Chapter 252

There was a long silence in the conference room, and finally after a series of discussions, it was decided that Qin Zhong could be a shareholder.

But it cannot be as much as 60%, at most 45%.

But this can be regarded as the largest shareholder of Marvel.

“No problem, I will ask the finance side to pay Marvel’s money later. You can draw up the contract first.” Qin Zhong said with satisfaction.

The price offered by Marvel also made Qin Zhong very satisfied. There is no need to bargain with Marvel.

“Happy cooperation!”

“Happy cooperation!”

After Qin Zhong shook hands with the executives one after another, he left Marvel.

When Qin Zhong returned to the company, he saw the kid Norton waiting outside the office.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, the people in your company said that you have something to go out, so I have to wait outside the door.” Norton saw Qin Zhong coming, and hurried forward and said.

“Okay, come in.”

Qin Zhong opened the door of the office and walked in with Norton.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, this is my revised script. Do you see any dissatisfaction?”

Norton handed the script to Qin Zhong.

Norton has revised it for so long, and the content inside has been very perfect.

After reading it, Qin Zhong said to Norton: “No problem, this script can be filmed.”

“Who are you going to be responsible for? Are you personally supervising it?” Norton asked.

“Of course not, I am very busy.” Qin Zhong said.

Norton’s face couldn’t help showing disappointment.

“Although I didn’t direct it myself, I hope you will be responsible for this movie.” Qin Zhong smiled.

Now that he has decided to train Norton, how about giving him a sum of money to make a movie? Even if it loses, Qin Zhong can afford it.

However, Qin Zhong still believes in Norton’s talents, and the quality of this movie is not bad at least.

Hearing what Qin Zhong said, Norton opened his mouth wide and said in surprise: “Mr. Qin Zhong, are you serious?”

“Of course, I will be responsible for all the costs used in this movie. You can just shoot according to your own ideas.” Qin Zhong said.

In half a day, Qin Zhong not only discussed the shooting issue with Norton, but also drafted a contract with Norton.

Within a week, Qin Zhong settled the matter on Marvel’s side.

However, Marvel is not a big company at this time, and Qin Zhong’s acquisition of Marvel’s shares did not make a big splash.

After that, he began to bother with the special effects of “Inception” and “X-Men”.

Qin Zhong is now the largest shareholder of Marvel. The performance of “X-Men” has something to do with Qin Zhong. Therefore, Qin Zhong has taken great pains to produce special effects.

Five months later, these two films have all been completed.

Regarding the release date, Qin Zhong thinks it is best to let “X-Men” be released first, because the quality of “Inception” is too tough.

If “Inception” is released first, Qin Zhong is afraid that it will affect the box office of “X-Men”.

The release date has been arranged. The opponents of “X-Men” during the same period include “Reaper Is Coming”, “Mission Impossible 2”, “60 Seconds of Speed” and other movies.

In the face of these opponents, the box office of “X-Men” seemed unremarkable.

“Reaper is Coming” is a series of movies, and only the first one was released at this time, because it took a lot of publicity before it was released, and it turned out to be the number one at the box office.

“Mission Impossible 2” because of the quality of the first part, the second part has a good box office response.

“X-Men” even if Qin Zhong personally supervised the production of special effects, it was still left behind by these two films.

In the movies of the same period, the box office barely ranked third.

In this regard, Marvel did not say anything, “X-Men 1: Variant Special Attack” is only the first part of this series, the entire layout has not yet been developed, and it is good to be able to get third.

Qin Zhong can also accept the third result.

After all, when “X-Men” was filming, Qin Zhong did not participate, just participated in the production of special effects.

It’s all Marvel’s efforts to get the third place in the box office.

Qin Zhong still focused on “Inception”. When “X-Men 1: Variant Attack” was released, Qin Zhong began to let the company promote “Inception”.

When arranging the release date of Inception, Qin Zhong also paid attention to other movies.

The quality of the two films “Memory Fragment” and “Remains of a Deserted Island” is not bad, and the other films Qin Zhong is confident that it will not surpass “Inception”.

Especially “Shards of Memories”, in the previous life, has been reproduced more than once, and the content is also very brainstorming. ……..

“Shards of Memory” is a movie with memory as the theme, and “Inception” is a movie with dreams as the theme.

Many film critics and reporters noticed these two films before they were released.

The most important thing is that Nolan, the director, is involved in both films.

The film “Memory Fragment” was originally directed by Nolan, but Nolan had a conflict with the crew because of the script and only participated in the whole process for one week.

After that, Nolan found Qin Zhong with the script of “Inception” and became the director of the film.

Now that the two movies are released at the same time, Nolan is naturally pestered by a bunch of reporters all day.

“Director Nolan, may I ask the two films “Memory Fragment” and “Inception”, which one do you prefer?”

“It is said that you wrote the scripts of these two films. Which one do you think is more satisfactory to you?”


Nolan couldn’t help being angry when he was mentioned about the movie “Memory Fragment”.

At that time, it was the movie that he wanted to shoot, but the investor was not satisfied with the content and asked Nolan to rewrite the script.

Of course Nolan would not agree, and finally had to leave the crew. Nolan didn’t bother to take care of the adaptation of “Memories”.

“The movie hasn’t been released yet, and I don’t know which movie has a higher box office. But I think, compared from the producer, “Inception was more serious when shooting.” Nolan said 1.2.

The box office of these two films is definitely a good opportunity for Nolan to shame.

But Nolan answered this question fairly and did not damage the reputation of the producer of “Memories”.

This is true in real time, and Nolan is definitely more optimistic about Inception.

“Actually, you don’t need to always pester me. These two films will be released in less than a week, and they will speak with the results at that time.” Nolan waved his hand and said.

After all, “Inception” had a high score in Qin Zhong’s previous life, and Qin Zhong decided to make “Inception” a flagship movie for their company.

And released a reward, who can correctly interpret the ending of “Inception”, will have the opportunity to receive a reward of one million dollars, a limited time of one month. .

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