s brokerage company is looking for reasons to sue Luhan, or for some reason, things have been delayed.

Anyway, Luhan is very idle now, and the idle starts to die.

“Do you really think you are a big star? Since it provokes me, then wait to die.” Qin Zhong sneered.

Others don’t know, but Qin Zhong knows that there are hidden cameras installed in his office.

The main thing is that there are many important documents in Qin Zhong’s office. Qin Zhong doesn’t want to come to the office one day and find that important things are missing in the office.

So few people know about hiding the camera.

But the incident that Lu Han and his agent came here that day was recorded by the camera, and the content was all in Qin Zhong’s computer.

In addition to the content of the phone conversation with that media, Qin Zhong has already recorded all of it. It is just a small problem to kill Lu Han.

“Bai Lili, do something for me.”

Qin Zhong called his assistant to the office. Bai Lili had been with Qin Zhong for so long, of course she knew how to do some things.

Lu Han dared to find someone to black the boss on the Internet, so he doesn’t have to mix in the entertainment circle.

After Bai Lili got the video and recording, she left Qin Zhong’s office.

Soon, the negative news about Qin Zhong on the Internet quickly disappeared.

At the same time, what Lu Han did in Qin Zhong’s office was also released by various news websites.

Bai Lili did not release the recordings made by Qin Zhong and the media.

Don’t let Qin Zhong show up again for this matter. Luhan is not worthy of the enthusiasm of Qin Zhong.

With this video as evidence, coupled with Lu Han’s remarks on his Weibo, Lu Han’s personal settings in the hearts of fans collapsed.

Even if Lu Han has almost no acting skills and can’t sing well, at any rate there is a “silly white sweet” person who is set up, even if it is of no use, there are still fans to maintain.

But the things he did in Qin Zhong’s office, and the reversal of black and white remarks on Weibo, refreshed his fans’ three views. .

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