Chapter 274

“Of course, after all, the total time is ten days. The box office of “Avengers” has always been suppressed by our company’s movies. I believe that after the end of the hit, their movie box office will not exceed the box office of “Transformation.” “King Kong”.”


In the face of reporters’ interviews, Paramount did the show.

After all, this is not the first time that Qin Zhong has been ridiculed. Before, they all knew that Qin Zhong didn’t like the box office of those movies that much.

When the president of Paramount ridiculed Qin Zhong, it felt like a punch on cotton.

But this time is different. Before the release of “Avengers”, Qin Zhong made clear his determination to fight Paramount.

But this time, Qin Zhong has already lost.

The content of Paramount’s interview was quickly publicized by the media.

They knew in the past that Paramount was looking at Qin Zhong’s company and they thought that after the release of “Avengers”, Qin Zhong would be ashamed, and they were all ready to watch the excitement. Feeling.

But this time, Qin Zhong still didn’t win, and was still behind Paramount.

Even some media who hate iron but not steel have begun to criticize Qin Zhong.

At this time in Qin Zhong’s office, Qin Zhong is reading today’s newspaper.

Then he crumpled the newspaper into a ball and threw it into the trash can.

“Qin Zhong, don’t pay attention to those media, when they regret it.” Monica persuaded.

Qin Zhong shrugged: “As the saying goes, everyone pushes the wall down. Of course, I didn’t care about what these media think. It’s just a bunch of stupid hats.”

Qin Zhong really didn’t care about what these media have to say.

Because Qin Zhong knew that Paramount relied on cheating to make the box office surpass the “Avengers”, but as time goes on, Qin Zhong will be able to find evidence of Paramount’s cheating sooner or later.

When Qin Zhong brought out the evidence, the media would naturally feel what it means to be slapped.

One month later, “Avengers” and “Transformers 2” are still in theaters.

The box office of “Transformers 2” only surpassed the “Avengers” by 10 million, but this matter also aroused the curiosity of many people.

Because this number is a bit too strange, every time the box office of “Avengers” exceeds that of “Transformers 2,” the box office of “Transformers 2” will miraculously leave “Avengers” behind. .

This situation is really weird, and some people even start to speculate that the box office of “Transformers 2” cheated.

Soon, a lot of speculation posts about this matter appeared on the Internet, and they were well-founded.

Of course, this situation has had a bad effect on Paramount, and even on Paramount’s official website, publicly discussing this matter, said that they did not cheat at the box office.

Those posts are slander, and even the person who writes the post should be held legally responsible.

But as time goes by, more and more people find that this matter is not that simple.

If the box office of “Transformers 2” is better than that of “Avengers”, it can be justified.

But the problem is that the box office is too strange.

Of course, Qin Zhong has seen those voices on the Internet. After a month, Qin Zhong has already found evidence of Paramount’s ticket fraud.

However, Qin Zhong’s own posting of this evidence on the Internet has an impact on Qin Zhong’s reputation.

So Qin Zhong asked the company’s people to give this evidence to many newspapers and media.

They are more suitable to report on this matter.

All newspapers and media in Hollywood received strong evidence that Paramount had swiped their votes one morning.

After receiving it, these newspapers and media all had their own ideas, and some did not want to be an enemy of Paramount, but only when it was useless to receive this evidence.

But more media will naturally not let this matter go.

This is big news. In order to suppress Qin Zhong’s company, Paramount did not hesitate to falsify the box office.

That night, many media began to report the matter publicly, and the matter became quite popular on the Internet.

“I really didn’t expect that Paramount, which has always been decent, would actually buy tickets for the movie. ¨!”

“If it is the usual ticket swiping, it may be forgiven, but the reason they swipe the ticket is to suppress Qin Zhong’s company. Why do they do this?”

“It’s too much, I think “Avengers” has completely exploded “Transformers 2″ in terms of quality. Why doesn’t it exceed the box office? It turns out that Paramount cheated!”

Faced with this incident, many people on the Internet have condemned Paramount.

After a little calculation, the real box office of Paramount’s “Transformers 2” is less than half of the original box office, let alone the “Avengers”.

No wonder this movie has been pressing on the head of “Avengers”.

After the incident spread, many reporters wanted to interview the president of Paramount, but people who always liked to be interviewed by reporters disappeared behind closed doors this time.

This is more like a manifestation of a guilty conscience. Both the Internet and the media are constantly criticizing Paramount.

Thinking of how Paramount’s president mocked Qin Zhong in front of the public before, the more I felt Paramount’s president Damn it.

“`” What the hell is going on? Why did we spread the ticket? You tell me! ”

The president of Paramount grabbed his assistant by the collar and shouted.

Originally, they did this thing seamlessly, even if someone suspected that they swiped the ticket, there was absolutely no evidence to find it.

But this time the incident was not only revealed, but the reputation of Paramount was also stinking!

“President, I don’t know… Why is the evidence known to others, I don’t know!”

The assistants are almost crying. This time the president is really angry (good enough). If all the mistakes are placed on his head, he will wait for it to be finished.

“Damn thing, get me tortured!”

Of course the president of Paramount knew that this damn assistant had nothing to do with this matter.

If Qin Zhong really wanted to check evidence, his assistant would be useless at all.

Things have reached this point, and they have no way to cheat, they can only admit it.

“It seems that I can only apologize first.”

The president of Paramount sighed. If he could admit his mistakes as soon as possible, he might be able to save some of his reputation.

Since Paramount’s evidence of ticket sales was made public, Paramount certainly did not dare to continue. The box office of “Avengers” soon surpassed that of “Transformers 2.”

The president of Paramount publicly apologized. He thought that this matter could be forgotten, but of course Qin Zhong was not happy. .

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